F p f6 si 1F 71 Pr 1 s Ph ye l w AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1 1976 DODGE CHARGER 2 dr. coupe air conditioning, fully toaded. Sitve with iaroon vinyl top. Certifiec $2,750. CaliNormp 868.9ff5. Jan. 1, 0 1l978 COBRA il immacutate. $2,30 Invested on brand new motor 302, B Goodrich radiais on western magg fullY customized tnterior, blis t prove. $4.500 firm. Ask for Bob OU 9369. Jan,.9, 8 1974 ASTRE HATON BACK 4 speeq 63,000 milels. $300. Phone 6684144. Dec. 26,7 1968 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLI Good condition. Asktng $450. Cati al terO ep.m. 668-1386. Der. 19. 7 1977 THINOERBIRD Numerous e tras inciuding air, oniy 26,000 mute Muai self 55,000. Phone 668-7689. Dac. 12,7 1970 442 CUTLASS 455 400 turbc transmission. Power windows anc bucket sass. $1,000 or best of te Phone 668-6481. Dec. 12,7S 71 LEMANS station wagon. 63,00( miles. Good condition. Zebarred rui proof. As is. $750 or best of fer. Phone 66580. Dec. 5, 79 73 FORD MUSTANG COUPE 56,200 miles. With 302 engine. V-8. New paint. Power stoering. New stiocks. tobufit carburetor. Snow tires ln- Iluded. Mags ail around. Asking $1,600. Phono 668-5328. Ask for Brad. nar . 5. 79 167 MGB-GT and 1967 MG8 fload- or plus many new and unused spare )rts. Engines, wire wheis, etc. $500 ®r lot. Phono 655-4107. Nnv. 28. 79 Il METEOR V-8, auto, PIS, PIB. $400 )r best of fer. Ciii 68&2354 att or 6 ). Nov. 21, 79 » BSEAUMONT 307 automatic PIS, lIB, good condition. $M5. Certified. Phone 655-4495. Nov. 21, 79 tl FARGO CAMPER VAN squipped Ilth frldgs, stove & water. 8 cyt. 225. scetient running & body condition. s s8 but can b. certif led. $1,500. hone 6553006. Nov. 21, 79 974 DODGE CHALLENGER 360, 4 peed. vsry good condition. $2,600. ions 655&3006. Nov. 14. 79 074 DOOGE DART 318. Power la.ring. Radio. 314 vtnyt roof. $1,000. honte 6681487. Nov. 7. 79 'FORD RANCH WAGON - $350 or est off er. Phono 655-8062. Jan. 23,80 L U ARTS AIR 0F SNOWTIRES on rims. Fils Ilkswagon Beasile. Only used one ir. M5. Phono 668-5211. Dec. 12, 79 irai SNC radi forg Sl 15X 538E MEA Forc 6564 64 Nov 21,79 )e, oer id. 00 BF s, la ad. 79ý 'f- 79 79 )o id lr. st le 19 c cf e gi aci Phi C( rh Inar ben Phc Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the followin.a Condbtîons. 1 - HEAVY DUTY AUTO - par car bat- tory for 4 or 6 cyl. 12 volt with warran- iy. Uaed 1 week - $40.00. Phono 668- 6294. Jan. 23,80 =UE RUCKS 76 FORD Wx ton. Liko new. 31,000 miles. One owner since now. Witl cap. $5,000. Phono 728-2714. Nov. 28, 79 REARATONAL VEHILES I 1973 ELAN 250 twln. Rebulit ln Dec. Bis to prove. Excellent condition. $400 or nearoat offer or trade for amaîl car. Phono 655-4495. Jn ,8 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175 2,000 klm. Ported and poilshed, Fox shocks, sir forks, brand new ctutch, board over once. New piston rings. Asklng $1,800. Phono anytimo atter 4 p.m. 668-7105. Jan. 2,1980 1975 BON AIR traiter. Steepa 8. Fridge, stove, sink & furnace. 12,300. Colt Gall Anderson 668-4599. Dec. 12, 79 MOTOAHOME 26 fIL CloesA Suporior, Complotoly reflishod with new broadloom, drapes & velvet uphoistery. Sieeps 6. 