Whitby Free Press, 2 Apr 1980, p. 19

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Ge tA wayFrom ijUAil!f %AIR K A ~riu~ VY 1 J'y M 1 I'1 r*'WaIt Dlsne ol dyrse Gardons FOR TWOStars' Hall of Famo Kennedy Spece Centre EACH ONTHN itGatorlancs Zoo j#%m r% 1A GRAND (SEE OFFICIAL RULES) Nashville 4 day Charterways but tour for two Inciuties reserveti sets et the OprY anti a vieiltot Opryiand, New York City 4 day Charterways bus tour for two Includes guideti tour af ChInatown, Harlam. The Bowary. U.N. Building anti Empira Sf510 Bidg. Indy '500' 2 day Charlerwaye bue tour for two May 24 oniy, Includes reservoti seats anti $150 spending maney. Canadian Tulip Festival (Ottawa) 3 day Chartorways bus tour for iwo inciudas a boat tour on the Ottawa River, a guidati tour of the capital anti $150 spending monay. Kentucky Derby 3 day Chartarways bus tour for two May 2 oniy inciudes $100 spantiing money. Lake Placid 3 day charterways bue tour inciudes e boat cruiso on Mirror Lake anti $150 spending nonoy, ~u muu m mm muHwy. 2, WhltbyI taiJrn~ tta l',u~e 668-2751 INme__________ ë Addrss____________________ Phono -6u vfthth,%f IGt Away From It Ail Contesti am mm m m.m mm m mmm , m m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 18Brock St. S., Whitby 668-4375 Addrss_________________ Phono__________e. Got Away FromIt Ali ContOsitt aewomed v i mmmm m m mmmmmmmmmmm 118 SBrock St. S., Whitby881268 t INome___________I IAddross__________________ pt.flAENOTE 0 T10TIN te IPhono________ wE"- "mo." t4 g IGot Away From It Ail Contosti 1 mummmmmmmmmmmmm MM mmmummmmumm mummu S C & CSOUND *Chris à Bob Cto * ~ i11 Brock St. S7., WhItby 68-&3707I *Addrss____________________ *Gmt Away From Il Ail Cortstî 1 * I<>~OTTEflBRITE Mens Wear * ~~/121 Brock St. S., Whltby 86683261 *Nam____________ IAddrss__________I Phono________#__P&A , S0NO-SE *Got Awy From If Ail Contesti NENE1 mmmïmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- a Mercantile Depariment Storel mmpie321 Brook St. S., Whltby 668-3468I *Noms_______ *Address- Phon - -AIS U U *Gt Away From ilCofltesti CI1 M muMmummuMmmuMummummi PRIZE Sunflight Seven Night TRIP FOR TWO TO ORLAN DO FLORIDA Inciuding air transportation, inflIght meals and bar service, air-condItIoned accommodation with private bathroomn at Ramada Inn Centrai or Days Inn, transportation and iuggage transfer between airport and hotel. *BOND RESTAURANT & TAVERN 1 *200 Bond Street Westa * Oshawa 579-9179 Nom@ ttPlISOTE owTge tISE1NT PhoneoeHwd «iWlhloNf - ,'4OIeWWtE. d mm . t»I *Gmt Awny From t Ail Contesti o~D rfn m mmmm m mmmmmmmmmma * 116 Athol St., WhItby 666-1440 *UU N0L ymowloPMCM IPhono_______________ PLAISNOT. 10010E lÂS * Got Awmy From It Al Contostl co" EN&a. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *ONCE1JPONAT-SHIRT I 100 Byron St. S., Whltby 668-9161 Nome Phoen wIINu10EY"E«MS & AM M-ISAEctAIS IS tN t10 - *Gmt Away From it Alil Contesti 'Sw b eNm.- * mm mummmmu mmmmm mmu m mmummumummu mumum * DODD & SOUTERI * CIL Paint & Fine Wallpapers In Stock I 107 Byron St. S., Whitby - Ajax PlazaI INome IAddross Phono f1wWUd -Wqft IGmt Awov From lit Alil Contosti 0-b" * mmm mmm mmmamummmm mmm * Thse 9"0Moins ai BUM Fi 10[pfe Plus WI1 668-3192 Woodburning Stoves & Accessaries IAddroms IPhono_________________ *Gmt Away From it Ali Contesti 'e mumumumummmmumummm mmmmmmummmm mmm mmmum * ~.GOLF-O-TRON I ~ Computerlzod Indoor Golf- Pro Shop & Lossons * ~~ 1450 Hopkins St., Whltby 8689671 *Nome *Address____I * PhonoeIlISIEL 0~ *Gmt Away From It Ail Contesti mummmumumumu mumum m ummmmmummmummmmumm I WHUTBY B00K EXCHANGE I I 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-2097 I *Nome *AddressI *Got Away FromIt Ali Contesti ummummmmmmmummmmmm» Phono_______________NOeuwN l110%'" *Gmt