10. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS In Decen t.... He neyer takes it aloff Psychoiagists and their reiated colleagues refer to such phenomena as raie reversai and, in a sense, it is the women's iiberation dream came true. Women, have often won- dered why men go ta see, what is commonly refered ta as a stripper or an exotic dancer. Naw, it is passible for Whitby women ta have a f ir- st-hand experience af viewing a revue. Starting tonight at, 8 p.m., the Rayai Hotel on Brock Street North wiil be presen- ting their "Ladies' Niglt". Manager Barry Bryant says that the new Wed- nesday night format in the hotel's beverage room wil give Whitby ladies a break from the Wednesday night hockey games. Mr. In Decent, the number one maie stripper in Canada, and Stripper Elvis are being held over by "papular demnand", Bryant says the show wiil be new and different starting next week and advises interested ladies ta watch the newspaper advertisements. The strutting and preen- ning of Mr. In Decent, the number ane maie stripper in Canada, and Stripper Elvis are being held over by The strutting and preen- ning af Mr. In Decent resembles the once em- pioyed by Gypsie Rose Lee and displays a sense af self- confidence mixed with good. humar. In private, his real name is Bill Chard, his arroganée melts away ta reveal a quiet, somewhat vulnerabie 28 year old man. 'II look better undressed than dressed, " he says. The 12 month veteran ai the maie strip circuit waited an tables in a Toronto tavern for five years before taking on his new career about which he is ecst.atic. "It's tremendous," he says. "I'd love ta be a reai sex symbol. I'd eat that up something fierce. " "It's the best job you could get," lie added. "When I started, my friends said 1 was nuts, butr I had a .dream." Chard said he had neyer seen a maie stripper per- formh but that his imagination told him that tease and fantasy were the main ingredients and knew he had a lot of bath. Chard is now paid a top salary but he expais that most of it goes riglit back in- ta the act pointing out that a black leather body harness with studs costs about $250. "Most maie strippers have no imagination," lie says. "'i'm in it for the money but I want ta earn it by pieasing. I don't want ta be vuigar. I want my show ta be something you can take your mother ta. " Known also as the King of Fantasy, Chard insists on keeping and portraying a macho Image. One af lis routines starts with him as a Durham cap (with variations ta prevent a lawsuit) and works down ta, his body harness but neyer takes it ail off. During his act he may of- fer a whip or a toy pistai ta, women with ringside seats who attack him as he dances about the stage wearing only a small tawel ta caver lis genitals. "The' whipping doesn't hurt much," he says adding that «"most women don't know how to whip. " it sounds like an off-beat job for a man (and even for a woman) but it migît be assumed that Chard neyer suffers a duli moment and is probabiy on his way ta financiai security. Also at the Rayai - Larry and Dottie Dee, a country and western duo entertain nightly in the lounge starting at 9 p.m. Friday nigît is a combination amateur night and jam session which the Dees encourage and lead. Bryant aiso announced MR. IN DEUlENT_ that the hotel is planning a card ai exhibition semi- professionai and amateur boxing and expects the date ta be announced in the near future. Couneil orders signs chauged.... You rnust stoP, not y ield TYPEWRITE0 GuaaneedSu an lt fatinm e A CaTpul CtepLatng fun capIIIIIIitaElS and the1LÀý p1 erfectRte idayreortOe wee fro -O Y Per personMA HI-E---- ta8 wnarmSethe body a940fire the spirit G ua ranteed sunhinedmakts odactiomk Aaptiut-co tplaningaftnnisptal n h Iefc ntesengalittering aray of < esn ne week tional ru'etes nupa n .rsawie vaWdiid Te'sting teliAcapulco..tefml o.Dc 7 tospereiheeodEan fTropitanospirtJn 6 claas eachfront accommoedatinameb 9 atPalapa, man effici e nis ato Mr L a Tr realg aasolare justropoa tioew Arpl 449 cst nepes inai th e in accommoa po er ek oimdanys etnfernentdbySyLar.nen- Tu dydprue RiondlretpairuransoTrtatn a orn adestin atiwi om plmentay lflhteals, * Tryasfes adbgaehndlingbctwen 379or dtoeeoubl tcupncy Al r are pe p rson* eloJarfn. ad469ar plassaen r prsnt ac e cemmodatioait beahb ls 519rfetue a iniated und e acpa cge. it Ma.8 SLa T o cu re uubject1thare m ândconiaonsol he enrttoorato 4Sc 4ono Ai hliay e Sh>lark oldiy ate d îtr17/8 cue Pli etare peu p erbas* o n doub erscuanand gagsbeci bu hîgh se o ptw ee firot doblnocouvr-S2 Ailgrcary $119 Eff- ect bieingand 14/80r pas ngel eent' s ervce2 S9 tkb a ebag- 2ls9/8rfet as liYouraTraveldîr auchBuscness. 12 rokS.S hib 6850 PNcsèep t ro a o doble Saturay andaem.jetto hghseaop.m. eren Whitby residents- will be forced to stop more often at more intersections in the future. Yield signs are being replaced by stop signs at the following intersections: Coiborne Street at King Street, On- tario Street at Centre Street, Byron Street at Ontario Street and Keith Street at Byron Street. The remaining yield controlled intersections will remain Dr. D.W. Milue Wishes f0 announce the opening of his office for the practice of kDENTISTRY Ofi eAT The1 hours by >'#-1615 ý,appoiitrnt 57-0145 Whitý Whitby Mail 5 Dundas St. E tbv, O the same but the number of accidents at these intersections wili continue to be monitored. The operatians committee suggested ta Whitby Town Cauncil on Monday that the present north-south yield signs at Palace and Mapie Streets be removed and replaced by yield signs in an east-west direction. Councillor Barry Evans (Centre Ward) said there have been six accidents at that intersection already and that the change in signs would oniy add confusion and more ac- cidents. Evans said the yield sign should be replaced by a stop sign.- This matter has been referred back to the operations committee for further review. STEVEN F. PE LESHO K, B.A., LL.B. BAR RISTER & SOLICITOR 105 DUND0AS ST.W. TEL.(416 6683616WHITBY, ONTARIO TEL. 416)668-316 1W 2M1 PAGE1 Mr. Whitby Commun ity Bingo BIGGER & BETTER 2 - $1 000.00 Jackpots in 50 No.'s 750.00 Jackpots in 52 500.00 in given No's $1 00.00 Consolation, plus $1 0.00 per lino 20. $20.110 Regular Gamnes 2.Early Birds 5 - Late Gamnes 1 - Share the wealth No Admission Charge - Free Bus Every Monday night 7:15 p.m. Heydienshore Pavillon (Corner Watsr Si. & Dunlop Or., Whltby> Lic. Nu. 23553? Operated by: e Joyc e Klwarils e Kinsmen a optimiste (No chlldren undr 16 admltted) 17 7