PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 19 80, WHITBY FRE'P PRESS Free Pl c 81 wO^ __ I _______________ - -I I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 78 AMO GREMUN 6 cylinder 3 speed standard, mag whees, headers, 4 barrel, minI condition. Asklng $3,200 or beat of fer. Call68-6727 aller 5 p.m. Apr. 16, 80 1974 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISEh STATION WAGON 9 seater, air condt1onling, power steerlng, brakes, wixnw, seuts. AM/FM atereo radio, power door locka wlth a trader hltch. WI sell $16W0. Cafi Barry 668-8455 Feb. 6, 80 COLLECTOR'S ITEM - one owner 74 Road Runner 318. AMIFM 8 track stereo. T sun-roof, radiais, mag wheels, Immaculato throughouî. Car- tif led asking $3,500. Cali 578-2032 during the day and 728-6700 evenings. Apr. 16, 80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON mechanicaiiy aound. Body fair, may be certlfied, asking $700. 668-3052 after6ôp.m. Apr. 16, 80 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON - PIS, PIB, 9 pasenger. 351 Auto, 65,000 miles. Re-bulit molor and tran- smission. $700 or beat 0f fer. 668- 7007. Feb. 27, 80 73 VALIANT, 4 door, power steerlng, ant 6; Ilke new - body, motor, power train, tiras, brakes, and front end. One driver. Cerifed $1400. Phone 668- 8952 eveningsaend weekands. Mer. 12, 80 1976 COBRA Il immacuiete. $2.300 invested on bnand new motor 302, BF Goodnich radiais on western mags, fuiiy cusiomnized interior, bitta f0 prove. $4,500 firmn. Ask for Bob 668. 0369. Jan. 9,80 2 - 1972 FIRENZA, 39,000 mites; 1 nuns good, but needsa eciutch ln. staiied; the other la for parts. Both for $200. Phone 668-0621. Mer. 19,810 1986 FIREBIRD - 350 eutometice Pic,, A-i shape, new paint. $16W0 certif led. 688-8919ef1er 5 p.m. Feb. 13, 80 1986 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Gooi running condition. $250 or basf 0f fer. Cali anytime 668-0073. Feb. 27.80 1. 88 CORVET CONVERTIBLE wlth 2 full barrei carburetors, headers, aide pipes. Body customized $5,500 firm; 1 .66 Oids Torînada $1,200; 1- 69 Cadiliac Sedan Devilie $50. Ceil 723- 8915. Mer. 28, 80 1947 CHItYSLER NEWPORT'. englne and body in good condition. Power windows. Snow tires In- c1uded. Interlor iInmculate $30 or best offer. Cali 668-2263. Feb. 6,80 i8 OLDS, 2 door, good mech., rusiy $125. 725-0636. Apr. 2,80 CLASSIC CAR - One of a Kind - 65 Chevy il. Excellent condition has luat ad $1300 worth of mechanîcai wort ono. Phone 68&3164. Wii tae any isasonabie offer Feb. 27, 80 FECTITON VELES M8 « 60.- needa wlrlng $450 as le, fIrm. Calil668-4074. Mer. 19,80 BOAT FOR SALE.- 1974 Sldewlnder blue and grey metal f lake, wlth 1974, 70 h.p. Evnrude. Also cornes with T ski bar, ski rope, ski beil. 8 track bulît In stereo and speakers. Asking $4200. 668&5949. Apr. 980 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equippeaý wlth fridge, alove6 water. 6 cyl. 225. Excellent runnIng& body condition. As la but can be certif led. $1,500. Phone 65-3008. Mer. 12, 80 1978 STEURY 18 foot deep V fîbreglasa boat, with a 115 Johnson motor, 2,000 lb traier, convertible top plus many extras, asklng $8,800 muaI seitlimmediately. 868&3052 after 6 p.m. Mar. 26, 80 ELLALLNEOUS KITCH EN SET - table and 4 chairs $50 or beat offer; 1 amali bîke - 2 whealer 10", training wheels avaliabie $10 or basf 0f fer. 868-9947. Apr. 2,80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS ln good condition $75 or best of fer. 668. 