Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1980, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRFSS Free Pres fwm AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1976 DODGE CHARGER 2 dr. coupe, air conditIonlng, fuiiy ioaded. Sliver wlth maroon wlnyi top. Certitied $2.200, Cati Norma 888-9585. Jan. 9, 80 1976 COBRA Il immaculate. $2,300 Invested on brand nev< motor 302, BF Goodrich radiais on western mags, Iuiiy customnized Interlor, blis to prove, $4500 irm. Ask for Bob 668- 0369. Jan. 9, 80 1974 ASTRE HATCH BACK 4 speed. 63,000 mites. $300. Phone 668-144. Dec. 26, 79 1965 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Good condition. Asklng $450. Caii ai- lier 6 p.m. 668-1386 Dec. 19. 79 1977 THUNDERBIRD Numerous ex- tras inciuding air, oniy 26,000 mi'e" Muai seli $5.000 Phone 688-7689. Dec. 12,79 1970 442 CUTLASS 455 400 turbo transmission, Power windows and bucket seats. $1.000 or basi ofier. Phone 668-6481. Der. 12, 79 73 FORD MUSTANG COUPE 56,20j mniles. With 302 angine, V-8. New paint, Power steering, New shocks. Rebuiit carburetor. Snow tires in. ciuded. Magsalai around. Asting $1.600. Phone 66-5328. Ask for Brad. Dec 5, 79 72 TORINO- good mechanicai con- dition - needs body work. $350. 668. 4898. Feb 27, 80 1901 FIREBIRID - 350 automatic PIS, A-1 chape, new pint. $1600 certIlled. 668-9aler 5 p.m. Feb. 13, 80 72 FORD RANCH WAGON - $350 or besi of fer. Phone 6558062. Jan. 23,80 1974 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISER STATION WAGON 9 seater, air condtioning. power ateering, brakes, windows, seats. AM/FM stereo radio, power door locks wth a traiter hltch. Wilt sell $1600. Cal Barry 66BM855 Feb. 6, 80 1955 BUICK SPECIAL 4 door sedan. Good for restoring. $500 Phone 725- 6106. Jan. 30,80 77 COUGAR XR7 - wlre dlsk wheets, 2 door, itfeage 4,600. Asking $5,200. A-t Condition. Phone 668-9628. Feb. 6, 80 1107 CHRYSLER NEWPORT. engilne and body n good condition. Power windows. Snow tires in- ctuded. Interlor ixnmaculete $300 or best offer. Cati 668-2263. Feb. 6, 80 CLASSIC CAR - One of a Knd - 85 ChOvY Il. Excellent condition bas Just had $1300 worlh of mechanicai cort donc. Phone 668-3164. WiIi tata any reasonabie otier. Feb. 27, 80 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Good running condition. $250 or besi otier, Cai anytime 668-0073. Cali l668- 61 il Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject ta the following Conditions. RECRAIINAL VELES 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equipped cith tridge, stove & citer. 8 cyt. 225. Excellent running & body condition. As la, but can b. certified. $1.500. Phone 655.3006. Nov. 21, 79 MOTORHOME 26 fIL Ciasa A Superior. Compieteiy refinished wth nec broadtoom, drapes & veivet uphoistery. Steepa 6. 2 single beds in back with nightabie. Compiete bathroom wth bathtub & shower. Has a 4 burner stove wth oven. DoubIc stainiesa steel sinks. Large size kit- chen table ciih bench style seats on aither aides. App?0ximateiy 30,000 miles. Asking price $18000. Inctudea many extras. Phone 68â3.3030, Pickering. Dec. 5, 79 1975 BON AIR traier. Siaeps 8. Fridga. siove. sînk & furnace, '2.300. Cati Gai Anderson 668-4599, Dec .12, 79 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebuiltitn Dec. Bills to prove. Excellent condition. $400 or nearesi offer or trade for amail car. Phone 655-4495. Jan. 9, 80 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175 2,000 kim. Ported and poished, Fox shocks, air forks, brand naw ciutch, board over once. New piston rings. Aatlng $1.500. Phone anytime ai ter 4 p.m. 6887105. Jan. 2,80 L ILLANEOUS U8ED BABY CRIS wth mattreas. $35. Phone 728-8739. Fab. 27,80 CONSOLE TV, back and chite, ln corting ordar $25. Hockey equip. ment ae 10-14 years $25. 10 spaed bita $30. Phone 668-5060. Fab. 20.80 16 FOOT CEDAR STRIP BOAT - cm-. dshieid controis & steering, 40 HP.' Johnston icin - with traiter and spare tire. Compiela $500.00. Phone 668- 6294 Jan. 23,80 CAPE COD STYLE orange ruff le polyester shears. Includas 3 valen- ces, 5 pairs tiers & tie bacts. 