WHITBY'FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 19 80, PAGE 17 WIiltby theatre ends successful season By BERT HEA VER "Oh What A Loveiy War", a musical play about Worid War I, has just concluded and has signaiied the end of the one of the most suc- cessfui seasons in the history of the Whitby Theatre Company. As usual the Theatre Company's siate of plays for the past season offered the widest variety for its patrons. The season began with a heavy drama, "Night 0f The Iguana". This was followed by Neil Simon 's comedy, "The Good Doctor", and finaliy, "Oh What A Lovely War," which was a mixture of pathos, comedy and sad- ness. "The Good Doctor" was entered in the Centrai On- tarîo Drama Festival which is sponsored by the Association of Community Theatres (ACT). The ACT Festival is the big annual event for community theatre groups across the province. Each play submitted is judged by an impartial ad- judicator during one of the performances. After the ad- judicator has viewed al piays submitted, the resuits are announced at the Arts Festival Bail, which takes place in Toronto. There was a jubilant reac- tion among the Whitby Theatre Company's ranks when it was learned that "The Good Doctor" had won Conservative meeting The Durham West Progressive Conservative Association will hoid a special general meeting on Thursday, May 1, 1980 at 7:45 p.m. It wili be held at Harwood Avenue Secondary School in Ajax. The purpose Station wantý The Station Gallery wants your junk. The gallery is holding an auction sale May 10 and is asking for donations. Vir- tuaily anything wili be gratefully accepted - fur-- niture, appliances, pots and pans, toys, etc. - except clothing. This is a good chance to get rid of unwanted material of thîs meeting is to select 8 delegates and 4 aiternate delegates to attend the On- tario Progressive Conser- vative Association Annual Meeting to be heid June 6,7,8 at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto. ,s junk and help the Station Gallery raise money. To donate items cail: 668-8927, 668-1845, 668-4185. And if you want to pick up some new junk, some coiiec- tables, odds and ends or maybe an antique, drop by the Station Gallery at the corner of Victoria and Henry Streets, Saturday, May 10 at 12 noon. Corridor I çr-v9 w. Capers By MARY MCEACHERN NEIGHBOURHOOD SHOWER Jo-Anne Tamblyn was the guest of honour at a recent neigh- bourhood get-together. The surprise linen shower was heid at the home of Eiieen Greenaway, on Broadview Avenue. Many neighbours and friends attending presented Jo-Anne with linen in her favourite colour of blue. Jo-Anne has lived in the Corridor forever, attending Dr. Robert Thornton schooi and Anderson Collegiate, and has grown from a littie girl to a beautiful bride-to-be. She will be married in Oshawa on May 10. She and her husband wiii be residing in Bluewater Park, the apartment building next to Cherneys on Dundas Street in Whltby. Congratulations Jo-Anne. SCOUT PAPER DRIVE The scouts and cubs will be having their paper drive the second Saturday in May. The group responsible for the non- collection in April, are extremely sorry for the mix up. Rainy cold weather caused some drivers and children to have secon- five nominations: Best Play; Best Director (Gail Cheyne); Best Producer (Alison Johnston); Best Ac- tor, (Jim Cheyne) and Best Production: As well, the Theatre Company won a speciai adjudlcator's award for imagination, invention, and ingenuîty of presen- tation. Whitby Theatre Company ds thoughts about collecting papers. It was a dreadfui Satur- day, certainly flot condusive to bundling papers into the back of a station wagon or trunk of a car. However, come ramn or shine, the scouts and cubs wili be around on May 10. They plan a mammoth paper drive, so hopefuiiy everyone will co-operate and have their papers bun- dIed and tieci and placed by the road for the nine o'clock pick- Up. Remnember, Saturday, the lth of May, 9:00 o'clock scout and cub paper drive. 