Whitby Free Press, 5 Mar 1980, p. 21

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W141TU R FIF PRFÇÇ-WFflNEflAY MARCH 5 .1980~f. PAGE 1!> *Free Pres Emporium EoimCoul668-6 11__ uu EmoriumAds wili only be accepted subject to. the following Condbtions. - - - - - - l'tl- àF AM N FORSALEj 1974 ASTRE MATCH BACK 4 speed. 63,000 miles. $300. Phono 668-6144. Dec. 26,79 1976 COBRA Il immaculato. $2,300 Inveted on brand new motor 302, BF Goodrich radiais on western maga, fuliy cuatomnIzed Interiar, bis ta prove. 34,500 flim. Ask for Bob 868- 0369. Jan. 9, 80 19US CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE GoOd condition. Aaking $450. Coii ai- toeOp.m.68-1386. Dec. 19,79 1977 THUINDERBIRD Numerous ex Iras inciuding air, only 26,000 milae1. muet sai $5000. Phono 668-7889. Dec. 12>"? 1970 442 CIJTLASS 455 400 turbo transmission. Power windows end bucket oas. $1.000 or beet af fer. Phono 60681. Dec. 12, 79 CLAMSC CAR - One of a KInd- 65 Ch"v Il. Excellent condition hae just hod $1300 worth of mechanîcai work donc. Phono 608-3164. Witt te any reoriabie offer. Feb. 27, 80 72 TORINO - good mechanîcal con- dition - needa body work. $35. 66ô& Feb 27, 80 1»0 FIIIEBIRD - 350 autOmatIc PIS, A-1 shape, nw pint. $1600 certild. 008-919 aller 5 p.m. Feb. 13, 80 72 FORD RANCH WAGON - $35 or boat offer. Phonoe65-8062 Jan. 23,80 1974 OLUS CU62'M CRUISER STATION WAGON 9 seller, air condtlonng, poerasteorlng, brakea, windows,sats A/FM temc radio, power door locks wlth a trailer hltch. WUilsVI $1000. CaUl Barry 664w Feb. 6, 80 1965s BUICK SPECIAL 4 door sedan. Good for reatorlng. $M0 Phono 725- 6106. Jan. 30,80 77 COUGAR XR7 - wlre dlek wheels, 2 door, miloage 4,600. Aaklng $5,2w0. A-i Condition. Phono 668-9628. Feb. 6, 80 1947 CHRYBLER NEWPORT. ongino and body in good condition. Power windows. Snow tires in- cluded. interlor inunaculate $3X) or best off r. Cail 6668-2W6. Feb. 6, 90 19»8 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - GOOdI running condition. $250 or boat Of fer. Caii anytime 668-0073. e.2.8 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON - PS, PIB, 9 pasengor. 351 Auto. 65.000 mles. Re-ulli motor and tran- smission. $700 or boat offer. 668- 7007. Fsb. 27, 80 STEEL BELTED RADIAL 75% TREAD - $18 o@ Good Ysar Custom HR 78x 15 on Ford rlm. 66&-563. Feb. 27. 80 PAIR 0F SNOWT1RES on trme Fils voikswcgon Btele OnlY used one year $50 Phonoe68.5211 Dc, 12.79? be sure to eali Phone L e-> }C~ RECRETIONAL1 VEHILES 1975 BON AIR traier. Sees 8. Fridge, slave, sink & turnace. 12,300. Cali Gall Anderson 668-4599. Dec. 12, 79 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebulit ln Dec. Bills ta provo. Excellent condition. $40 or neareet aI fer or trade for smail car. Phono 655-4495. Jan. 9,8W MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175 2,000 klm. Portsd andi poiiahed, Fox shocks, air forka, brand nsw clutch, board aver once. New Piston rings. Aaklng $1,500. Phione anytime afler 4 p.m. 668-7105. Jan. 2,80 IMELLANEOUS 1 BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT gray mInk coller -ilike new, size 1214 per- son 5' £75; 1 pr. mass green drapes apprax. 90, long x 106 wide $50; piste glass mIrror 41 x 2'6" $50; 1 wealclock eleclric $5; partial aat of W.M.A. Ragera fiat wsre $10; 1 new cenpenler and ie cruaher, (Rivai> $10; 1 wine decanter $10.668-2780. Feb. 27, 80 OVAL SIIAPEO DININO ROOM TABLE with 4 awivei chairs, matching buffet and hulch wth engraved gasa siiding dacra $30; Viking fsmiiy freezer, 22 cubic foot, excellent con- dition, Ilke new $20; 30" Westinghouae store, harveet goid colour, sif-cieaning, needa minar repair $50; atereoanmd speaker stand and record rackt (1 unit> $15. Phono 685-3961. Mar. 5, 80 CONSOLE TV, black and white, ln working order $25. Hockey equlp- ment âge 1014 yeara 32. 10 epesd bike $30. Phonoe068.5060. Feb. 20,80 16 FOOT CEDAR STRIP BOAT - win- dahield contrais & steerlng, 40 H.P. Johnaton twin - wlth tralorè and spare tire. Complte $50.00. Phono 6684 6294 Jan. 23,8W CAPE COD STYLE orange ruff le polyester, sheers. Includes 3 valen- ces, 5 pairs tiers & ie bacha. 