WHITBY FREE PRESS, WE1DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1980, PAGE 15 Whitby club celebrates Rotary'9s 75thi birthday By NEIL MURKAR Whitby Rotary Club Last week, the Rotary Club of Whitby along with 18,373 other Rotary Clubs sc attered around the globe in 154 countries, celebrated the 75th Anniversary 0f the founding of Rotary Inter- national. Rotary began in Chicago on February 23, 1905 when a young Attorney, Paul P. Harris, found the big city -to be a lonely place, and longing for the spirit of fellowship and friendship among businessmen which he had found In smaller communities, invited three Young business friends to his office in the Unity Building on Chicago's Dearborn St. The three others were a mining engineer, a coal dealer and a tailor, and this diversity of occupations was to play an important part in the club which was to develop out of this meeting, because the classification principle in which one niem- ber froni each occupation is allowed membership in any Rotary Club, bas long been a cornerstone 0f the Rotary movement. From this initial meeting, the club quickly grew with the meetings rotating from office to office of its mem- bers. From this practice of rotating the meeting place, the name Rotary was given to the young club. In 1908 a second club was formed in San Francisco, and by 1910 there were sixteen clubs in cities across the U.S., and at this Urne the organization became international with the formation of the first club outside the US., in Winnipeg. Rotary clubs are to be found in nearly every coun- try and geographical region of the free world, and only in communist dominated coun- SCOTT FENNELL tries has it been suppressed. Clubs in such countries as Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, Yugoslavia, Cambodia and China have been forced to cease operations. Because of its democratic philosopby Rotary neyer was to gain a foothold in Russia . Very early in its life, Rotary adopted the aim 0f service ta others which has been a foundation for its aims and objects. It was realized that the fellowship which the early members sought by forming a club, would be more meaningful if service to others could be in- corporated into Rotary ac- tivities, and the dual objec- ts of acquaintance as an 0p- port-unity to serve has been a keynote of Rotary thinking. It would be impossible even in this computerized age to calculate in dollars the philanthropy of Rotary worldwide, but it would be in billions, and it would be even more impossible to measure the relief in human suffering and the improvement in the quality of life for millions of the world's inhabitants who have received the benefit of the infinite number of Rotary projects. The Rotary Club of whit- by, formed in 1933, is already making plans for its gale 5th Anniversary in 1983. Notable recent projects for the local club have been the development of Rotary Centennial Park, the Handi- Transit van for transpor- tation of the disabled of the community, and the lengthy groundwork and planning which eventually led the the development of the Senior Citizens complex on Green St. by Ontario Housing. In the past 30 years over 15,000 young students have been involved in tahe ex- change program of the Rotary Foundation and it is the hope that this will aid in a better understanding among the world's peoples. International understanding has always ranked high on the list of Rotar concerns. Law lecture The Whitby Public Library is to present three lectures on law related issues. Each session will start at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. On February, 27, Mark Burch of the firm Sims, Nor- ton, McTerny and Brady will speak on income tax law. On March 5, Edward Schien of the firm of Dixon and Sehien will speak on small business law. consumer protection wilI be the topie of the March 12 program. The speaker for this topic will be announced in the near future. Seventy-five years later, Botary continues to grow and play an important role in the social fabrie of many niations, and although world conditions leave much to be desired, Rotary bas been an effective instrument in im- proving the life of countless millions. TRENTWAY AI RPORT SERVICE To and from Toronto International Airport dil Featurlng a 10w cost luxury coach as weII as a privaie car with door ta door service. Also featurlng a speclal reduced rate at HolIday Inn, Toronto Alrport. Dy Réervation Only: CmiliTmentway Bus linos 1.800-267-0949 Or *s. your Local Travel Agent TYPEVRITE, Fennel fight for GO Scott Fennell, the newly re-elected Progressive Con- servative MP for Ontario Riding re-affirmed his elec- ion promise to improve GO Transit last week. "'I'm going to continue studying the situation at my own expense," Fenneil said in Ottawa. "ll'il come up with an answer before the next parliament sits.-" ,lit is possible for mass transit to be extended past Pickering GO station at an economnical cost without building a third rail line." Fenneil is taking a holiday to recover from the election campaign. "Ontario Riding is going to get more out of me now. Now, I can really make my voice beard," he said. Fenneil, who bucked the election trend and held bis seat by one of the largest Tory mnargins in the Toronto area had notbing but praise for the voters. "The people in Ontario Riding, on reflection, have more intelligence than the rest of Southern Ontario," he said of bis victorY. EASTER S NOT CH RISTIANI *THE GOOD FRIDAY EASTER SUNDAY. TRADITION WAS OBSERVED LONG BEFORE CHRIST BY THE PAGAN SUN-WORSHIPPING NATIONS. *THE EASTER RABBIT AND EGGS WERE USED IN PAGAN WORSHIP. *CHRIST WAS NOT CRUCIFIED ON A FRIDAY!, *THE RESURRECTION WÂS NOT ON SUN- DAY! SATAN HAS DECEIVED THIS WHOLE WORLD THROUGH A GREAT FALSE CHURCH, CALLED IN THE BOOK 0F REVELATION BABYLON THE GREAT. HER MANY FALSEHOODS ARE NOW REVEALED IN THE BIBLE AND YOUR HISTORY BOOKS - WE NEED TO GET BACK TO THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS - IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TRUE CHRISTIANITY AS OPPOSED TO THE FALSE, WRITE FOR THE FREE BOOKS "BABYLON MYSTERY RELIGION" "THE REAL JESUS" AND THE AR- TICLES "«THE CRUCIFICTION WAS NOT ON FRIDAY" «WHICH DAYS SHOULD WE OBSER- VE". THE CHURCH 0F GOD, INTERNATIONAL BOX 964, OSHAWA.