WFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESI)AY, MARCU 19, 1980, PAGE 15 Fennel unipressd with Liberal tea By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staf f Scott Fenneil is nôt overly impressed with the new cabinet of new re-elected Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Fennell, re-elected as Progressive Conservative MP for Ont.ario Riding on February 18, made the comment during, a recent the increasing interest rates and that the deduct.ability scheme was the only way they could keep them. Fenneil, who was first elected to the House of Commons in the May 22, 1979 election, also said that he approved of the gover- nment's decision to float in- terest rates and peg them to the value of treasury bills. "lWe wanted to do that last fall," he said claiming the Tories had the original idea. This means that the in- terest rates will fluctuate from week to week with the issue of treasury buis. "I1t's a sound way of polical respon- sibility fnr interest rates," Fenneil said. He indticated that he was attempting to keep his cam- paign promise to have the Brock Street South ridge replaced. iFenneil said that he had been in touch with Paul Cosgrove, minister of public works, with his request to improve the bridge and he was waiting for a similiar request from Whitby Mayor Jim Gartshore to back up his request. The proposed extention of the GO train service has also been occupying a lot of his time, Fenneli said adding that he should have a report on the issue within a month which will be given to Jean- Luc Pepin, the federal minister of transport. Fenacîl also had some dire predictions for the Canadian econorny. "I think we're going to head into a severe recession," he said although he did see a bright spot on the horizon in the SCOTT FENNEI.! telephone interview from Ottawa. "1I'm not impressed with them, if 1 can be blunt," Fennell said, "I'm very unimpressed with then. " "1I'm looking for'ward to sitting in opposition," he said. "Question Period is going to be very lively and interesting. " Fennell, who is expected to be named to former Prime Minister and now Op- position Leader Joe Clark's shadow cabinet, said that the Liberals will have to adopt some of the budget policies the Conservatives government introduced last fail to meet the current economic trend in the coun- try. The budget that the infant Tory government in- troduced last December bas been blamed as the cause f or both the election and the defeat of the seven month old administration. III think they're going to have to adopt some of the Tory's policies," Fennell said, "lespecially some adaptation of our mortgage interest and property tax deductability scheme. " He said that over 200,000 Canadian homeowners will lose their homes because of Benefi*t for Pit A benefit will be held for Diane Bromley, the operator of the Clay Pit ceramics that was recently destroyed by fire. The main event of the evening will be a cooking demonstration by Mary Lisko, the "happy cooker. " Organizers are requesting gîft donations for door prizes and auction items and anyone interested in helping is asked to contact Stella McDonnell at 985-8444 or Mary Lisko at 576-7745. Further details as well as the location and date of the benefit will be announced shortly. 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION McHAPPY DAY 11I TAKE NOTICE THAT Wedneaday, March 26ifi, 1980, la hereby procilmed as "McHappy Day tIl" In and for the Town of Whitby. Ail Citizens af Whitby are remninded that Cystlc FIbroals will receive 504 for every Blg Mac sold In Whitby on 'McHappy Day Il". Chlldren aufferlng from this aliment deserve aur support. DATED ai Whltby, Ontario, th18 l9th day of March, AD., 1980. JOC. Gariahore, Mayor, Town of Whitby. TAXTIME GOT YOU UN ASQUEEZE? If tax time puts you in the squeeze, remem- ber, last year the trained specialists at H&R Block took uitthe pressure off for over three- quarters of a million Cana- dians by preparing accurate income tax returns at an average cost of only $1 7.75. That's a good return for the money. And a lot Iess pressure automotive îndustry.. "Throughout history, cars had had a ten year life," Fenneil said. "It will now become a seven year life as people start turning to more fuel efficient cars." 1 We've, got to get rid of those gas-guzzlers, " he said. Fennell said that this will corne about because the price of oil is going to be in- creasing and that Liberals would raise the price by 20 cents a gallon, not the 18 cents the CQnservatives had proposed. "Gas is going up - no mat- ter what we do," Fennel said, "and the Liberals will be foreed to raise prices as high as 20 cents a gallon." The price of gas will force people to buy more fuel ef- ficient cars causing a "boom" in that industry, he said. The national deficit should also take a high priority Fenneil said. "If it is not paid off it is the young people who will get upset," he said. "They're the ones who are going to have to pay it off." "The give-away society is going to have to stop. " * OHN BAM>URCHI chrt.mdAccountu 185 Brock St. N. Whitby Telephone 6684341 Service.s iclude income tax return preparation, tax planning, and accountinsrvices for management. The Board 0f Directors of theQ Durham Region Family Y cordially Invites you to their Anniual Meeting April 115 1980 Durham College: Oshawa Reception: 6:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Business: 6:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Di nner: 8:00 P. M. to 9:15 P. M. Guest speaker; George Ashe M.P.P. $10.00/per person Friends Welcome H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS OSHAWA 15 BOND ST. E. 1 TOWNLINE RD. N. 122 DUN DAS ST. W. WHITBY PICKERING 84KINGSTON RD. W. Ope ~a. ~p.m. .kay, .5~fPhIMM 72127 Os havva OPEN TONIGHT - APPUINTMENTS AVAILABLE Aiso easthe aj EATO N'S