PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Singers workingk' wkhout dwirctor The County Town Singers are without a director, however, being leaderless is not keeping them from cang on. Jim Ashley who bas direc- ted the well-known singing group since its inception as a Centennial projeet in 1967 and helped the group achieve a national and European reputation, retired from the post last month. Cathy Bevis, a spokesman for the 85-member group said that a search is being held for a new director although no decision bas yet been made. In the meantime, Bevis said that the group is fun- ctioning under the direction of Margaret Webber and Bob Dudar. The next scheduled con- cert for the Singers is on March 5 at St. Gregory's Auditorium in Oshawa as part of the Brotherhood week celebrations. They wil also appear at the Oshawa Shopping Centre on April 19 to enterrain shoppers as part of the Art Fest '80, an event sponsored by the Oshawa and District Council for the Arts. The Singers will also stage two concerts at Whitby's Anderson Collegiate on May 12 and 13 and another at Kingsview United Church on May 14. Proceeds from the last concert wil be donated to the church for the restoration of Camp Pretoria. In june, the Singers will be featured as guest perfor- mers in the firefighter's pavilion dwring Oshawa's Fiesta Week One Parent meetin The Whitby chapter of the One Parent Families Association of Canada will hold their regular coffee and general meeting on Monday, March10 at 8:30 p.n. in the Gold Room of the Centennial Building on Centre Street South. For more information call 668-7547. wil Icut from Canada grade "A" beef full suice round steak boneiess cube stye stewing beef 1.98 shank lb. Maple Leaf Golden Fry I4 sausage 16goz.* cut from Canada boneless rump roast Mapte Leat rindless bacon Maple Leat regular or al bee6 . skinless wieners pkg Maple Leat smoked boneless mini dinner hams Maple Leaf cooked ham deat for meat toat or burgers regular ground beef Mapte Leat ham steaks Maple Leat baby bag bologna chubs Mapie Leat salami Polil bierwurst or sommer deli sausage grade "A" beef lb. 2a 500lg 1.68 1.48 lb 2.38 pkg14 1b.68 pkq 15 lb 1.24 2 50 QQl48 Tetley tea bags pkg. of 72 1149 Imperial sot 1 lb. margarine tubw 9 Monarch assorted added touch cake 5~f mixespkg. French style seasoned waxed or green beans. tancy peas or 39 I Del Monte cream corn oz luia bread & buffer, baby Polskî or baby Kosher Heinzvdill pickles 151Il oz bil u6 Club, House .assorted 2 o2 gravy mixes q3225 1.a00 Maxwell House ground coffee Treesweet orange or grapefruit juices 1llb > 0 bag 3,2 6 x 6oz1 9 titis, .4 Irozen 5" deluxe or oepperonî pizzeria style Aloro 345g 189 ~IZZ~ pkg lU trozen Hîghlîner cod fillets tancy rozen peas or York corn trozen Birdseye Cool Whip [M '99 (ont .65 ED$ t Five Roses ail purpose flour 3.5 kg pkg. 179 Canadian process cheese food Black Diamond single thin cheese slices 8 oz. pkg. instant trot chocolate Ovaltine tancy Bright s apple sauce Dare assorted breaktime cookies (552 gr 2. 29 1411 4 5001 89 pîlnîl89 __________________ I A A white Swan paper values L Là~ White Swan paper towels 2 rail pkg. .99 -.5 Fortune pieces & stems mushrooms 10 oz. in powder detergent 9 Fab box 23 liquid Joy Dow Handiwrap Melitta f ilter paper #6 soap pads S.O.S. fabrîc sotener sheet5 Bouince regular deodorant bar Coast soap Scope mouthwash tablets Bufferin 24 fi Q oz. Cont. M99 il15 8 f x 200tIl .9 pkg ff ot 40 a9 pkg 5 oft1 @5 95 q )f bar @3 750 r iL cont 2.19 btl f of 48 98 Gaines regular or c4hmse 1k Top Choice dog food i)kgý1.79 Catelli lasagna Swansdown bathro4ro l tissue pkg Alcan alumînum foil 3 -x wrap rol 0 cm 10 m II Whi le Swan serviettes Save-Ail waxed paper 500 Q17 tîkg .7 109 .99 r849 .89 r J' ixnported no. i GREEN CAIBAGE 49" «àc Hom@-Grown No.1 PARSNIPS 69ç 21b. lq Ontaio Finut Doudous FANCY APPLES 99ç 3 IL Bq Values effective until closing Saturday, March 8. 1980. We reserve the rght 10 lîmit quantifies. Supplied and Seîyiced by National Grocers Co. Ltd. GRADE A-1 RIED BRAND STEER BEEF for the freezer HINDS SIDES CHUCKS à>. 1.85 ib 1.64 1bL 1.49 store eut and wrapped BROWN'S FOODMA STER ROOKLIN 655-4521 8: 30 arn ) 6 p Exoept Thurs. and Fr.. Nights tii 9 prn DEÉIlVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POP PEOPLE ~1 of 40 ,,, 2.59