WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESL)AY, APRIL 30.,1980. PAGE 9 Ottawa ]Report Bv SCOTT FENNELL, MP (PC - ONTARIO) J Fenneil is unimpres sed with parliament openm ARE!pm3 / SAVINGS We are tiere for your complete baking needs. yet oni April 15, 1980, Prime Minister Trudeau said "I neyer pre.rnised that when we formed the Government we would lower interest rates. " The same day, Finance Minister MacEachen refused to con- sider a motion by the PC's to set up a Parliamentary inquiry into rising interest rates. Our motion was purposely word for word identical to one the Liberals had made five months earlier. Nothing reflects Trudeau's attitude better than his inflexible position on mortgage assistance. We ail realize times are tough, we know they are going to get tougher. Yet I remember the Hon. Lloyd Axworthy, when he was stili Urban Affairs critic, say in the House of November 6th, 19~79 that "if there is a requit ement to raise interest rates, there is an equal requirement to help those people who are hurt by those in- terest rate increases." After berating the PC's mortgage assistance plan, we find out that only limited assistance can be expected from the Liberals and then only for the most tragic cases. Canadians are seeing a sad paradox in the Liberal Gover- nment. On one hand, Trudeau praises the virtue of $reater gov erniment interference in the economy, and proposes six new agencies and Crown Corporations. On the other, his Gover- rnment finds itself unable to assist those thousands of Canadians about to lose their homes and businesses. Instead 0f encouraging the private sector to flourish, more make-work projects will be set Up. Instead of attaeking the massive government deficit, the bureaucracy's size and influence will be extended. Instead of bringing courage and confidence to a troubled econoumy, Mr. MacEachen gives us a surprise "mini-budget" And to think we are in for four more years of it! CARMEN DISCOUNT BAKING PRODUCTS 320 Marwood Ave., Unit 3, Oshawa 579-2948 HOURS: MON. - SAT. 10am-5 p.m. Take Wilson Rd. South of Wentworth to Ma rwood We're in thue indLstrial Malil SCOTT FENNELL It looked too familiar: Cabinet Ministers making glib non- answers, acting as though the Government's policies were no one's business but their own. Yet there was an added quality in the opening days of the 32nd Parliament. Neyer before had Pierre Trudeau so openly displayed his fatigue with public life; his obvious boredom has turned into cynacism. 1 What distresses me most is that the "littie man", the com- mon person, is the victim of Trudeau's lethargy. While they were in Opposition and certainly ail through the last election campaign, the Liberals bitterly attacked rising interest rates, TUESDAY Is PERM DAY SCISSORS 1 AIL PERMS 1d2 PRUCE' e R.dken Perm-. $50 e Zoto8 Perm . .. $45 1 ~TUESDAY .. . 25 TUESDAY.. $2 eHenne P«.m. . M$4 TUESDAV .. . $20 Prm ........ $35 TUESDAY..l750 e Schwarzkope Perm - .. $30 TUESDAY ... Si15 601 Dundas St. W. 668-1640 WHITBY TOWN PLAZA TYPEWRIES HONIDA0SERVICE for saving money on genuine YTmA 1 -- Ib4ISom* SPRING TUNE- UP ncludes these parts: D114 Spark plugs EJ Set of points E1Condensor EFuel filter AdjU s t ElIgnition timing E DweiI angle ECarburetor H.C. & CO. adjustments Check: E Engine compression E Ignition system EAir filter [Jternator beit E Emission control system ElTire pressures & condition of tires Clean: E Battery terminais MetmoArea Honda IDealers Association SeIingNew198 Ho~i ivics from $4,69500* gete roic Fi fQt, PD anoPfl ï»te, TOROM'TO Centre Automobile- 354 Rchumond St. East, M5A MT 416-36-4-1116 Dalt's Honda 2343 Eglnton Av West M6E 2L-6 416-789-4101 parsiway Honda 1681 Eglnton Av. East, M4A 1 J6 416-752-6666 OAKV1LLE GEORGETOWII Ready Motors Import Ltd. Baz Motors Ltd. 2678 Bloor St. West, M8X 1AM 199 Guelph Street, 17G 4A8 416-239-0448 416-877-5286 MARKHAM Toronto Honda Automobiles North, marldlam Motors. Ltd. 2300 Dantorth Avenue, M4C 1 K6 4-611 Hwy. 7 at Kennedy Rd, 416-423-2300 L3R 1M6 416-297-2451 BRAMALL& MISSISSSAUGA Satellite Cty Motors Mssssauga Honda 58 Bramnalea Road, LÔT 2W8 2360 MAotorway Blvd, LSL 1 X3 416-791-1765 416-828-1650 Westside Motors of Oakrv'lle Ltd 1033 Speers Road, LÔL 12XS 416-844-9831 WICHMONMD HIU. Srnail Car Centre 11623 Yonge Street, L4C 4X7 416-884-9274 SCARBOROUGH Roadsport Lmted 940 E Ilesnere Road, Ml1P 2W8 416-291-9501 Cty Center Automobiles 1110 Dundias St. East Ll N2K2 416-686-1745 W1U.OWDALE Sisley for Honda 4709 onge St., M2N 5M5 416-223-3111 WOOOBRUIDGE Numb:er 7 Honda Sales Ltd 5585 Hwy '7, L41185 416-851-2258 Don't take your Honda to strangers. ~iJ. Corne in and see our assortmeflt of Baking supplies R aisins, dates,glazed fruit, baking nuts, dried fruit, spices, teas, candies, R iverside cheese. 1 lb Mozzarella Cheese $ 1.79 per lb. 21/2 lb. cubes ColIbY $1.89 per lb. BrRakfast Prunes .99 lb. Lays Potatoe Chips (200 gm> .79 Fine Chopped Walnuts .50 lb. Regu lar Chopped Walnuts 2.99 lb. Almonds, plain blanched 4.25 lb. sliver sliced and ground Y ellow split peas .29 lb. Rolled Oats .28 lb. Pure Cocao Powder 3.78 lb. Peanuts, blanched & Spanished 1.05 lb. 1 (14) SPECIAL 9*5 4 cyl. Price does not include sales tax