56" wida x 30" long. Nec $51. Asking $30. Phone 128-8601. Jan. 16,680 2 SINGLE BEDS with matresses and matching cliesi of dracars $235; fridga, Keivinator, no frosi, 2 door, green, $250; stove, naturai gas, Har- twick, green $135; dishwasher, Ad- mirai, automaiic, green $135; washer, Kenmore, 7 programa, heavy duty. self cîeaning filter, $225; sofa bed. king siza, excellent condition, $175; humidifier $35; stove fan, avocado, neyer uaed. $35; car rampa. brand new $22; misc. corner tables $30 ea.; color TV, Toshiba, 14, lite nec, $275; misc. original paintinga. $80 ea.; hand woven rings, varying sizes $800 as.; coflea table, $20; Phone 839-3114 eveiings & wetends. Jan. 16, 80 1 PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Ladies, PLEASE READ WNhen the adverfised item is soid. dîsposed of, or unavailable for wha ever reason, the item wiil be deemed to have been soid and a corr.-nission wîlbe charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE asillusfrated below. regardiess if price is sfafed with '-best offer- Il the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3,00 wilI appiy. All adverfisemenfs must be placedi on an exclusiv e basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run aft east one month if not soid. RATES I[if article is soîd]: 50o of adverlised price up (o $400,00 20o --f balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item adverfised for $120.00 . commission due $6.0 minimumn charge is $300OJ Prvaie adverfising only! Please nofify us if you find a retailer tsled as a private advertiser. Ph-.ise notify the Whitby Free Press immediately wheér item is sold so that we may delete if from the foiiowing issues., AIl ads not fi tting the Ernp,.rium guidelines wili be freafed and churged per week as regular cîassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heipwanted, ciofhing, real estafe. and personal nussaqe type ads. or ads not quofing price or quantify: Privafe ci,ssified ads may appear in the Emporium section under alppropriafe headings. Sin doubf, call 668-6111 MAIL AOS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 206, '//hitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., W hitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. L-IKE NIEW girls ski boots. tyrol, aize 4 S9; Classe de neige, siza 7 $9; A.lbvrg (West Germany) size 1 $9; G3renoble, size 2 $9; Sportsman, size 2 Sig; girls chite skates, size 2 $4; Boys skalas. Truline, siza 4. $12: Bobby iIuit, siza 1 $5.00. Phone 655-4482. Dec. 19, 79 sKIS. BtOOTS à POLES Aduit size. -175 cm. $50; pair of junior skis 120 cr.$30. Phone 683-638. Dec. 19, 79 71 CHESTERFIELD - recentîy u,.phostered ln ruai tones. $150.00. Phone 668-9562. Jan. 23,80 ^11 NEW black & chite marbie bialhroom shahl shaped sint. 30" x 19 3j4". $60; 1 nec mens Dynasiar skis & bindinga. $130. Phone 728-0074 al- ter5p mý Dec .12, 79 SKI BOOTS San Remo Size 81/ Nearly nec. $35, Ladies wuler boots Sîze 7112. Worn once $10. Phone 576- Dec. 12, 79 MEESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale. Grotd condition $85 Phone 623-1534. Jan. 30,80 CARPET FOR SALE 4 pieces (orange) sflag, diîf freni room nuzes $200. truck rack for pick-up $100 Cati 668-0163> Dec. 5. 79 F:RIDGE AND STO)VE - 2 years old. VVheat colour $900. Good condition. Phone 68-2025. -e.1,8 !STRONGLY BUILT tlai traiter aize 10- x 4with pipe raiting 1lV2 high. Tiras 550x 112". $200. Phone 655-3166. Dec. 5, 79 STOVE - etectric McClary, easy. G3ood condition, dlean. Phone 668- 0341.- Fab. 20,80 SOLID BIRCII BUNK BEOS t1rmat- tress and 1 sprixxg încluded $100. Cati 66&0060. Jan. 30,80 lKITCHEN SUITE yellew wrought îron bevelled glass top, 1 year old. 4 chars. yeltow flowered pattern. padded backs and seats. Superior qulty. $325 CatI suter 8 pn. 571- 2625 Jan. 30.,80 CARDIGAN CORtGi FOR SALE needs *oery af/eclionale home Maie 4 years ,cid Perieci for older couple $50 Pflîone 666-1372 A SOLID PINE BAR - 4½h' long and 3'10" high - 2 bar stools $300. SmeUl arbrite kitchen table and 1 leaf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- ceflent condition $50.00 Call 723-877 Jan. 30,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 months otd; F.M., cassette under dash. Asking $110.00. Cati 868-6593. Jan. 30,80 1 MENS 10 SPEED BIKE $35; two burner hot plate $20. Premier uprlght vaccuum $20. 