4780. Apr. 2,80 GAF-CHINON sound movie camera, brand new, neyer jsed with ail aveilable options. $3fi0 or beat offer. 668-0621. Mar. 19,80 RECTANGULAR DININQ ROOM SET - velour uphoistered chairs - smoked glass top and chrome table. Excellent c6'idltion $200; a couch and chair - good quality but needs cleaning. Good for rec roomn or cottage $75- amail round ktchen table. and 4 chairs - new condition $75; portable apartmenl slzed humidifi1er $40. Phone 579-6125. Feb. 27, 80 HOOVER, neeriy new, vacuumn cleaner $60. 668-0488. Apr. 9, 80 ô FOOT PLATE GLASS DISPLAY CABINET $165 and 4 seater chester- fleid and matchlng chair $100; Phone 372-9732. Apr. 9,80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gauge H.O., 4' x 8%, beautifuliy landscaped, In- ciuding engines and roiiing stock. $175. 655-3961. Mer. 5, 80 AOUAIIUM 35 gallon Includes heater pump, gravel, canopy, chemnical and stand. $85, 668-0496. Apr. 1, 80 GENORON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed wlth pad $10; rocklng horse $12; cardage seat for toddier $10; hlgh chair $8; walker $2; umbroller $8; 8688- 6144. Apr. 16, 80 1 ELECTRIC BROOM, $25; 1 black wrought mron 5 lght chandelier with 5' chain $55; 1 gold ahag carpet with unàerpsd 1s13 lite-ne $100;C WOOD DINING ROOM TAULE snd 4 chairs, ln good condition $100; Phone 668-495. Apr. 18, 80 OVAL SHAPED DINING ROOM TABLE with 4 swlvai chairs, metchtng buffet and hutch with engravad glass siidIng doors $3S0 aîereo and speaker stand and record rock (1 unît) $15. 655-396. Matr 5,80 PUASE READ When the advertised Item is sold, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the item wili be deemed f0 have been soid and a commissionwili becharged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated beiow, regardîess if prIce is stated with "best offer'l. If the item is NOT SOLO, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3,00 wili apply. Ail advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and runi at leastone month if not sold. RATES [if article ls soldl: 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 20,à of balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120,00 . commission due $6.00 1(minimum charge is $3.01] Private advertising only! Please notify us if you f ind a retailer iisfed ay- a private advertlser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is Soid s0 that we may delete it f rom the foliowing issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emp%,riurn guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as regutar classified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip vwanted, ciothing, real estate, and personat message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. 'i in doubt, cail 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIDAY PREVIDUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CUSTOM BUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. New $1400 wiii sali for $800; 54" box apringa, good condition, $50. Cen 8 trmck sterao $40; set of pots an.d pana $15; 40 channai mobile CB with aerli $80; wili tata any reasonabia otter. Cali 668-3164. Feb. 27, 80 BOY'S CCM PURSUIT 5 BICYCLE $40. Cmiil 668-1063. Apr. 23,80 USED STOVE - everything works ex- cept brolier $50. 