eàA9I1IWI vm IIM î I I Wait Dsney World Cypriess Gardons Sea World Stars'Hall of Fame GatrlacsZoo (SEE OFFICIAL RULES) Nashville 4 day Chartarways bus tour for fwo Includas raserved seats t the Opry and a viil f0 Opryland. New York City 4 day Chartarwaye bus tour for two Inludas guided tour of ChInatown, Harem, The Bowary. UN. Building and Empira Stato Bldg. Indy '500' 2 day Charterways bue tour for two May 24 only, Inludea raserved seats and $150 sending money. Canadian Tulip Festival (Ottawa) 3 day Charterways bus tour for Iwo includas a boat tour on the Ottawa River, a guidad tour of the capital and $150 apendlng monay. Kentucky Derby 3 day Chartorways bus tour for two May 2 oniy Includes $100 spanding money. Lake Placid 3 day Charterways bus tour includes a boaf cruise on Mirror Lake and $150 spending money. ni mmmummmmm mmm mmmmmm * z~(~oab 3OWUe H%". 29 Whltby I *hOJtaltrn & ttak Iwue 6621 I Ne y *Addrosss P%&W S 1 M Sp u tutO ttsu Phono_____________ sut «4tt tt *Gsi Awoy From it Ail Contosil @ .""D v " es mumu mummmmmmmummmm M Y;de%~Po I 18Brock St. S., Whiiby 6684375I *Noms IAddrose Wt 5w yO Wd tra M Gsi Away From itAl Contesti '8,w'w t. »mmm mummmmu mmu mu ff. mmmmmm mmmmmmmm 11 SlBrock St.S., Whitby668-1 266 *Nomse- *Addrsss IPhon________________ t w I." SO .$« Il~ IGsi Away From it Ail Co ntosti 11 mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmumm- mmmmmummmmumum C C& CSOUND *Chris à Bob Cto * ~118 Brock St. S., Whiiby 66M3707I 1 Nomse 0 Addros i pt.SAIS OTS @yp UUiU * 0 Phon --___ cwwédo etGs Away From it Ail Coniessil 1, w W : <~~G1TElBRITE Mono War: 11Brock St. S., Whltby 6M83261 INoms *Addresss M.&"t t r .Ms Put Pu Phone wwF 1 atAllConlsMoh1 * Mercantile Department Storel * rk321 Brock St. S., Whltby 668-3468 I *Addrose * Phone LAE.1 puW4W5 aGsi Awsy From it AIl Contestil S~.t mmmmmmmmumu mumumum mummmmmmmmmmmu * M. (SARGE) SOO0KNANAN *~ 1101 Broc* st. S,Whliby668.021 'Nome Phono - _ _ _ _ a Gsi JaWO From it Ail Contesi - PR~IZ Sunflight Seven Night TRIP FOR TWO TO î; Inciuding air transportation, infight meais and bar service, Ir-conditloned accommodation wth private bathroom ai Ramada Inn Centrai or Days Inn, transportation and iuggags transfer between alrport and hotel. MMMMMMUmmmmmm mmmmmm 13BOND RESTAURANT &TAVERN 5 * 200 Bond Street WestI * Oshawa 579-9179 *Notsre IAddross Phono___________ - *Got Away From It Ail Contesti v t"".' -r m I D - mmmmmm - mmmmmmmUm - * 116 Athol St., Whiby 666-1440 INoms@ *Addrose Phono_________________ u .."P * Got Awny From it Ail Contosil o - mdiu'm M mmmm u mmm mmmummmm IONCEUPONAT-SHIRIT* * 100 Byron St. S., Whltby 668-9161 *Addross Phono____ ___________ira %" * Gsi Awsy From li Ail Contostl . "ff. mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm * DODD &SOUTERI *CIL Paint & Fine Walpapers In, Stock * 107 Byron St. S., Whiiby - Aax Plaza INomo M *Adaros *Phono_________________. r4 owM *Got Awev From hi Ail Contosti Qum the mmummmm mmm mmm mmm m mmmmmmmmmumm mmmmmu * The 9M00 knsa v 1 àîropluIe lus w ri 6583192 Woodburning Stoves & Accessories *Nomse IAddross IPhonoe-.