668-0193. Fb 08 RANGE brand new Westinghouse with black glass door $350 and mat- ching froat-free refrigerator $275. Franklin fireplace and att ac- cessories $125. Buggy harness $75. Cati Jack 668-3889 Jan. 30,80 ORGAN - Eko. 2 yaars old. Full rhythm section. Excellent condition. $1,100. Cali 666-1530; 40 Channel CB mobile and arlal $80. Dec. 5, 80 CONN ORGAN - church & strummer rhythm unit - 2 leslie speakers, owner's manual and compiete begin- nera Instructions. Walnut colour and bench Incîuded. Price $1500.00. Phone 623-2769. Jan. 23. 80 t TOSIIIBA TUNER and 2 Toshiba speakers and BSR turntabte $180 complete. Phone 725-5753 aft.er 5:00. Feb. 6,80 1 LARGE WOOD WARDROBE, CHERRY AND OAK CONSTRUC- TION, circa 1930s from Port Perry area $150; 3 snow mobile suits - 2 menas medium, navy blue $24 ea, 1 childas size 12 - mauve $15 - ail lite new; 2 atone lions - antique green finish for In or ouldoors $12 a.; 3 cali ruga, 2 size 4*x6 $25 ea., 1 size 2x3' $12; 2 girls cInter coats size 7-9, 1 orange cith Imitation fur coller $15, 1 pure cool dark green size 9-12 $20; 1 heavy duty car battery for 4 or 6 cyl. 12 volt cith carrenty - used 1 ceet. $25. Phone 668-294. Feb. 20,80 CUSTOM BUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. Nec $1400, ciii sali for $80; 54" box apringa. good condition. $50. Car 8 tract siereo. $40; set of pots and pana $15. Cail 86683164, Willttaeany reasonabie off er. Feb. 27, 80 ONE PAIR 0F B.F. GOODRICH BELTED TALOO-14 TIRES on Kayatona Maga . OnIy 3 months oîd $100 cal 668-3259 Feb 27, 80 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT DUT THE MAT FOR YOU! 0OMEWA 14nos fi m galt m xe Wolld Phone 728-2103 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE - Fren- ch Provincial - Inctudes 4 seater chesîerfîeld, sofa chair, cof tee table & 2 end tables, all n excellent con- dition. Asklng $650 - leas then 12 the coat. Cail 655-4925 afler 6:00 p.m. Jan. 23, 80 1-CARL WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Profestonai modal. Hydreulc matai stand, sightlng scope, 5 essorted aenses. Barlow Ian- se moon and sun filters, sun acreen. Excellent condition. $500.00 corn- plate. Phone 668-6294. Jan. 23,80 26" R.C.A. REMOTE CONTROL colour TV. 4 montha oid, $80. Phone 668-9298 alter 5:00. Feb. 27, 80 1 BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT gray mint coller - lite nec, aize 12-14 par- son 5' $75; 1 pr. mosa green drapes approx 90" long x 108" cide $50; plate glass mirror 4x2'6" $50; 2 basket chairs wîth covers $10 ee.; 1 wealcloct electric $5; partiel sel of WM.A. Rogers fiat care $10; 1 nec canopener and lce cruaher, (Rivai) $10; 1 wind decenter $10. 668-2780. Feb. 27, 80 RECTANGULAR DINING ROOM SET - velour upholatered chairs - smoked glass top and chrome table. Excellent condition $200; a couch and chair good quality but needa cleaning. Good for rec room or cottage $75, amati round titchen fable and 4 chairs - nec condition $75; portable apartment aized humidifier $40. Phone 579-6125. e.2,0 NEWHOME ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINE wth box hoider. Hardiy used. Lite nec $90. Phone 668-3448. Dec. 19, 79 We can't helpI without your help. WVORKiNG WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULI w WHAT Do vou GIVE THE PERSON WHO BAS NOTHING? For rnany of th-e world's aged Lhere is no pension. no f ree health service, no provision of housin1g . even no food. But there is HELP THE AGED. An organization tha[ enables people of goodvvill to help old people in tragic need. Dont lIlsonleones Christmas lie just another silent night of Ioneliness and élespair. Please make a gîft of hope. be sure to cali Phonevm-êi - ,iC CANADA People To Peopie D.veiopmsnt L~Iu OXFAM supports smail, self- help projects ln developing communities around the worid. OXFAM project s stress self. reliance and seek maximum participation by the local population. OXFAM Is more than a charity. Il 15 a movement for social justice. VOUR CONTRIBUTION CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE OXFAM-CANADA Box 18.000 Box 12000 TORONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX CALGARY ST. JOHN'S VANCOUVER HERE IS MY DONATION 0F $S ___ FOR YOUR WORK. NAME ALI DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Emnporu Dec 12, 79 1 1

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