Il I PAGE 4, WEL)NESDAY MARCH 19. 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS BRID)AL SUPPLEMENT Helpful Wedding Hints - -- '-i For the Bri*de and Groom QW'ho tel drgyman b': /te? lope before or after ceremony. A. The groom pays. but best mon hands it over in plain white enve Q If thet lertyman siti tIothe rea ption? A. Yeaw:th hi$ wi(e. Hie tits a( parents* table. Q. May a hoiolt u'dding bt pu asà lrmdiai usa churcib utedding.> A. Yes, lthough there ate nevyer as many attendants. Q.lx thtre vigdjly a a homtesvtdding > A. Ile married couple turn around after ceremony and te. ceive best wishas of the guelts. QHou, can wtddtng gis lbt dis. plsyd il a bossu rtctptton llns bt:ng held> A. Close friends may be invite.d to a tes or cocktail party saveral days before thse wedding. QAre hte(ki ddplaytd u'tu'b uedding p5rtstnti?. A. No, but chey may be noted on a card. Q.Art :sùntifyung cards put u'ith the p5retiu on dilptay? A. Not these days. Q 1 .t joctally corrtct to txchang dupli«ate wu'dding gi/ti? A. Yes. Q.Art gi/iteebrougbt to tht re. ceptton? A. No. QW'htrt may a rtcetton bt htld? A. At thse brides home, the house of a friend, hotel or club. QSbould the bride and groom .rmokt or hold a drtnk on tht rtctss'tng tff? A. No. Qý Do ushtri and' btst man stand in retet'ung fine? A. No. Q.AI tht bride'sr table, whe're donj ttbride éJWaqJ fit? A. On thse groom's rsght. Q.Do parents uii at bride'l table? A. Yea, or at own table. Q.It tht bride's dst'orctd fathtr gis'é' recettaon, what'i btr moths.r'i pou:. lion ? A. She is an honored gust, or stays away if j it Ilcause a atrain. Q. Wh'o rtadj* congratàwlàiory tl- grass> alosvd? A. Best man. Q.Who propoeti firit toast to bride? A. Best man. Q.Who Mci ts in: pltct of rakt> A. Tise bride, with tise groom's right hausd over hers They break the lica ansd est ik ogether. A friand or waiter then takas over these licissg. Q.rPhai happent ai rtceptson if the other coupletsstaît dancing btf or.- the bridt and groom? A. When thse newvlyweds appear, everona stops and thej' waltz once &round the flor solo. Q.Il tht groom obligaied to danct svitb somto::u htstdrt bisbrid? A. Yes-his mother, mother-in. law and maid of honor. Q. What t> hoxed wtdding cakt? A. Smail pieces of cake in little white boxes for gueste to take home. This iû expansive and donc only et elaborate receptions. Q.Wbto should'int'itationu and an. nownctmentu bu. ordered? A. About two months befora thse wadding. Q. P'bn art invttationx Io a formai weddtng utnt oui? A. Threta four weaks before thse ceremony. Q.Whtn uhoiad announctmtnti be matid? A. A day or ewo after wedding. Q.When art dt-home tards let? A. Usually with thse announce- ment. Q.Art wedding anoovnctmtntu tvtr sent to anyonh who's bttn invittd to tht certmony or rtctption? A. No. Q.May ganit: ht invittd to a rectp. tion and not the wtdding itirtf A. Yes, when thse caremnony is se. tended only by relatives and close friands. Q.Il tht brdt's paretit art dst'orctd, wbo sauts tht snt'stations and plant tht wtddîng? A. Ile mother. Q. Dota forma.l ns'itâJion to'a cburch seddmng reqairt an dniw.'r? A. No. 0. MOy wtdd:ng sns'îtatsonu bt lent to tholt in moarning? A. Yes ?May a dîsorctt tuna' învttatiwnu or ber :tcond wtdding> A. No, but se may sendi an- nouncements. Q.Hou- dots tht facit tht groom bai bttn marrerd bt/ore a//ta a brtdtsi wtdding Plani? A. No difference. Q. Iltht bridt iinaevty yoang swidow nia, ber famtly .rtnd ONt invitation:? A. Yes QAre rectption cardi rvedostd with A. Yes, and so ar rey card and reply envelopas. Mie home address should 6e printed on t- ply envelopes. QMuwit tisuats ht u.ncloitd to guard agaînu tt Ube n? A. No. Modern Thermo -Engrov. ing ink k s horougsly dry and will not smear. QNetd invitation:s bt tngra.ud> A. No. Modern Thermno-Engrav. ing ks socially correct, and gantIer on pour budget. Q. Artetom'tlopts of inviLations id. drtstdformally? A. Yes. No abisteviations - ex- cep( Mr., Mrs., Jt., Dr. Q. i t correct ta atit "and fami7y" on inv'itationtntelopt,> A. No. Send saparate invitations to &duit sons-and dauglitera.Foc amaîl children address the o.atsdt anvelopa <o their parents, write theit first namnes on thse inner envelopa under thisai parents' names. Q.How should invitation b.- >sztrted in tnvtlopt> A. Invitation is folded witis tht wvording outide and pt in the inner envelope (which has Do gumn on flap) wits tis e foldadd edge down. Tht inner envelope is then placed in the outer ont facing thse f lap.