56" wide x 30" long. New $51. Asking $30. Phono 728-8601. Ian. 1,680 2 SINGLE BEDS with matresses and matching cheet of drawers $235; fridge, Keivinator, no froat, 2 door, green, $250; slave, natural gas, Har- twick, green $135; diehwasher, Ad- mirai, automatic, green $135; washer, Kenmoro, 7 programe, heavy duty, self cieaning fliter, $225; sofa bed, king size, excellent condition, $175; humidifier $35; slave fan, avocedo, nover used. $35; car ramps, brand new $22; misc. corner tables $30 os.; color TV, Toshiba, 14", Ilko new, $275; misc. original paintinge. $80 os.; hend woven rings, varying sizes $800 ea.; caftese table, $20; Phono 839-3114 evenings & weekends. Jan. 16, 80 1 PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Ladi's, size 8. Excellent condition. Worn on- ce. $45. Phonoe668-9876. Jan. 16, 80 MODERN Sofa $150; cOntempararY style dressing cabinet. $250. Bath in goad condition. Phono 668-1781. Jan. 9. 80 WESTIlNGHOVSE DRYER for saie. Gond condition $85 Phono 623-1534. Jan. 30,80 HAGSTRUM il SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAR. cas and loud speaker. Like new- $275. Caii 725-3218 cnytime. Feb. 20,80 FIREPLACE brand nur, nover tmed wood burning ieplece with chini- noy. 3100. Phono 665-3614. e.2,7 STOVE - eiectrtc McClaryeasy. Good condition, can. Phono 66&- 0341 ýFeb. 20,80 PLESE KAU When the advertised item is soid, disposed of. or unavailabie for wha lever reason. the item wiil be deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE AOVERTISED PRICE as iiiustratedl below, regardiess if price is stated with "best offer"l. if the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3,00 wiii appiy. Alil advertisements must be piaced om an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not soid. RATES [if article is soidi: sOo of advertised prîce Up tb $400.00 2%,. of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 »commission due $6.0 Iminimumn charge is $3.001 Private advertising oniy! Please notify us if you find a retailer isted as a private açlvertiser. Pic.se natify the WI-itby Free Press immediateiy wheèn item is soid so that we may delete il f rom the foiiowing issues., Ail ads not fittîng the Ernp,riumn guidelines wili be treated and charged per week as regular ciassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heIp wanted, ciothing. reai estate, and persomai message type adls, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. i in doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL AOS TO: FREE PRESS EMPbRIUM P.O. Box 206, Wihitby, LUN SS1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. LIKE AIEW girls ski boots. TYroi, sizo RANGE brend new Wstnghouse 4 $9 Clsse e n i.siz with black glass door $W5 and mat- Albsrg (West Germany> sizo 1 $9; chlng froet-freo rofrigorator $275. Grenoble, size 2 $9; Sportaman. size 2 Franklin firelace and al ac- $9; girla whitesakates, size 23S4; Boy's cesacries $125. Buggy brnois $75. akates. Trulino, size 4. $12; Bobby Cali Jack 668-3»8 Huil, suze 1 35.00. Phono 655-4482. Jan. 30,80 Dec. 19. 79 SKIS, BOOTS à POLES Aduit izo. 175 cm. f50; pair of lunia.r skis 120 cm. $30. Phono 6483.. ioec. 19. 79 r CHESTERFIELD Irocontîy upholstered ln ruai tonots.$150.00. Phono 668-9562. t Jan. 23,80 1 NEW black & white marbie ,bathroom sholi shaped 5Ink. 30' x 19 34. $80; 1 new mon's Dyflastar skis & bindinge. $130. Phonoe7ý8-0074 ai- torSp.m.Voc. 12, 79 SKI BOOTS San Remo Sizo 81/. Neariy now. $35; Ladies wintor boots. Size 7e/t. Worn once $10. Phono 576- 2386.l Dec. 12, 79 FRIDGE AND STOVE - 2 yeara aid. Wheat colour $900. Good condition. Phono 668-2025. Fob. 13, 80 FRIDGE à STOVE, green .3400; bedroomn suite, 9 drawor dresser and mirrar and 1 dresser wth 4 drawers and bod $250;, 3 adding machines, 2 workir;g $50; Electrolux poIlsher and rug shampooor, like new $150; 668- 1105. Mar. 5, 80 NITROGEN REGULATOR - high pressure has 2 gauges - as now $75. Phone6ffl51. ;Jan. 30, 80 KITCHEN SUITE yellow wrouglit iran bevelled glass top, 1 year aid. 4 chairs, yelaow flowerei4 pattern. padded backs and suits. Superiar quality. $325. Oeil after p.m. 571- 2625 -Jan. 30, 80 CARDIGAN CORGI FOR SALE needs vert' affectianale home, Maie. 4 years aid Perfect for aIder couple. $50. Phone 666-1372 Dec .12, 79 A SOUID PINE BAR - 4%,' long and 311011 igb - 2 bar stools $30. Small arbrlte kitchon table and 1 Ie&f, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex. cellent condition $W0.00 CaUl 723877 Jlan. 30.90 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET. guague 1.0., 4' x 8', beautifuiiy iandscapped, In- cîudlng origines and roiiing stock. $1 75. Phorna 655-3961. Mar. 5. 