668-0566. Apr. 23,80 GiRIL'S CCM BIKE, 20" Nhees, high rIse handie bers and banana seat, Ex- cellent condition. $40; 668-1076. Apr. 23, 80 PORTABLE AIR KING HUMIDIFIER $20. Phone 668-1227. Mer. 26,80 1 BEIGE Il' s 12' RUG (3 mos. old> $90; 1 green 9' x Il' excellent con- ditlon $50; 1 beige ovai 6' xs91 sllghtly soiied $50. Phone 668-4795. Mer. 12,80 1 PAIR MOSS GREEN DRAPES emdh panai approx. 901, s 108', $50); plate glass mirnor 4' x 26" $50; 1 wina decanter $1. Phone 668-2780. Feb. 27,80 28" R.C.A. REMOTE CONTROL colour TV. 4 montha oid, $80. Phone 668-9298 aflter 5:00. Feb. 27, 80 JUNIOR 5 SPEED BIKE (white) $40; cerpat 9 x 12 (pattern) $30; carpet runner (orange) 25 ftL $20; rouler skates $5; Phone 576-3065. Man. 26,80 NITROGEN REGULATOR - high pressure hes 2 gauges - as new $75. Phone 668-4521. Jan. 30,80 MATTRESS PERMAFOAM AM- BASSADOR Orthopedlc king size (shop price $36) Condition a-, new $ 120. Phone 655-3272. f an. 26, 80 ONE BOYrS 2(l" BICYCLE $20; 1 b>oys 3 spead 20" bicycle $35; 1 Lloyd babystroilen $15; 576-1364. Apr. 9, 80 STOVE $150-.Fridga $200 (both evocado), Kenmore washar $150, Kenmona dryer $100; Bail uprighi piano in good condition $350. 6U8 612& Apn. 2,80 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale. Good condition $85 Phone 623-1534. Jan. 30,80 FRIDGE à STOVE, green $400; bedroomn suite, 9 drewen dresser and mirnor and 1 dresser with 4 drawers and bed $250; 3 adding machines, 2 working $50; Electrolux polishar and rug shampooar, Ilke new $150; 668- 1105. Mar580 DRYER, GENERAL ELECTRIC $100. Stove Kenmore hydro $75. Ail In ex- cellent condition. Cati 668-9738. Mer. 12,80 VIKING REFRIGERATOR, white $150. Cali 668-7012. Mer. 5,80 HAGSTRUM Il SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAR, case and loud speaker. Like new - $275. Cali 725-3218 enytime. Feb. 20,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 months old; F.M., cassette under desh. Asklng $110.00. Cali 668-6593. Jan. 30,80 1 TOSHIBA TUNER and 2 Toahiba speakers and BSR turntable $160 complet. Phone 725-5753 efter 5: 00. Feb. 6,80 THOMAS ORQAN MODEL 1151 meany astres. Excellent condition; newiy tuned. $1.095 with music. 728- 4797. Mer. 5, 80 LIGHT ORGAN. Homnebuilt in 2 blrch boxes with separete centrai box. Boxes 2' s 4' emch with 14 llghta. Great for aapiring or current Disc Jockey. $125. Phone 655-3411. Mer. 12, 80 BABY ITEMS - Gerdon carniage - like naw, windup swing; bottie wermer, sterilizer, rocking horse, wash basin, 2 gaies, clothes. Package demi. $135. Aiso two toyota tires and rima A-78-13 white waii. $30. Phone 578-1122 efter 4:30. Mar. 12,80 ANTIQUE PIANO inIaid carvad red mohogany. Circa 1896. $1500. Phone 668-8271. Apr. 2,80 HOCKEY EOUIPMENT aea10-14 yeers $25, 10 apeed bite $30 -honie 668-5060. Fei>. 20, 80 3 SNOWMOBILE SUITS 2 men's medium, navy blue $24 ee.. 1 childs stze 12 - mauve $15- ail lite new; 3 wil nuga, 2 size 4'xs 6' $25 es., 1 size s' 3' $12; 1 girls winter coat pure woot dans green size 9-12 $20; 1 alec- fric broom, new $25. Phone 668-6294. Feb. 20,80 DELUXE 30"~ RANGE -nover been used $35; cast Iron black Franklin fîreplace $100; sîngle harness $70. Cali Jack 68-3889. Jan. 30, 80 2 STEEL HIGH BEAM 12" In helght 32' long. In gooci condition - IlIe new $725 for 2. Beat of fer, worth $1450 new. Cati 728-2217 alter 6 p.m. Mer. 26, 80 3 POSITIONAL LOUNGE CHAIR -Ilîke new $85. Phone 723-7240. Mar. 12,80 A SOLID PINE BAR -41h' long and 3'10" hlgh - 2 bar stools $30. Smeli