WHITB'ý FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 19 80, PAGE 15S Coming vents "Y" NIGHT Participants o! the Durham Region Family YMCA programs cordially invite parents, friends and relatives to the 1980 4" night. Pre-school, youth and adult program participants will be presenting, through displays and demon- strations, the resuits of many weeks of training and preparation. Kindergym, gymnastics, ballet, jazz, tap, judo, karate, floor hockey and guitar, demon- strations are scheduled fromn 7 - 8:30 p.m. Displays and refreshments from 8 - 9 p.m. This annual event takes place Monday, May 12 from 7 - 9 p.m. at Henry Street High School. For further information cail the Durham 'Y' at 668- 68m8. AGLOW MEETING The Women's Aglow Fellowship will hold its next meeting on May 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Knigbts of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock Street North. The guest speaker wil be the president for Eastern New York State Women's Aglow, Matilda Kitfer. REUNION Denis O'Connor igh Sehool of Whitby, Ontario is holding its first alurnni reunion at the school on Saturday, May 10 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:O00p.m. Ail former students are invited to attend the recep- ion: for further details please calî'the school at 668- 8721. FIREWORKS DISPLAY The Whitby Fire Depar- tment will hold their annual Fireworks Display on Mon- day, May 19 (Victoria Day) at the Brooklin Park star- ting at dusk. The firefighters will be passing the boot to help defray the rapidly rising cost o! the display - al donations will be gratefully accepted. NOMINATION MEETING The New Democratic Par- ty Association o! Durham West (provincial riding) will hold their nomination meeting for an upcoming provincial election on Sun- day, May 4,1980 at 7:30 p.M. at the UAW Hall, 140 Hunt Street, Ajax. The guest speaker will be Michael Cassidy, the leader of the Ontario NDP. CONCERT The Whitby Arts Station will feature Earnest Hilîs in concert on May 9 at 8:30 p.m. at the gallery. Hills, is one o! Canada's few professional lutenists and will give a concert in both rennaissance and broque lute. Admission is $5 at the door and includes re!reshments. THREE ARTISTS The Whitby Arts Station will be featuring an exhibition o! works by three local artists from May 3 to 25 at the gallery which is located at the corner of Henry and Victoria Streets. Featured will be James McKnight, photographer, William Moore, who specializes in drawîng and painting and Nicholas Novak, a lithographer. There is no admission charge and everyone,. is welcome. NEWCOMERS The May general meeting of the Oshawa-Whitbv Newcomer's Club will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church, Mary and Hillcroft Streets. This will be a Pot- Luck Dinner with an auction .following. This is the final newcomer 's meeting until September. If you wish to at- tend contact Dorothy Sum- mers at 579-2256 by May 9. There will be an admission charge of $2. LUNCHEON The Spring luncheon of the South Durham Branch of the Ontario Association of Superannuated Women Teachers will be held -nt Simcoe United Church in Brooklin on Wednesday, May 7 at 12:,15 p.m. New memnbers are welcome. For !urther information caîl 725- 8473 or 725-2219. Fitness. Ilt gives much more than it takes. Sunday, May 4th EVERYGNE US WELCOME 11 A.M. & 7 P.M. FATHER JOE MANNING Bristol, Conn, U.S.A. SOCIAL PLANNING MEETING The Social Planning Coun- cil of Oshawa-Whitby will be holding their next board meeting on Tuesday, May 6, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. at Oshawa City Hall, Room 7A. The public is welcome to attend. '1BASEBALL"1 The Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association requires umpires and people willing to train as umpires for its house league. Please caîl Jixn Rivers at 576-3364 for further information. SPORTS CELEBRITY DINNER The Durham Region Civitan Club wil hold their second annual sports celebrity night dinner on May 14 at the Ajax Arena. Celebrities such as Dave Hodge, Brian McFarlene, Bob Goldham, Lord Athol Layton wiil be ini attendan- ce. Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be ex- Toronto Argonaut and CFRB sports broadcaster Pete Martin. A table for eight may be reserved for $145 or* in- dividual tickets for $20 with aIl proceeds donated to the "Durham Region Han- dicapped %ommunity." For information and tickets caîl 668-4198. GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 3,1980 at 10 a.m., the Whitby Jaycettes are holding a garage and bakte sale at 91 Michael Boulevard, West Lynde, in Whitby. Articles for sale will include healthy plants, an appetizîng array of home baking, furniture, applian- ces, toys, games, books and many other articles too numerous to mention. DIAL -N - INSPIRATION Dial 668-1331 and hear a three minute inspirational message by Pastor Emmo Oltmanns SNII of the Emmanuelchurch at mbl 401 Rossland RoadW. in Whitby. ART& TECHNIQUE9Io HAIR STYLING SCHOOL OPEN NOW NM Directed and supervised by ANGELO SA CCO, ownier and ntager of sci'eral Beauti' Salons and nie,, s /airstvling shops i'hroughout Durhzam Region. En/oy a rewarding career iii ia irsî ding European and American Metlzods. Thec Prograni includes: I. Ilairdressîig 2. Barberîig 3. flair Stylist - Basic &Advaniced. Mlodels are alwvavs welcomce. Day & Evening Classes - Job Placement Assistance - Registratîo-is and Applications are now being acoepted for the Begînning of Every Month. ART & TECHNIQUE 14 Ontario St. Oshawa 576-0479 m - 1