1980 G. M. ART EXHIBIT The 1980 G. M. Art Exhibit was a great success. Out congratulations to ail the artists who dispiayed their work. A special note of thanks to Marty Sharrard, a former Corridor resident. Marty had two paintings "Parting Ciouds" and "Seaguil" on display. He aiso demonstrated the art of wood carving on Saturday afternoon. Honourable mention goes to Alan Skaife, who had three oiis dispiayed "Lobster Shack", "Autumn SpIendour" and '.Win- ter Scene". Alan has corne in contact with the Corridor Area ratepayers members through hîs involvement with the Car- diac Rehabilitation Association. A truly excellent and worthwhiie show. WELCOME HOME TO- - Don Lenius of Powell Road, who has been hospitaiized in the Oshawa Generai. - Yvone and Homner Pelgrims, who have just returned from Belguim. Our deepest syrnpathy is extended to you both. D.J. AUTO SALES LTD.'," S Hwy. 7 & 12 (Jusi forth ai Brooklln) - 655m3912 "DRIVE A LITTLE F URTH ER TO SAVE A LOT MORE" SHARP! GASSAVER 74Firebird 74 Nova 4 Dr. EspritAuto., 6 cyl., radio, PIS, new 10, YLLOW. paint. 61,871 mlles. Lic. HRN Mles are rlght, 27,711. LIc $3995 VERY CLEAN REAL CLEAN CERTIFIED *ECONOMY- 74 Plymnouth .... 73 Maverlck Duster S 2 dr, 6 cyl., auto, radio, 6 cyl., auto, AMIFM radio, leather Interlor. 54,127 mlles. PIS, PIB. Lic AHW6865. Mles Lic LPR 981 39,756 $1 695$29 LIKE NEW! MPV192 ECONOMY PLUS "q Town Car 7 eez S22,789 M. Fully loaded. 4Feez Pruca rgnu 4 speed, 4 cyl. 34,574 mniles. ______ d .Igh0 ZK 029 CLEAN! $495 S75 Ford F100 "AS IS" SPECIAL Pick Up 73 Chev ½/ Ton Auto. V8, radio, PIB. mles ~ 53,00 Lc Ds 31~Auto, V8, radio. Lic. E39362 U $2995 $1350 1lMANY MORE GOOD DEALS TO CHOOSE FROM! YOU DON'T PAY FOR YOUR MISTAKES at jIK M.B.M.APH When you bring in a roll of film ta be processed, we charge you ONLY FOR THE PRINTS THAT COME OUT ý We'lI also be there ta give you friendly, professional advice (if you want it) and show you where you made your mistake. M.B.M. - The Friendly Pro fession ais M,.Ma PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 668-6111 Mon, Wed, 9 bThurs, Fri, 9 -8; Sat 10O.5 Youth Group contributed its share of high-calibre theatre with a won-derfui production of the popular "Anne of Green Gables", under the skillful direction of Joan Hill who is also directîng a speciai summer production by the Youth Group, entitied "Four Annes". Sixty young people attended the CONT D ON PC. 21 - Jimn and Evelyn Stevenson - Giad to have both of you home from the hospital. Please cati with news items for the column. M. McEachern 725-8967. NOW OPEN FRestaura ni BREAKFAST SPECIAL: 2 large eggs any style), 4 strîps of premlum bacon; peamneal bacon or 4 sausages, home fries or hash browns, toast, jam or marmalade, and your coff ee la on us. $1.80 OR MAKE VOUR CHOICE FROM OUR VARIED BREAKFAST MENU. Luncheon speclal also available including home made soup, home made dessert, cof- fee, tea or miIk. Gus Christou has been experienced ln the restaurant business since 1968 and Is working to maintain his high standards for you. Corne ln and meet hlm! 110 Dunlop St. E. (corner Gzreen St.) Whitby 666-1412 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. 6 days a week. Closed Sunday WEST LYNDE MEAT & DELICATESSEN, Store* sliced Cooked Ham 1.88 lb. Swiss Cheese 1.99 lb.-1 Ground Beef 1.65 lb. R ound Steak Roast Sirloin Tip Roast Rump Roast 2.,49 lb. Party Platters available WE WILL TAKE FREEZER ORDERS NOW! 281 Michael Blvd. 666-1571 Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat. 9-6 Fni 9-9 Closed Mon.