WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. 1980. PAGE 17 jCommng Events- HARD TIMES DANCE The Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Ladies Auxiiiary is having a Hard Times Dance on Saturday, January 26 froin 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Heydenshore Pavilion. Music will be provided by a D.J. and there wili be a buffet and bar. The cost is $12 per person. Tickets are available by caling: Dorothy Clark at 985-2842; Dawfla Page at 668- 6673; Toni Dorey at 668-2801; Terry Wilson at 668-9594; and Karen MacPhail at 668- 0837. Tickets are also avaiable at Peacock Famiiy Sports. OSTOMY The Oshawa and District ostomny Association; a self- Hi'gh ris k drivers to be treated f airly CONT'D FROM PG. 14 Association. Membership in this Association is mandatory for ail companies licensed to write automobile insurance. Rates created by the Association for high risk drivers will be subject to approval, to confirm that they are properly calculated and to ensure that high-risk drivers are treated as fairly as possible. Third, the program stipulates that every automobile in- surance poicy contains uninsured motorist coverage. This allows an insured person to get immediate settiement of dlaim for damages from his or her own insurance coin- pany, when involved in an accident caused by an uninsured vehicle. A dlaim may then be persued through the courts. And finally, the program sets up a systein of enforcement whereby ail insurance companies, or their agents, will issue an insurance card which must be produced by the driver on request of a policeman. The owner or driver of a car who fails to produce such a card will be subject to a fine and seizure of the vehicle. This new Act will resuit in the greatly reduced use of the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund which created an ad- ditional burden for the taxpayers of this Province, when dlaims exceeded revenues. The Fund will, however, remain in plac e only for those unisured cases that cannot be resolved. The Governinent of Ontario introduced this legisiation in order to correct inequities in the insurance schemes, and to help aileviate risk to society at large. MBM-PHOTOGRA -~~E ixIuii'oL14 -COTOBOKCO 8 OUOS OTc help and moral support group for area ostomates will hold their next meeting oit Wednesday, January 16 ai 7:45 p.m. in Room 10 of the Oshawa General Hospital. The prograin will feature a representative from the Hollister Ostomny Supplies Company with a display on new and improved in ap- pliances. Also featured will be a representative of the Chesire Homes organization. Ahl interested persons are welcome, especially those in the medicai and social- service fields. Refreshments will be provided and for more in- formation cail Betty Allen at 725-6126 (evenings) or Louisa Anderson at 728-1869 (anytime). Prospective competitors in ihe Eighth Annual Oshawa Kiwanis Music Festival are reminded that the ciosing date for entries is January 3lst, 1980. Festival Chair- man, Cyril Powell reports that arrnagements for the event are well in hand. From entries already received, the indications are that com- petition wili be very keen in all thirteen categories of the Festival. The entry fee is $3.00. The Competition, open to amateur and professional performers 0f ail ages in ýPHY'fS 1* YO UR . UNG YA I-NIN LLING $13.e74 IN SAVINGS! 'c (approx. value) M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK ST N "Uns QUALIT ' mon-W: -6PROCESSING DOIVE IY - -'c tb 9o.W89 6811 BENJAMIN LIT le -SFL flOtT lSL COUNTY TOWN SINGERS On Wednesday January 30 and February 6 the Country Town Singers will be holding auditions. The auditions will be held at Henry Street High School, Henry Street, Whitby at 8 p.m. in the music roomn. Individual auditions and personal music are not required. Positions are availabie for ail sections of the choir - bass, tenor, alto, soprano with a particular need for tenors and basses. . For further information about the auditions cati Angela Wiilis at 668-5629.« TOASTMISTRESS The Whitby Toastmistress Club is accepting new mem- bers. The club is for ladies who are learning to assert them- music and speech arts, will be heid in Oshawa from April 23rd to May lst, 1980 inclusive. Entry forins and copies of the syllabus may be ob- tained froin Thomas Organs, 1820 Dundas St. E. or by calling 576-3921. En- tries are also available by writing the Festival Secretary, P.O. Box 921, OSHAWA, Ont. LIH 7N1. selves through the study and practise of conversation. Their next meeting will be January 29 at 6 p.m. and for reservations and further in- formation caîl Lillian North at 668-7479 or Jeanette Etter at 668-3478. BOTTLE DRIVE The First Whitby Boy Scouts will be having their bottle drive throughout Whitby on February 2 star- ting at9a. m. The Scouts ask that people donate only returnable bot- tles. ROBBIE BURNS DANCE The Canadian Scottish club of Whitby is holding their "'Robbie Burns Dance" on Saturday, Janurary 26 froi 8 p.m. to 1la.m. A supper of steak pie, tat- tdes, turnip and haggis will be served. Tickets 'are $5 for mem- bers, $6 for non-members and for tickets cali Margaret Young at 668-4134 or Tom Coghill at 723-0477. MAPLE LEAF GARDENS e ATO (Charge Tickets at Eatons& Simpsons Caîl: 598-0176) eAil Other Outiets e Ail BASS Outlets (See Below) (50' Pet Ticket Charge At BASS & ATO Outiets) FOR INORMA);I gTON & eU AE Entries now open for musie festival