Whitby Free Press, 20 Feb 1980, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY FEBRUA Free Pres Emporium Cal 668- 61 i i Emporium Ads w iii only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. AUTOMOBILES I FOR SALEPE 1976 DODO! CHARGER 2 dr. coupe, air condltlonlng, lully loaded. Slver FOR SALE Mle. il month old pure clth maroon wînyl top. Cortifled bred Samoyed, RegislOrOd cîth $2200. Cail Norma68-9565. jpapers $150, Phono 668 1815. Jan. 9, 80No287 1976 COBRA Il lmmaculate Invested on brand new moto Goodrlch radiais on wester fully customlzed Interlor, prove. $4500 f lrm. Ask for1 0389. 1974 ASTRE HATCH BACI 63,000 miles. $300. Phone 66 1965 CADILI.AC SEDAN DE Good condition. Asking $450 ter 6 p.m. 668- 1386. 1977 THUNDERBIRD Numrous ex- ras including air, only 26,000 mife't. Muet soul $5000. Phono 6687689. Dec. 12, 79 1970 442 CUTLASS 455 400 turbo transmission. Power windows and bucket seats. $1,000 or best of fer. Phone 668-6481 Dec. 12, 79 73 FORD MUSTrANG COUPE 56200 mites. With 302 angine. V-8: New pint. Power stoeriflg. New shocks. Rebuilt carburetor. Snow tires in- ctuded. Mags ail aroundý Asking $1,600. Phono 668-5328. Ast for Brad. Dec. 5. 79 1967 MGB-GT and 1967 MGB Road- star plus many new and unused spore parts. Engines, cire cheels. etc. $500 for lot. Phone 655-4107. N ov. 28, 79 1968 FIREBIRD - 350 automastiC PIS, A-i shape, now peint. $1600 certif led. 668-8919 after 5 p.m. Fb 38 72 FORD RANCH WAGON - $350 or best of fer. Phono 655-8062. Jan. 23,80 1974 OLDS CUSTOMI CRUISER STATION WAGON 9 Beater, air condtlonlng, power teering, brakes, windows, seata. AM/FM stereo radio, power door locka wlth a tradler hltch. WIIIBel $1600. Cati Barry 668455 1965 BUICK SPECIAL 4 doo Good for restorlng. $500Pl 6106. e. $2300 ECATI INAL or 302,BF VEHICLES urn mage, buis tb MOTORHOME 26 IL.Cossa A Bob 668- Suporlor. C6mplotely reinîshed with nec broadloom, drapes & velvet Jan. 9, 80 upholstery. Soops 6. 2 singlo bods ln back with nlghtable. Complote K 4 seed. bathrooni clth bathlub & shocer. Has C "4 see. a 4 bumner stove clth oven. Doubli. De8- 6,49 staînîess steel sînks. Large size kit- 3o.2,~ chon table with bench style seats on DE VILLE sithor sides. Approximatoly 30,000 e. Cali al. mlles. Asking prîco $18,000. Includes many exîras. Phono 683-3030, lr1 79 Pictering. 1975 BON AIR traiter. Sleeps 8. Frldge, stove, sint & lurnace. 12,300. Cail Gail Anderson 668-4599. Dec. 12, 79 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebuilt ln Dec. Bills tb prove. Excellent condition. $400 or neareat offer or trade for amail car. Phone 655-4495. Jan. 9, 80 .,000 tlm. hocta, sîr oard ovor .Asklng MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175 2 Ported and polished, Fox shg forks, brand new ciutch, bo, once. New piston rings. $1,500. Phono anytIme aftei 668-7105. L ILLANEOt 20" R.C.A. REMOTE CONTROL COLOUR TV. 4 montha old, $1,000- Phonoe68-9298 alter 5:00. Feb. 20,80 CONSOLE TV, black and white, ln worklng order $25. Hockey equip- ment age 10-14 yeara $25. 10 speed bite $30. Phono 668-5060. Feb. 20,60 16 FOOT CEDAR STRIP BOAT - win- dshield controls & steoring, 40 HP. Johnston twin - with traller and spore tire. Complte $50000. Phono 668- 6294 Jan. 23,8C' Feb. 6, 80 _________ ____ CAPE COD STYLE orange rufflie polyester sheors. Includos 3 valan- oor sedan. ces, 5 pairs tiers & lie bocks. 56" cide Phone 725- x 30" long. Nec $51. Asking $30. 1 Phone 728-8601. Jan. 30,80 77 COUGAR XR7 - wire dlsk wheels, 2 door, mileage 4,600. Askiilg $5,200. A-i Condition. Phone 668-962. Feb. 6,890 1947 CHRYSLER NEWPORT- engine and body in good condition. Power windows. Snow tires in- cluded. Interlor immaculate $30 or best offer. Cati 668-2263. Feb. 6,80 E UT ARTS 2-14" CHEV RIMS et S5 each. 1-15" rîm t1, fit older model 0105 $5, 1 set of cheel axie and sprîng t0 mate a traiter $50 Phono 728-2714, Nov 28. 79 PAIR 0F SNOWTIRES on rîms, Fils Voikswagon Beetie. Only used one year, $50 Phonoe668-521 1 c1.7 2 REG SNOW TIRES -ith rimns S'le E70 for Chev $50 for Pair, rOlîng exorciser $50Phone 6U.8994 Nov 28. 