WEDNESDAY MARCII 5. 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS3 -Ashe ckuims tha t,.... Go East policy is creating growth The Ontario government's Go East policy is creating growth and becoming more successful according to Durham West MIPP George Ashe. "The Goverrnment of On- tario had made considerable progress during the past year with its Go East policy," Ashe said in a writ- ten statement. "This policy is designed to encourage growth to the east of Metropolitan Toronto." Ashe said that the policy's objective is to relieve pressures to the west, nor- thwest and even wlthiin Canada's second largest City. Ashe said that final plans for the new Ministry of Revenue building in Oshawa should be approved in the near future and that con- struction of the project should begin at the end of June, 1980. "As well as the economic and employnient benefits from the original construc- tion, the entire area wiil fur- ther benefit from the spen- ding and housing requirements of the new familles moving into the area, and from the supply and service demands of the Ministry itself," he said. the parliamentary secretary to the Ontario minister of energy also threw some shadows on the present move to see the GO Train service expanded east of Pickering. "Studies indicate that, at this time, enough com- muters would not use the train service to cover the cost of providing and operating it," Ashe said. However, the Progressive Conservative MPP says that he Wil continue to work with the Toronto Area Transit operating Authority on the issue and "as soon as there is an indication that the number of commuters to use the service will reach a cost- efficient level, I will be im- pressing upon my collegues in the Governinent the imn- portance of extending the GO train service to Oshawa." The expansion of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital is still in *the offing accor- ding to Aslie. "The expansion of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital 15 stil in tibo initial planning stages," hie said adding that "4a committee has been established to submit recommendations to the Minister of Health on the role and concept, plus com- munity needs of the expan- ded hospital. " Ashe said that the report from his committee is due sometime in June. Firms in Whitby, Ajax and Pickering received financial assistance from the Ontario Developnient Corporation to the tune of $M00,000 in 1979, Ashe said. He also noted that three companies from Durham West riding participated in ministry of industry and tourism trade missions to the United States, Mexico and Easterni European coun- tries. As part of the gover- nment's effort to develop the areas east of Toronto the On- can be considered a reality, " Ashe said. He pointed out that the Seaton community is already designated as a major urban area for 90,000 people in Durham Region's Officiai Plan. "The next step in ohý- taining approvals from the Region and the Town of Pickering is for the Ontario Land Corporation to make application for an amen- dment to the Officiai Plan to set out land uses and tran- sportation networks for Seatèn, " he said. "When ail necessary ap- provals are received, the developmnent of Seaton wll take place over the next 25 to 30 years or more dependlng on market conditions." Ashe said that there are two "1popular misconcep- tions" about Seaton. GEORGE ASHE tario Land Corporation is proposing a plan for an ur- ban comnmunity in North Pickering, Ashe said. He also said that the Crown company will follow the same procedures as any other developer. The community, cailed Seation has out stiff op- position from area municipalities, most notable from Whitby Mayor Jim Gartshore. "Even though the Ontario Land Corporation is an agency of the Provincial govermnent, it is willing to follow all reasonable ap- proved procedures set down by the local and regional govermnents before Seaton ',The first is the perceived negative economic impact this community could have on the established corn- munities in Durham. Seaton is not a major regional cen- tre, detracting from the area beyond the immediate community. "lIt is designed to benefit ail of Durham Region, by principally attracting people and industry to the ares rather than having them locate- in other Metro- abutting Regions of Peel and York," he said. "The second misconcep- tion is that it wil be solely a 'bedroom' community. 0f CONT'D ON PG. 22 DIAL - Nm- INSPIRATION Di668-1331 and heor a three minute inspirational messoge by Postor immo Oltmonns of the Emmanuel church at 401 Rossland RoadW. in Whitby.