arbrite kitchen table and 1 leaf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- cellent condition $5000 CaUl 723-8771 Jan. 30,80 ITALIAN PERRIAGE PRAM, navy ax- terior with white Interlor, Includes package rack, mesh net, plastic storage container, matchlng navy detachabie diaper beg. Aitlin ex- cellent condition. Retait $325, asking $175; Gendron convertible plggyback stroller, blue flower desIgn, heavy duty suspension, excellent condition, retail $125, asklng $50. Cali aller 6 p.m. 68-1862. Apr. 2,80 BOYIS 3 SPEED RACER BICYCLE 19" trame 24" tires, kict stand, chain guard - In excellent condition. $50; multiple reel f0 reel stereo tape recorder $150; 4 newly upholstered ln vinyl awivei kitchen chairs $65; 579- 6929 except Friday nlght and Satur- day. Apr. 9,80 ONE TOP LOADING G.E. DISH. WASHER, $125; 1 double sInt $20;, 668-7965 et ter 4 n-. Apr. 23,80 WHEELBARREL.TYPE CEMENT MIXER $30; U of T jacket, winter weight, size 40 $45; Calil668-6563. Apr. 23,80 FILTER OUEEN vacuum cleener with several attachments, Was $400 seiiing for $200; vibrator cushion for relaxation or back pain $5; steam vaPOurizer $5; large zipper suilcase 28" x22" $10;6&61062. Apr. 23,80 FOR SALE 77 FORD lit TON PICK-UP 38,000 miles, 3 speed standard, AMIFM 8 track aterso, sun roof, captaîn's chairs, mag wheeis, plus more. Car- tîfled aaking $3.800. Cali 576-2032 durIng the day and 7284700 evenIngs. Apr. l16,80 1975 FORD F-250 heavy duty 44 ton truck, 390 V8, PIS, PIB, hesvy duty suspension, AMIFM cassette, heada rebuilt, two years ago, new brakes front and reer, new rear breke cabies. $3.500 certif led. Cati 655-4570. Apr. 16, 80 1974 DODGE Y% TON PICK-UP WITH CAB. Certified. AakIng $1800. Phone 666-1487. Mar. 26, 80 65 CHEV % TON PICK-UP 6 cylinder 3 speed standard. Rebulît motor. Body n faIr condition. New heavy duty cliutch, front ahocks, cen be certif led. Asking $300 uncertIfied. Phone 668- 2083 alter 6 p.m. Apr.;., 80 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOD! ~OME Wo Ite W i amous laitt ln he Wol Phone 728-2103' CLASSIFIED ADS (more on next page) FRANK 225 BroCk St. N., Whltby 668-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTER ESTED INVYOUI We need e few good sales people. If you are Interested ln aetting your owin echievement goals regarding Income, wie now 0f fer you an exclusive audiovisual training programme, atso, we'Il encourage you toward reechlng your goals. You cen ba Intiated wlth the resulta we can heip you mtain. You cen be happy workIng ln a profesalonal atmoaphere which lenda Itaeif to aIl iciency and pieessnt working conditions. Whether you are quaiified et pressent or currentiy taking or conaiderIng the govemment pre-Iicencing course-we wmnt to tait to yout Forsa confidentiel personalIinterview celi TONY KLOMPMAKER 668-6171 DRAPERY TRACKS Roller BiI nds-çVerticalIs, Draperies Installed Guarantee Workmanship YoUr TraCks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 Toddlers to teens clothes in good con- dition. N E REWARD 50 - 75% of selllng price for new clothes THANKCS KAREN! HAPPY SECRETARY S WEEK FROM ALL THE GANG TRAE HOOLS4 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Stralght trucks Cali The Canadian InstitUte of TraCtor Traiter Training Lt. 416-864.I938- Establlshed 1971 Press Emporium CoiI 66f8-m6111 Emporium Ads wiII onlv be accepted subject to the following Condhtions. wu an