19 L ýSR ICUKS 76 FORD 1X, ton Like necý 31,000 mites One owner sînce nec With cap $5.000 Ph-one 7282714 Nov 28,19 2 SINGLE BEDS cith mttrossos and matching chost of drawors $235; lridge, Kelvinator, no lrost, 2 door, green, $250; stove, naturel gos, Har- twcct green $135; dlshwasher, Ad- mirai, automatic. green $135; casher, Kenmore, 7 programs, hoovy duty, self cleaning filter, $225; solo bed, king size, excellent condition, $175; humidifier $35; stove fan, avocado, nover used. $35; cor romps, brand new $22; msc. corner tables $30 ea.; color TV, Toshiba, 14", lite nec, $275; misc. original paintings. $80 os.; hand coven rings, varying sizos $800 es.; cofleo table, $20; Phono 839-3114 ovenings & ceetends. Jan. l16.80 1 PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Ladies, sizo 8. Excellent condition. Worn on- ce. $45. Phono 668-9876. Jan. 16, 80 MODERN Sofa $150; contomporary style dressing cabinet. $250. Both in good condition. Phono 668-1781. Jan. 9, 80 I4AGSTRUM Il SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAR. case and loud speaker. Like nec - $275. Cal 725-3218 anytime. Feb. 20,60 FIREPLACE brand new. nover used wood burning fr-eplace with chian- ney. $100. Phone 655-3814. Dc 67 UpRIGI4T PIANO in good condition. $350 Calt 688-0630« Feb. 20,80 PIEASE READ Wheni the advertised item is soid, disposed of, or unavaîlable for wha lever reason, the Item wll be deemed to have been soîd and a comnmission wiiI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illusfrated below, regardiess if price is stated with "best offer". if the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiIl be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiii apply. Alil advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold. 500à of advertised price Up Io $400.00 2"O of balance over $400.0 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $120.00 commission due 58.00 Iminimum charge,is $3.001 Privafe adverfising'onîy! Please notify us if you find a retailer iisfod as a private advertiser. Pîcase notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy wheýn item is soid so that we may delete it f rom the foIlowing issues. Ali ads not fitting the Ernpu.riumn guidelines will be treated and charged per Week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis such as- services, help wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. f in doubt, cail 668-6111 MAIL AOS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whilby, LiN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. "" 4 *. LIKE NEW girls ski boots. Tyrol, size Jan.2,80 * 4 $9; Classe de neige, size 7 $9; *Alberg (West Gormonyi sizo 1 $9; SGroleswize2$So sktea, sz 2 ;By $Grlesize2;sortesa, siz o'2 skts.Hui e. iz. $Phono 65-482 sktTull i$.0 hne5-48. ob Is 1 Dec. 19, 79 SKIS, BOOTS à POLES Adult suze. 175 cm. $50; pair of junior skis 120 cm. $30. Phono 683-638.- e.1,7 7' CHESTERFIELD recontly uphoistered in rust tonoes. $150.00. Phono 668-9562. Jan. 23,80 1 NEW black & white marble bathroom sheil shaped sink. 30" x 19 314-. $60; i new mens Dynastar skis & bindings. $130. Phono 728-0074 ai- ter 5 p.m. Dec. 12. 79 SKI BOOTS San Remo Size 81h. Nearly nec. $35; Ladies cîntor boots. Sîze 711. Worn once $10. Phone 576- 2366. Dec. 12, 79 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale. Good condition $85 Phone 623-1534. Jan. 30,80 CARPET FOR SALE 4 piecex (orange) shag, dît feront room szes $200, truck rack for pick-up $100. Cati 668-0163. Dec. 5, 79 ORGAN Eko 2 years old Fuît rhythm section Excellent condition $1.100, Cali 6661530 Dec 5, 79 *STRONGLY BUILT flot trailer size 10' x 4' cith pipe railing 1 ' high. Tires 550 Ox 12". $200. Phono 655-3166. * Dec. 5, 79 STrOVE - olectrlc McClary, easY. Good condition, dlean. Phono 668- 0341. Feb. 20,80 SOLiD BIRCH BUNK BEDS 1 mat- tress snd i spring included $100. CatI 668-0060. Jan. 30,80 KITCHEN SUITE yellow, wrought iron bevelled glass top, 1 year old. 4 chairs, yellow flowered pattern. Padded bocks and seats. Superior quality. $32. Cail after 8 p.m. 571- 2625 Jan. 30, 80 CARDIGAN CORGI FOR SALE needs veiy affectionate home Mate 4 years oid Periect for older couple $50 Phono 666-1372 Dec 12. 