Away From It Al Contesti 8 yte mmmummu ummummumuMmu -' il ou ~ DRUG MART Z PETE£R DILWCORTH DRUGS LIMITED I 601 DUNDAS STREETr WEsT 068-5891 INom* Addrose * Phonoe »Wi 'lSt5S jE *Got Away From It Al Contosti W. . b, "M, US 1 mmmummmummu mmmmuum ~ PHOTO-KING LTD. 601 Dundas St. W., Whltby 668-1555 *Nome Addross IPhone .1NE.S . *Gmt Away From It Al Contestl mummummummumumumu ffl mummummumummu mmmun Speciaiizing ln Children's Wear pat's place Agency for Girlr Guides of Canada 103A Dundas St. W., Whltby 668.6607 (At the four corners) IAddross______-_ _ *Phono___________ (jGttAwoy Fromit AiC@ntesIl mmummummmummmmmmm %À Get-Away-f rom-lt-ail Contesi Off iciai Rules-No Purchase Necessary 1. Everytime a complaeoti ntry form, or reasonable facalmlle, la depootid wltiN a par- ticipatlng marchant whose namo appears thora on botwoen Fob. 20, 1M0 andi May "1. 1900, you rolve a chance to wln ana of the plzea In the Get-Awny-From-lt-Ail Conteat. Enter as otton as you Ilke, but entries muet b. reoelvoti no sètar than May 17, 190. 2. Each month, durlng March and Apil, one prtzea trip for two-wili be awartied. The wln* noms may choose one of the adveatsd bue tours whlch appotar ln groater detalln the charterways Tours 190 catalogue on pages 17. 35, 38 andi 39. Suggestod value of each trip ranges fran $39 to $43. ln May, thera wiii beoane final Grand Prize drawing for a sevon-night trip for two package to Orlando, Forida wlth accommodation nt Deys Inn or Ramada Inn as advortised In the Vol. 14, No. 1 Sunflight Molitiys Magazine on page 9. Suggested ratait price ai this trip la approximateiy &500 3. Monthiy wlnnors wiii bo soiectot Iin random drawingse from among ontrlos submIttod for tha1 month pior to the drawIng date by or arrengeti by M.BM. Pubiaishng whose docisians are final. The Grand Prizo drawing et the anti of the contoat wlll ba from anong aIl entrises receiveti durlng the ontIra conteat. Only ono prtze to adI ndividual or family. Winnera may ba raquIroti ta axocuta an affidavit of oiiglbiiity anti reiéaae, andi ln ail cases wiil be roquiradt ta nswea etIma lmitte kIli testlng question. Except for the Grand Pize, prizes are not transferablo or oxchangeabie for cash. Ail entrias becoma the property of M.B.M. Pubiiahing, anti M.B.M. rosorves the rlght ta pubilsh winner' photos, narnas anti atdresses. 4. The Contosi la open ta ail Ontarlo rasidents 18 years of àega or ovor, axcepi employées anti thair familles of M.B.M. Pubiishing, anti the partIcIpatIng merchants. Taxas, service charges, surcharges, anti other expenses not Incluied I n the basic packages, are the responsibiiity of the Individuel wInners. In thé evantueiity that thea atvartIsati tripe art unabla ta b. purchaseti by M.B.M. Publsehing on behaif of the winnars, M.B.M, PubliahIng reserves the rlght ta affer ta purchase tripe of approxlmataiy equai value that are avaliabie. Ail trips muet bo takan between Apnil 1 anti Docember 1, 1980, or In some cases on the Specifet dates. FI LL OUT THE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI mu mmm mummu mmm mmmu Cal!ico Cat *118 Broc k St. N., Whitby 668-7611 Nome AddrosisI PLAIt NOTE Dy..loT.g P h o n e. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t oul TENS" . lAiht e % u *Gmt Away From ItI Ail Contesti gt-S 11 * M.B.M. PHOTO M 131 BroCk St. N., Whltby 668-61 11 Nome Addroe PLEAISNOTE:BOT nAE U Phono_____________________ 1 Phn E"onEAIIE- «MEEth IS1e * Gmt Away From It Ail Conteet! 90 «* ' u M ommmmm *mmm mmm mmmum me «mmmu umummummumummmu I ~ Dîsco & Dinlng Loungo * '7~I~mku gu<gu 173 Brock St. N., Whitby ~ 6688622 Nome Addross * Phono______e_____ a Gmt Away From It Ail Contesti * 223 Brock St. N IMU H N YWhltby 668-6821 Nome

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