GetwayFoitIl WIN~ FOR TWO EACH MONTHi YOUR CHOICE!, (SEE eFFICIAL RULES) Nashville 4 day chartarways bu.k tour for two Includes reserved sots ai the Opry and a vieiltotaOpryIand. New York City 4 day Chartarways bus tour for two Includas gulded tour c»f Chinstown, Harlemn, The Bowtory, ILiN Bulding and Empire Stata BIdg. Indly '5»0 2 day Charterways bus tour for iwo May 24 only, Includet reoaarvod secte and $150 epending monasy. mril- -mmom mmu Canadian Tulip Festival (Ottawa) 3 day Charterwaye bus tour for Iwo includas a boat tour on the Otawa River, a guided tour of the capital and S$150 epending monoy. Kentucky Derby 3 day Chartarwsys bus tour for two May 2 oniy Includas $100 epending money. Lake PIacid 3 day Chartarways bus tour includea a boat cruiso on Mirror Lake and 'V150 spendlng money. mmm mmmmmm * xi 0oaFuJ~ou~tHwy. 29 WhltbyI * f~ ra>tn t~a I',u. OU662751 I *Ne 0 Addross *Phono__________ Ntff * o GlAway Fron Il ^li Contesti1«0 k&II 4 a 0b mmmm . ýmmm MMMM -mmm m * 108 roit St. S., WhItby 668-4375I NomeI IAddress IPhono________eT~k M Gel Away FrontIlt^11l Contesi kk * ~ 1 llOroeck St. S., Whltby 668.1266 * PLIA8L NOTE y& k E IPhono_______________cet t * o GlAway Fro un I HContesti k o t@ mmmm mmmuum mm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *~ CC SOUND * Chril & Bob Cotton * 1188 Mrock St. S., WhItby 86683707 Addross *Phono__--_____ lN~. * Gol Away From Il kl Contes il à o""6 k êf 0b mmmm m -m u m m --mmmm mmm mma *TEfBRITE Mon's Wear e 121 Mrock St. S., Whllby 668&3261 IAdidroiss PKEAUNNT I N IPhon_________ m . 1 , IGet AwojïFronl iAJI Costl1'e w mmmummmmmmmmm * ~ Mercantile Deparimont Strel MW~r 321 Brock St. S., Whltby 668-3468 I *Adidross IPhone____________ «~ .«% W %k 0[ GlelAway Fromnil AMi cmetest 1N V M. <SRGE) eSOOKNANAN * 1101 09ffck St. S., Whltby 668-021I *Nam@ IAddress- MPhono-~ Cle jwyFrom I «I- Wtetk *Mmm m mmmmmmm Walt Disney World CyproesGardons Ses World Stars' Hall of Fume Kennedy Spece Centre Qatorlancs Zoo PRIZE Sunflight Seven Night TRIP FOR TWO TO ORLANDO FLORIDA Including air transportation, inflight meais and bar service,* Iair-conditioned accommodation with private bathroom ai Ramada Inn Central or Days Inn, transportation and Iuggago transfer between airport and hotel. 1 m mmummm mmmmmmummmmmm *BOND RESTAURANT &TAVERN 1 * 200 Bond Street WestI * Oshawa 579-9179 PIStIl NOTE: av NT«W410. NTN Phonoe hiNklt O N 1W01 "."W IGel Away From Il Ail Conlosîl CSu Td WW k mmmm mmmm mmm mmm mum m m mmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmm Noe Idre 116 Athol St., Whilby 666.1440 e.. PLOu NOIE: Il NTW< nq INN ONU -Phone lIki 1T kr4bd %o t 1 r N k I'Get Away From Il Ail Contosîl 9e 0. mummmmmmm*mm~m - mmm mmmm mmmmmm mmmmumm IONCEUPONAT-SHIRTI * 100 Byron St. S.,, Whltby 668-9161 I Nome Addross PLEASO NOTE: Nbi Wn tTgIN N * Phono_________ _end____________no ITUNCNWIIoINNos *Gel Away From Il Ail Cn t 0 yrm ammmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm * DODD &SOUTERI Decor Centres CIL Paint & Fine Walipapers In Stock * 107 Byron St. S., Whllby - Ajax PlazaI NomeI PhonoeZt~ IGel Awav From il Ail Conlesît NIl WINT Wo Mýmm mm mmmm m mmmm mmm m m mmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmm * The 9M0Hopkins Atlîarn F U Plus' WITB$ 668-3192 Woadburning Stoves & Accessaries *Addross Phono_____________e I Nt .1. 