PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 1980. WFIITBY FREE PRESS IAvoid tax discounters, warns consumer nister Some Ontario residents who receive T-4 slips this week will discount their tax re- funds in exchange for instant cash- and may bc chea ed in the process, warned con- sumner mninîster Frank Drea. -There is nothing illegal about income tax discount- ing as long as iL doesn't con- travene the federal Tax Re- bate Discounting Act and the discount doesn't exceed 15 per cent of the expected re- fund," said Mn. Drea. "The 1 5 per cent fee must also include the cost of pneparing the return." in previous yeans investi- gators for the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations discovered cases where tax discounters had returned as littie as 50 per cent of the total anticipated r ef know there are peo- ple in any cornmunity who may for a number of fînan- cial reasons be unable to wait for their tax refunds to corne fromn the federal govern- ment. If they can't hang on and wait we suggest that they try to use their anticipated tax refunds as collateral on a loan from a legitimnate lend- ing institution," said Mr. Drea. "The worst thing they can do is go to what is coin- monly known as a boan shark.' said Mr. Drea. At least one finance com- Ontario will offer a tax rebate discounting ser- vice in conformance with the federal legistation through 10 special branch outiets ini seven cities. "This ministry will main- taini a watchdog function through its eight regional consumer services bureaus. Any complaints about dis- counters who do flot con- form with the law will be prornptly referred to the federal government,* said Mr. Drea. When you bring in a film to be processed & printed ai MBM Photography You receive a FREE FILM KODACOLOUR & FUJICOLOUR.FILM, Sizes 110, 126 & 135, YOUR CHOICE *A REPLACEMENT ROLL (1 coupon) *A 5x7 ENLARGEMENT IN DELUXE FOLDER (1 coupon) *A DELUXE PHOTO ALBUM (3 coupons) (You receive 1 coupon for each roli) WE ONLY USE KODAK PAPER M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCKSTN 668-6l11 PRCESIG OU JOURS: RCSIN OEB LMON - WED 9- 6 THUR$, ftk 9i8BENJAM IN SA0 w- LIJFM LABORlATORIES LTD. SAt- Part- time soldje r is ready for acton This young man is certainly sitting on the rigbt side of that .50 caliber machine gun. Trooper Andrew Anderson, 18, a one year veteran of the Ontario Regiment demonstrated the use of the amour piercing sheli firing weapon during the unit's open bouse that was held recently. The open bouse was part of a recruiting drive and commanding officer, Lt. Col. Michael Koster said tbat is is a great opportunity for young people. To join the regiment, Durham Region's only and one of Canada's oldest militis units, a candidate must be 17 years of age, a Canadian citizen and in good physical condition. To find out more about the Ontario Regiment, it is possible to visit the Armouries on Sim- coe Street North in Oshawa every Tuesday and Thursday between 7:30 p.rn. and 10 p.m. or cati Major Dick Duchemnin or Captain Jim Reekie at 723-2021. - Free Press Photo by Michael Knell. Block P"areLnts 80-8 1 exec By SHARON BRADIMORE PRO, WHITBY BLOCK PARENTS The Whitby Block Parents are pleased to announce that a new executive committee has been elected for the 1980- 81 year. New chairpersoli will be Mrs. J. Carr, for- merly our secretary. We are ail pleased to have sucb a capable person head up the Mrs. B. St.anley stays on as co-chairperson and Mrs. S. Bradimore rernains public relations officer. New faces include Mrs. C. Kelm as educational aids of- ficer, and Mrs. E. Slevins as treasurer. Mrs. E. Tully takes over as secretary. We welcome Mrs. H. Bray as area chairperson for the long been held by Mrs. B. Stanley and she has done a super job up there. it is impossible to listal the activities headed Up by MIrs. G. Walsh this past year as executive chairperson. She has devoted much time and energy insuring that our programme will en- joy continued success. She will be dearly rnissed in the future. We would like to express our gratitude to her, and to the others of the 1979-80 executive, including area chairpersons Mrs. Y. Don- nelly (West Lynde), Mrs. C. Roy (F. M. Heard), Mrs. J. Sobanski (Dr. R. Thornton - this post rernains vacant), Mrs. M. Hadju (Palmer- ston), Mrs. J. Smith (Otter Creek), Mrs. H. Cuffley (King St.), and Mrs. K. Sherman (Kathleen Rowe), who have always been available when needed. We say good-bye also to Mrs. T. DiFiore (treasurer) and Mrs. B. Cameron (educatioflal aids).- -Bailf sigfn-u The Whitby Minor Basebali Association is pleased to announce its 1980 registration for ail boys, ages six to mineteen years of age. Registrations will be Saturday's March 8 and March 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00p.M. On both the above dates the locations are: the Whit- by Public Library and the Brooklin cornmunity Centre in Broolin. Corne on, "Join the fun and Play Hall." STE VEN F. PELESHOI<, B.A., LL.B. BARRISTER &SOLICITOR 105 D UND AS ST.W. TEL.(416 6683616WHITB, ONTARIO TEL.(416 6683616L1W 2M1