WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1980, PAGE 23 Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN CUBS PINEWOOD DERBY Last Wednesday, 11Wh Oshawa Cub Pack participated in their group Pinewood Derby run-off at Camp Samac. The boys donned crash helmets and with their preclous home- carved race cars, competed in both speed and design. Al the boys and their dada are to be congratulated for their display 0f original workmanship in the design of the cars. Winners were liard to choose, but after much deliberation, the judges finally decided: - Speed Design 1. Rob Buchanan 1. Chris Mayr 2. David Muha 2.-Robbie Robinson 3. Ryan Bonner 3. Jason Russell 4. Michael Muha Justin Linton The eight cars judged to be tops, will now coxnpete in the finals to be held at the Oshawa Centre, when ail packs have completed their run-offs. Best of luck boys and dads. Motorcycle ice racing canadian national championship The Canadian National Ice racing championships for motorcycles was held in Peterboroughi January 13. Mark Holliday of Northview Avenue in Whitby, captured the 2nd place prize in the 125 c.c. Seniors and 4th place in Open Fenneil defends Joe Clark In defending his party and his leader, Scott Fennel said last week that the Liberals, under the leader- ship of Pierre Trudeau were to blame for the upcoming election. 1 didn't bring this upon you, 1 lad no wish for it," said Fenneil. Fennell, federal Member of Parliament for the riding of Ontario and Progressive Conservative candidate for that same riding in the up- coming Fedruary 18 elec- tion, explained the lack of supporters at his "Meet the Cadidates night Iast week was due to the apathy of Canadian people towards politics. In his speech Fennell made attacks on both Pierre Ambulance calis During the week that en- ded at midnight Sunday, Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 93 calîs for ser- vice. 0f these, 48 were routine, non-urgent calîs and 23 were standby calîs for other am- bulance services in Ajax and Oshawa. The service also respon- ded to 22 urgent cails whîch included four motor vehicle accidents. J.O. È1uddy Hospital CONT'D FROM PC. 12 an event flot to be missed. Tickets are $5 per couple which of course includes dinner, a scrumptious feast. Another service much appreciated by night visitors after 9 p.m., in the emergency waiting room, boiling water for tea or coffee with the compliments of the Auxiliary. The volunteers are a faithful group ever ready to help and to please. Claire Freed is the president of the Auxiliary and Betty Pascoe the membership convenyor. New members are always welcomed. The annual mem- bership fee is $2.00 for active members and $5.00 for associate members. Betty Pascoe will be happy to accept any new memberships, just caîl 668-2257, anytime. Many thanks from the community to all members of the auxiliary of the Doctor J. O. Ruddy Hospital for their dedication and service. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? C ... and done nothing about it 1 wiI give you an hour or more of my time to try to help you decide. ALL ME ANYTIME 668-8865 ILAIR BUCHANAN 686313 30 OFFICES I TO SERVE YOU SETTER UJU Seniors. Sunday was the first of four National events to be held. We congratulate Mark on his excellent showing and wish him sticcess in future events. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity wiIl be held Wednesday, January 23, at 8 p.rn. Service begins with a time of worship, then dividing into discussion groups, and then closing worship, followed by a fellowship time. Discussion will bionî bookiet - Your Kingdom Corne. Annual Congregational Meeting - Tuesday, January 29th at 7:30. WHITBY LITTLE THEATRE The Whitby Little Theatre will present Neil Simon's comedy, 'The Good Doctor', directed by Gail Cheyne. The production begins Wednesday, January 30 at 8:00 p.m. and continues nightly to February 3rd. Tickets are available at Middleton's Book store. CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE Don't forget the Corridor Capers dance to be held at Heydenshore Pavillion on Saturday, the 23rd day of February. The dances are a success because so many Corridor residents attend. Caîl to-day for reservations. ROBERT BURNS SUPPER AND CONCERT St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold their 47th Annuai Robbie Burns supper and concert this Friday, January 25, 1980. Tickets are $7.00 per person, and may be obtained at Mowatt Insurance Co. on Dundas Street, or by calling Jim Stevenson at 723-5579. laie