2 single beda ln bock wlth nightoble. Complote bathroom with bathtub & shower. Hos o 4 burner stove with ovon. Double stainloas steel sinks. Large sizo kit- chan table with bench stylo seots on aither aides. Approximoteiy 30,000 miles, Asking prIce $18,000. Includes many extras. Phono 683-3030, Pickering. Dec. 5, 79 1977 PE250 SUZUKIi 1,200 kiiomolers. Nover usod this yoar. Complote wi *th endurable ponts & boots and' also holmet. $1,000. Phono 668-2113. N ov. 7, 79 MCELLANEOUS. t8" BENCH SAW - tiiting blade. National with stand and V2 H.P. notor, $75.00. Phono 723-6798. Jan. 23,80 CAPE COD STYLE oronge ruiffle polyester shoors. Includes 3 valan- ces, 5 pairs tiers & lie bocks. 56" wide x30" long. New $51. Asking $30. Phone 728-8601. Jan. 6, 80 2 SINGLE BEDS wlth maîtresses and motching chest of drowors $235; fridgo, Kelvinator, no frost, 2 door, green, $250; stove, natural gos, Har- twick, green $135; dishwasher, Ad- nirai, outomatic, green 5135; washor, <enmore, 7 programs, heavy duty, seIf ctoonlng tiller, $225; sofa bed, king size, excellent condition, 5175; humidifier $35; stove fan, avocado, lever usod. $35; car romps, brand n0W $22; misc. corner tables 530 ea.; color TV, Toshiba, 14"', liko now, $275; nlsc. original paintings. 580 oo.; hand woven rings, vorying sizes 5800 es.; of fee table, $20; Phono 839-3114 evenings & weekends. Jan.le, 80 1PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Ladie's, ilze 8. Excellent condition. Worn on- oe. $45. Phono 668-9876. Jan. 18,80 ONN ORGAN - church & strummer lyhm unit- 2 toalie speakers, wner's monual and complele begin. rs instructions. Walnut cotour and ench included. Prîce $1500.00, one 623-2769, Jan. 23,80 1 PLEASE READ When the advertised item is sotd, disposed of, or unavailabie tor whateven reason, the item wtt I be dleemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustra ted below, regardless if pnice is stated with "best ofler". If the item is NOT SOLO, ordisposed of, the ad will be run ton 3 MONTH S and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3.00 will apply. Att advertisements must be ptaced on an exclusive basis with the WI-ITBY FREE PRESS and run at teast one month If not sold. RATES tif article is sold]: 5% of advertised price Up to 5400.00 2%ý' of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE:- SoId item advertised for $120.00 . commission due $6.00 tminimum charge is $3.00] Pnivate advertising only! Please notlty us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify* the Whitby Free Press immediateIy when item is soid so that we may detete itf from the tollowing issues. Alil ads not f itting the Ernpnium guidelines wiil be treated anci charged per week as regular ctassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, ctothlng, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Priva te classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. 1 M e 6 c s d n u C 6 SINGER ZIG ZAG sewing machine in Portable case. New condition $150. Phono 666-1690 allter 6 p.m. Nov. 14, 79 ELDEGAS boss guitar ieieclric>. Guitar case. Amplifier. Ail in good condition. Asking $375 for package. Calil6684297 aller 4 p.m. Nîîv. 14, 79 BOY'S Blackr Panther Bouer skates. Size 8. $20. Phonoe6W8-1063. Nov. 14, 79 UNDERWOOD Manual office typowriter. 15" carnage. Elite type. Ideal 'for studont or office. $125. Phono 668-1076. Nov. 14, 79 DUNCAN PHYFE ding table, drop leaf. Needs refinlshing. $100 or will trade for socrelories desk. Phono 6684 151. Nov. 14, 79 LARGE 3 SEATER Chestortlod. Rust velvet with matching patterni chair. Excellent condition. $50 or best of- fer. Phono 725-9973. Nov. 7. 