79 A SOLID PINE BAR - 41h long and 310ol hlgh - 2 bar stools $M0. SmaU arbrite kitchen table and 1 leaf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- cellent condition $50.00 Caîl 723-877 Jan. 30,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 montha old; F.M., cassette under dash. Asking $110.00. Cali 6686593. Jan. 30,80 ZENITH TV - black andY acren. Excellent condit Phono 86682291.- RANGE brand new West with black glass door $350 chlng froet-free refrigeral Franklin fireplace and cessorles $125. Buggy han Cai Jack 668-3M8 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YQU! OLOME Wu the Wei lamui bllet Mthe tOx d Phone 728-2103 NEWHOME ZIG ZAG sewing machine wllh box hoider. Hardly used. Lîke new. $130. Phonoe66-3448. Dec. 19, 79 6 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE - Fren- ch Provincial - Inciudes 4 seater chesterfleld, sofa chair, coftfe table & 2 end tables, aui n excellent con- Ition. Asking $650 - oesa thon th the cost. Cou 8655-4925 allter 6:00 p.m. Jan. 23,860 ton. $75. TELESCOPE. Profossional modol. Jan. 23, 80 Hydraulic mots! stand, sighting se moon and sun flilters, sun acren. Excellent condition. $500.00 com- tinghouse plate. Phono 668-6294. n and mat- 1Iq. 2a.on ail oc- mess $75. Jan. 30,80 NITROGEN REGULATOR - high pressure has 2 gouges - as new $75. Phone 668-4521. CONN ORGAN - church & strummer rh~ythm unît - 2 leslie speakers, owner's manual and complote bogin- ners Instructions. Walnut colour and bonch Included. Prico $150000. Phono 623-2789. Jan. 23, 80 1 TOSIIIBA TUNER and 2 Toehiba speakers and BSR turnitable $160 complete. Phone 725-5753 afl.er 5: 00. Feb. 6,8o 1 LARGE WOOD WARDROBE, CHERRY AND OAK CONSTRUC- TION, cîrca 1930s from Port Perry area $150; 3 snow mobile suite - 2 mens medium, navy blue $24 os, 1 childas size 12 - mauve $15 - ail like new; 2 stone lions - antique green finish for ln or outdoors $12 es.; 3 coui rugs, 2 size 4x6' $25 os., 1 sizo 2x3' $12; 2 girls wlnter coats sizo 7-9, 1 orange clth Iitation fur collar $15, 1 pure cool dark green size 9-12 $20; 1 heavy duty car battery for 4 or 6 cyl. 12 volt cith warranty - used 1 week. $25. Phono 6684294. Feb. 20,80 40 GALLON ELECTRI HEATER, laundry tubs 10 sheets 4' x 'styrofoai Asking $50. Cati 668-2800 FRIOGE AND STOVE -2 Whoat colour $900. Good Phono 86682025. Family Favorite 1 bag and f reeze apricots be- eau-se nîy family likes their deli- cate, delightful flavor in pies and puddings, or poached and flamned on ice cream. Apricots wheri de- frosted and served raw cari taste slightiy chewy depending on the variety. If you haven't frozen themn before, try a test sample. Freeze a small ;îmotint and next day defrost and taste. Prepare apricots for freezirig in the sarne way that you prepare peaches, treating them with ascorbic acid. Both fruits dis- color due to oxidation. The only ditierence between the two is that apricots don't require blanching and peeling. If yoti have any other questions, please write to me at the *xGladt" Home Freezing Information Cen- tre, 165 University Avenue, Toron- to, Ontario M5H 3B8, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. l'il be more th;în happy to answer them. N41ZýIl BEAT AIR POLLUTION Support your local Lung AssocIation 723-J3151 ja. au W e can't help IC WAEwi*hout 3 and stand, fh t 3m1" thlck. your ne.p, Jan. 30,80 years old.or condition. ABILITY FuNo WORKING WITH Fob. 13,6801 PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS. Hey bo ys & girls, Carrers are needed for delivery of the WHITBY FREE PRESS Wednesdays only! For information eaUl Whitby Free Press Circulation Department. 668-6111 199n- WHITRY FREF PRESS l liu ai.- Jan. le, 80 uu

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