1 IL Gel Away Fron t IlAl Contestil0 , u m mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmm GOLF-O*TRON Compuerlzod Indoor Golf - Pro Shop & LousonsI 1450 Hopkins Si., WhIlby 60e9671 NomeI *Addrose PI" N oie NyNT wl IPhono______________ cNICNINRWyNI TMo I,1 * o GlAway From il Ail Contestl a' W k nummmmmmmmm *ummmum m mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmum *WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE lI * 12ODUNDASST.W. 668-2097 *NomeI *Addrest IPhono_ _ _ _ _ _W * o QoAway Fron i lAil ContestlW mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TRIP Nme_____ ___ IAddroiss_______ __ _ __ Phono_______-_ * o elAway From il AIlConlosti k- mmmmmmwimmmmmmmmmm Get-Away-f rom-lt-ail Contest Off iciai Ruies-No Purchase Necessary 1. Everytima a complated entry forin, or reasonabla facalmils, la depoelt.d wlth a par. ticipatîng marchant whose naom appeara thora on betwean Feb. 20, 1900end May " î 1960, you receiva a chance ta wln on@i of the prIzes In the GttAway-Fnrtnlt.All Conteet. Enterse oflen as you Ilke, but entries muet ha recelvsd no later than May 17, 1900. 21 Each month, durlng March and April, ont prtza-atrip for two-wlll ha award.d. The wln- ners may choos e o0f the advertlsed bus tours whlch appeer ln greater datait In thé Chartsrwsys Tours 190 catalogue on pages 17, 35. 38 end 39. Suggeed valut of "ach trip ranges froin $39 toi $430. In May, thora wlll ha ane final Grand Prize drawlng forsa aeven-night trip for two package to Orlando, Flonida with accommodation at Days Inn or Rtamada Inn as advertised In the Vol. 14, No. 1 Sunflight Holldays Magazine on page 9. Suggested retail pnice of thîs trip le approximatsiy $50 3. Monthly wlnnera wli ha selected In random drawlngs f rom amnong tontrles submiited for that month prior ta the drawing date by or arranged by M.8.M. Pujbilshing whos decisions are final. The Grand Prîze drawlng ai the end of the contact wili ha tram aniong ail enirles received during tho entire conteet. Only ona prize 10 ant Individual or family. WInners a y harequired (o execute an affidavit of eiigibillty and ralease, and In ail cases wll ha required ta answer a turne llmlted skiii teatlng question. Except for the Grand Prize, pnizes are not transferabis or exchangeable for cash. Ail entries beconie the property of M.B.M. Pubiishing, and M.B.M. roerves the right ta pubiiah winnera' photos, names and addrasses. 4. The Conteet le open ta ail Ontarlo residents 18 years of &go or over, axcepi empioyees and their familles of M.B.M. PubilshIng, and the partIcipating marchants. Taxes, service charges, surcharges, end other expenses not lncluded In the basic packages, are the raspoaebiity of the Individual winnars. In the eventusilty that tha adverlised tripe are unable ta ha purchaed by M.B.M. Publishing on behaif 0f the wInnere, M.8.M. Publshlng reserves the rIght to offar 10 purchase tripe 0f approxImateiy equai valut! that are avallabie. Ail trips muet b. takan hatwaen April 1 and Deceinhar 1, 1980, or In wame cass on (ho Specif lad datas. FI LLOUTITHE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI mmmmmmummmmmmmmumm * ~ CalicolCat Your Wool StoreI * 118 Brock Si. N., Whltby 66&.7611 NameI Addross PLE.S LOT&U OkTII, N Phone. w4ud b8NO. 1kNO * Gel Away From it Ail Conleati eff NTd WTTN "M k * M.BeMe PHOTO 131 Brock St. N., Whltby 66-61 11 Addross Phono______________ kTWMOTNTIkOINftrè * Gel Away From Il Ail Conlestio~lem * ~ Dîsco & Dling LoungeI 173 Brock St. N., WhilbyI Dra 0vu m68-8822 *Addross *Phono________ ________"w 1 M Gel Away From ltAil Conlesîti 4 "WW k' * HENRY223 Brock St.N*,I HENRI Whltby 668-6821 GeilANt NOTE Ny NTAil Tg N kIT * sb __ S lU DRUGM ART ZPETER DILWORTH DRUGS LIMITED 601 DUNDAS STREET WEST rP68.5891 INome DESIGN l