PAGE 32, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1980, WHITBY F E RS :1 FOR ONTARIO RIDING DOUG DICKERSON FACES THE ISSUES 'Ol (the Conseivative budget) wIli cost Ontario 20,000 jobs end wll take about $60 out of the pockèesof On- tario peope.end only put &bout $220 back ln." - Frank Miller, Provincial Treasurer of Ontario Toronto Star D«. 12.1979 The Conservative proposai for an 18-cent-a-gailon ln- crease In the excise tax on gasolîne was regressive ln the extreme. It would have falien mosi heavlly on those ieast able to af ford1 t. The Conservatives promised to cut your taxes by $2 billion, but their budget would have Increased your taxes by $3.4 billion. A Liberal govemment will flot rais. the giastax nt the pump. The Conservative budget talked about spending restraint but dld lttie about IL. A Liberal govemmient Mill keep govemment spending growth b.iow the annual Increas. ln the Gros National Product (0QNP). ENERGY __ The Conservative energy soheme was a $90 billion pork barrel out of which only $17 billion wouid have heiped the nation as a whole. Liberals beileve any lncreased oul profits muet be set &aside for the deveiopment of petroleum resources In Canada. We must flot be dictated to by foreign gover- nments or foreign oll companles. A Liberal govemment wiil strength.n Petro Canada as an Instrument of govemment poiicy and promote volun- tary conservation end altemnate energy sources. DOUG DIOKERSON FACES THE ISSUES DOUG DIOKERSON-EXPERIENCE WORKING FOR YOU THIS TIME - - VOTE LIBERAL! Inflation 1i's partIcularly hard on the poor, the young, and older people living on f lxed Incomes. The Conservatîve pollcy of ralsing bank rates by 3-114% ln 6 months to an ail-time record level le responsibie for Increased Inflation and unemploymnent. A Liberal govemment will reduce Interest rates. The Conservative Increase in gas prices wouid put In- flation through the roof because hlgher transportation costs would raies the prices of ail consumer goods. The Conservative finance mînister admitted that hie budget would raise Inflation to 11 % this year. A Liberai govemnment will ot Increase gas taxes and will Introduce new polcies against Inflation by promoting productlvlty, Innovation and exporte. EM PLOYM ENT A Liberai government brought the Ford expansion to On- tario. A Lîberal government wMil help Chrysier to expand ln Ontario. The automotive parts I'ndustry ls ln a serlous imbalance under the Auto-Pact. A Liberai government wIii provide assistance to auto parts manufacturera. Whiie we work towards these goals, we muet deal with the layoffs and unemployment ln Ontario. Liberals have urged the reinstatemnent of tranaitional assistance benefîts (TAB> for unemployed auto workers. WHO THE LIBERAL PARTY REPRESENT THE LIBERAL PARTY MAS ALWAYS STOOD FOR THE- ORDINARY PERSON, THE UNREPRESENTED, AND THE POOR IN OUR SOCIETY; THE "LITTLE GUY". THE LIBERAL PARTY STANDS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS; FOR WOMENS' RIGHTS; FOR WORKERS' RIGHTS; FOR NEW CANADIANS. THE LIBERAL PARTY DOES NOT REPRESENT THE BIG INTEREST GROUPS, THE INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANIES OR PREMIER PETER LOUGHEED 0F ALBERTA. THE LIBERAL PARTY IS THE PARTY 0F IN- DIVIDUALS 0F EVERY RACE, COLOUR AND RELIGION. Published by John Bandurchin Officiai Agent for Doug Dîckerson 1020 Brock Rd. Pickering, Ont ILIl 11 «18 îE PRESS INFLATION O'Llik, il]