--t 9 Gmt Awny From it Ail Contosti mmmmmmmmmmummumu M * GOLF-O*TRON 'I I ~L1 Compuierlz.d Indoor Golf - Pro Shop & Lssons * ~' 1450 Hopkins St., Whltby 668&9671 *Nomse *Addrosss IPhono_________________. - SGot Awoy From it Ail Contostil . mmmmmmm mmmmummmmmm * WMITBY BOOK EXCHANGE I I 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-2097 *Nomse *Addresss Phono ilAi OnmqIumt. rmo fl Pm-NO IGot Awoy F -ntlIott mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu N Nome ~_- *Addrsss_______ _ Phono________ Gsi Awoy From it Ail Conisi!ut W. . MMMMUMMMMuMMMMMMUMu vW 4 lez, -21 Get-Away-f rom-lt-ail Contesi Off iciai Rules-No Purchase Necessary 1. Everyime a completed entry torm, or reasonable facelile, la depoaltad wlth a par. ticlpatlng marchant whose nome appears thore on batween Feb. 20, 1980 and May* 1, 1980, you racelve a chance to wln one of the przea In the Get.AwayFromIt-All Conteat. Enter as often as you Ilke. but entries muet be rscelvad no lafer than May 17,190., 2. Each month, during March and Aprl one prtza.a trip for two-will be awarded. The wIn* ners may choose one ot the advertised bus tours whlch appear n greater datait ln the Charterways Tours 11980 catalogue on pages 17. 35, 38 and 39. Suggeated value of each trip ranges f rom S39 to $430. ln May, there wIli ba one final Grand Prîza drawlng for a seven-nIghlt trp for two package to Ortando. Fiorida wlth accommodation et Days Inn or Ramada Inn as advartisad In the Vol. 14. No. 1 Sunflight Holidays Magazine on page 9. Suggested ratait price of tht. trip le approximately $500 3. Monthly winners wiiI be saiectad n random drawInga from among antrles submitted for that month prlor to the drawing data by or arrangad by M.8.M. Publlshlng whosa dacisions are f inal. The Grand Prize drawing et tha end of tha conteat wIlO be f rom among ail entries racatved during the antîra conteat. Oniy one prîzo to arn Individuai or famliy. Wlnners may be requtrad f0 axacufe an affîdavît of ellgibillty and reteasa, end In sI cases wlil be raquirad to answer a tîme timtad ekîli tesflng question. Except for the Grand PrIe, pries are not transferabie or axchangaable for cash. Alil entrias bacoma the property of M.B.M. Pubishlng, and M.8.M. raservas the rlght to pubtish winners' photos. names and addresses. 4. The Conteat le open f0 ail Ontarlo residents 18 yaars 0f ago or ovar, excapt amployaes and their familes of M.B.M. Publlshing, and the partIclpating marchants. Taxes, service charges, surcharges, and othar axpansas not tncludad ln the basic packages, ara the responaibitity of ftha Individual wlnnars, n the evanfuallty f haf the advertlsed fripa are unabte ta ba purchasad by M.B.M. Pubiishing on behaîf of the winnars, M.B.M. Publishing roservea ftha rght f0 of fer tb purchase frip@ of approximateiy aqual velue that ara avaiiabta. Ail tripe muet be taken bafwaen Aprîl 1 and Dacamber 1, 1980, or On some cases on tfhe Speclfiaed datas. FI LL OUT THE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI Calico Cat Your Wooh Store 18Brock Si. N., Whltby 68&7611 Noms@ Addrosss PIAISot r MOTO p .twt»5Cou- Phoe o1 .5 t teâe ti.M.1ut W I~w"n Phoo0,. ffl. th nub * Gst Awoy From l AlilContestit t. WWW mummumummummmummmmu mmummmmummm umum I MoBeMe PHOTO 131 Brook St. N., Whltby 68-611il PLSASSN»MeVut0Mlo t Stt *Phono__________________ II .'M 1.A * Gsi Awoy From it AAilConissil 0, uS wf t. Disco à Dining Loungo 173 Brock Si. N., Whiiby :lMDK cet 686«22 SAddrosss I Phonoe , . *Gsi Awoy From it AAilConiesi 8, u. w.t 223 Brock St. N., *HENRY Wlby1«-2 *Noms Phono___________M4lW i51.. IGsi Aw&y From i Alil Coniest l" mu mu. mum ummmu mum.u mu. s.mL SHOPPMERtS DUG 4ART, ZPETER DiLwoRTH DRUGS LIMITED 601 DUNDAS STREET WEST 1568-5891 INomse