80 old; F.M., cassette under dash. Asklng $110.00. Cal! 668&M9. Jan. 30,60 1 MENS 10 SPEED BIKE $35; two bumer hot plate $20. Premier upright vaccuum $20. 6680193. Feb. 20,80 CONN ORGAN - church & etrummer rhythm unit - 2 leslie speakers. owner'a manuai and complote begin- nera Instructions. Wainut colour and bench Included. Price $1500.00. Phono 623-2769. Jan. 23,80 1 LARGE WOOD WARDROBE, CHERRY AND OAK CONSTRUC- TION, cIrca 1930's tram Port Perry ares $150; 3 snow mobile suie - 2 menas medium, navy blue $24 ea, i chiId'saize 12 - mauve $15 - al l Ike now; 2 stone lions - antique green finish tarin or outdoore $12 os.; 3waII ruge, 2 size 4'x6' $25 s.. 1 size 2'x3' $12; 2 girls winter coats sizo 7-9, 1 orange with imitation fur collar $15, 1 pure wooi dark green size 9-12 $20; 1 heavy duty car battery for 4 or 6 cyl. 12 voit with warranty - used 1 week. $25. Phono 866M9. Feb. 20,80 1 TOSHIBA TUNER and 2 Toshibe speakers and BSR turntable $160 complote. Phono 725-5753 efter 5: 00. Fob. 6,80 CUSTOM OUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. Ne0w $1400, wliii sou for $80; 54" box apringa, good condition, $50. Car 8 track stereo. $40; set of pots and pans $15. Cali 683164. Wiii take any reasonabie of fer. Feb. 27,80 ONE PAIR 0F B.F. GOODRICH BELTED TALO14 TIRES on Koytone Mage . Oniy 3 monthe aid $100 cali 68-3259. Feb 2780 Ibe streets art for thse people- Exercise your righttu. VM~k a block a day. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT, THE MAT FOR YOU! 0cOMEwA rwi flu Mi aihitl leIhe Sorw hno728-2103 5 PIECE LIVING ROON SUIT E - Fren- ch Provincial - Includos 4 seater cheetertioid, sofa chair, cottes table & 2 end tables, ail ln excellent con- dition. Aaklng $65 - bass thon " the coat. Caii 655-4925 aftor 6:00 p.m. Jan. 23, 80 1-CARL WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Protessionai model. Hydrauiic matai stand, sighting scope, 5 assorted lenses. Barlow ton- se moon and sun t hiers, sun screen. Excellent condition. 3500.00 com- plie. Phono 668-6294. Jan. 23,80 26"l R.C.A. REMOTE CONTROL colour TV. 4 monthe aid, $80. Phono 668-9298 atter 5:00. Feb. 27, 80 3 - 5 GALLON OAS CANS $5 os;. 4 plumbere wrenches $25; 1 torcan car heater $5; 1-8 track plaYer $15; 1 record player sterea $25; 3 gallons of body f1Ill $5 es; 1 caiftes table and end table wiih 2 lampe $10; 668-0193. Mar. 5,80 RECTANGULAR DININO ROOM SET - velaur uphoiatered chairs - smoked glass top and chromo table. Excellent condition $200; a couch and chair - good quallty but neode cieaning. Good for roc room or cottage $75* email round kitchen table and 4 chairs - new condition $75; portable apartment eized humidifier $40. Phono 579-125. Feb. 27, 80 THOMAS ORGAN MODEL 1151 - many extras. Excellent condition; newiy tuned. $1.095 with music. 728- 4797. Mar. 5. 80 Wecan't help wfihout your help. 0,IT PN WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS. usod. Lika new $90. Phono 668-3448., Dec. 19, 79 VIKING REFRIGERATOR, whIto $150. Cail 668-7012. Mar. 5, 80 WHAUT DO YOU GIVETHE, PERSON WHO BAS NOTHING? For many of the world's aged there 15 flo pension, no free heaIth service, no provision of housing . even no food. But there is F-ELP THE AGED. An orgartization that enables people of goodwill to help old people in tragic need. Don't let someones Christmas be just anolher sulent night of loneliness and despair. Please make a gift of hope. ~fCAD people To People DevaIopmeflt OXFAM supports small, sol help projocts ln dovelopif communities around the woric OXFAM projects -stress sol reilance and ssek maximur participation by the loci population. OXFAM la mor thon a chsrlty. lil s a movemer for social justice. VOUR CONTRIBUTION CAI MAKETHE DIFFERENCE OXFAM-CANADA Box 18,cS0o0i TORONTO WNI OTTAWARE FOR YOUR WORK. NAME____ ADRESS ___ ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEOUCTII ng Id. df- lm -il CALOJ VANCOUI HALIFAX ST. JOHN'S

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