79 BOY'S 10 SPEED BIKE Good con- dition $55; 1 pair size 5 TacIr skates $10; 1 pair size 5 Lange skates. Usod 1 season $25. Phono 655-4495. Nov. 7, 79 16 FOOT CEDAR STRIP BOAT - Win- dshield controls & stoering, 40 H.P. Johnston twln - wllh troiter and spore tire. Complote $500.00. Phono 668- 6294 Jan. 23,80 2 MATCHINO FLIP FLOP COUCHES. Open with lbede, brown pattern. Ex- cellent condition; 1-36" Dia. wrought Iron ice creamn table. Glose top wlth 2 matching chairs, t[eck. $75.00. Phono 668-6294. Jan. 23,80 BABY ITEMS - 1 twln baby carniage. Converta into strolior wiih sun roof. Very good condition. 550.00; 2 single baby cardages. Converta 10 strollers. 1-$25.00, 1455.00; 2 joily jumpers with clampa for door trames, with new rubbera In original cartons. 59.00 sa.; 2 super coupe walkers. Liko new n orig. cartons. New 525.00 ea. Witt sali for $15.00 ea.; 2 joily jumpors. Papoose carriers. Blue canvas and aiuminum trames. Nover usod. $10.00 sa.; 1 baby bolîle sterilizer and bottte warmer, $1000 for both, 1 baby dressing table. Green and white with trays. $20.00. Phono 668-6294. Jan. 23,80 7'CHESTERFIELD - recentîy uphoiatered in ruai lones, $150,00. Phono 668&9562, Jan. 23,80 E NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOD! 0NOMEW lhe WetfMa i iîmotl m tei fw iiSl Phone 728-2103 NEWHOME ZIG ZAG sowing machine with box holder. Hardly usod. Like new. $130. Phono 668-3448. Dec. 19, 79 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE.- Fren- ch Provincial - Includes 4 -Ïaier chosterfild, sofa chair, coffee table & 2 end tables, all ln excellent con- dition. AskIng $65 - less thon th the cost. Caîl 655-4925 aller 6:00 p.m. Jan, 23,80 1-CARL _ WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Professional modal. Hydraullc matai stand, sighting scope, 5 assorted lonsos. Barlow len- se moon and sun filters, sun ecreo n. Excellent condition. $500.00 com- plote. Phono 668"294. Jan. 23,80 FOR SALE Maie. il month old pure brod Samoyed Regîslored wîth papers $150, Phono 668-1815. N ov. 28, 79 CARDIGAN CORGI FOR SALE needs very alfeclionato homo. Maie. 4 yoars old. Perfect for older couple. $50. Phono 666-1372. Dec . 12, 79 Blessed is the man that walketh flot in the Counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth ln the Seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the Iaw of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and nlght. And he shall be like a tree planted by the riy- ers of water, that bring- eth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shaliflot wither; and whatsoever he doeth shail prosper. The ungodly are flot so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shallflot stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the Congregation 0f I Ml i wi CONSUMEF BEAT Check Youi Own Credil Worthiness Free PressEmp oriu CaII668-6111 no Most people need to make use of credit at some time in their lives. When that time arrives, it's reassuri-g to know that everyone in On- tario, regardless of sex or marital status, has the right to apply for credit and be judged by identical standards. But the use of credit is a privilege rather than a right. And before granting credit, credit-lending agencies will attempt to determine your credit worthiness, a measure of your promise and ability to repay the amount you borrow. Although their criteria may vary slightly, most lend- ing agencies, in looking for indications of stabihity and responsibility, will judge your credit worthiness ac- cording to certain basic con- siderations. You cati avoid credit refusais by judging your own credit worthiness oefore you apply, and rec- ognizing those areas that may make you a poor credit risk. e Your character. Do you have a responsible attitude toward paying your bis? Have you shown responsi- bility in handling your fi- nances in the past? e Your incorne and as- sets. Can you afford credit? ,Is your income steady? Do you own anything that is worth more than the ;îmount you want to borrow? a Your work record,.Iflow long have you been employ- ed«? 1low secure is your job? e Youn living accomimoda- tions. Do you own or rent your living accommodations? How long have you lived ati your current address? e Your reasons for bor- rowing. Are you borrowing rnoney as a necessary step toward fulfilling long-range goals or plans? Or are you borrowing to satisfy a whim? Your application for cred- it may be turned down for any number of reasons. Lenders are not obliged to extend credît to anyone. 0f course, you mnay be able to obtain credit by shopping around. But if your application is turned down, take a closer look at your situation, Are you reahly credit worthy? Do you have a financial problem? Could you have been refused credit because you moved or re- cen tly started a new job? Or are you fresh out of school with little work ex- perience? In order to improve your credit qualifications, it's im- portant for you to find out why you've been refused credit. Lenders are legally required to give you their reasons, but you must be sure to inquire within sîxty days of receiving notification that your application has been denied. Tlie Nlinsryof Consumer and ('0111mercîal Relations ~1 r t If in doubt, cati 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1 a F LIKE NEW ginls ski boots. tyrol, sizo 4 $9; Classe do neige, size 7 $9; Aiberg (West Germany) sizo 1 59; Grenoble, aize 25$9; Sportsman, size 2 $9; girl's white skates, suze 2 $4; Boy's skates. Truline, sizo 4. $12; Bobby Huit, aizo 1 $5.00. Phono 655-4482. Dec. 19, 79 SKIS, BOOTS à POLES Aduit size. 175 cm. $5; pair of junior skis 120 cm. $30. Phone 683-6638. Dec. 19. 79 LIVING ROOM SUITE Consiste of Chesterfield, 2 easy chairs, ottoman, col tee table & end table. Cream iight brown cotour. $450. Phono 668-3926. Dec. 12, 79 1 NEW black& white marbie bathroom ahei shaped sink. 30" s 19 314". $60; 1 new men's Dynastar skis & bindinge. $130. Phono 728-0074 al- tor 5 p.m. Dec. 12,79 SKI ZOOTS Son Remo Size 81h. Nooriy now. $35; Ladie's wînter boots. Sizo 7V?, Worn once $10. Phone 576- 236& Dec. 12, 79 INGLIS Stove, white 30" oniy $40 or beet olfor. Phone 655-4364. Dec . 12, 79 CARPET FOR SALE 4 pioces (orange) shag. dîfforent room sîzos $200; truck rack ',Gr Pick-up $100. Coui 668-0163. Dec. 5, 79 ORGAN Eko. 2 years oid. Full rhythm section, Excellent condition $1.100. Cali 666-1530ý Dec. 5. 79 STRONGLY BUILT fiait traiter size 10' a 4' with pipe raiiing 1 'h' high. Tires 550 x 12". $200. Phono 655-3166. Dec. 5, 79 TECHNICS SB-Xi speakers. 1 pair. Excellent condition. Only 4 monîhs îld :.275 lirm; 6 watt gultan amplifier. Ideal for beginners. Hardiy usod $50; H1.0. train set. 1 year oldý 6 pce. troin trock, accessories etc. $40 Cali 668. 5180 after 5 p.m Nov, 21, 79 blAdY CAI4RIAGE 2 in 1 $25 Phone 568-9553 Nov 21,.79 WASMER AND DRYER in griod worlrlng order, 5200 or best oller: child's swing set with glîdes. seaswa. Slido and two swings in new con- dition $50. antique rocking chair and matching armchalr. beauiifuily phoavloered in sîlIr brocade, eariy Canadiana. $400 or beal otier 688- 151 Nov 21. 79 a 1