Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1996, p. 29

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesciay, November 27, 1996 , Page 29 ~OMINO ~ OMIN [ I L .... ..............._____________Mit__ Do you wish to secure your future? Looking for people who are seeking self- iIMýýempîoyment o rare sf-employed who ~wish tohave freedom .and independence with ei"-ý,no risk, no investment 1 and no selling. ~ 'NOTMULTI-LEVEL ~MARKETING. & Mo Calil1-800-239-9367 00mSaturj' m&Su j ..$O AL I........ THANICS TO ST. JUIDE&th Sacred heait of Jesus for favours reoelved. _ "tu Sacred heait of Jesm be iadred, glorlfled, loved & PreSed throughout theword now & bu"~~. O Sacred heart of Jesus pray for Us. St. Jude, worker of mira"ls pray for us. St. Jude, helperftdie hopelesa pray for us. rub§eoanhust ha promlsed. S.S. STOLENI STAINLESS steelhot dgcar, from 222 ThlCk(son Rid. S.- VVhy, parked ln the drlveway1 On Novembfer 19, betwee 4 &Ï7 p.m. Dept. of Transport4ollc notlfted. Any informtlon of persons or vehicle needc. Generous reward. Calil Fred, 416-282-o736. ANVONE WITNESSING an accident frvolvng a police cruiser which occurred on the l6th day ci Agustl 996atll1Om.,atthe Klng St. W. Plaza, (Hwy. 2& Thomûton),, please_.oentact me. et WMEE ALE LOOIIN FOR tagl feaE Wltu ltyod e hair.blue eyes, 25-40.666-853. BAI-AS BEUEVE LOVE lB tule light that guldeth ln daztness, the lfflng lnk that uniteth God wlth man, that assureth the progress of eveY lluimlned sÃ"uI. For more Info. oeill bIl free 1-800-433-3284 or 66"-665. FITNESS ONE ON ONE personal training faceility. SpecWalzed fibness instructon in a private studio setting. Goal assessment, constant suP Itad otvabo. ofr Suite 101 K- orery Pae Whlty. aliforappointmient 668-4464. EVANLY RAYS servieclng mver 20,000 Ontaulo hauseholds. Raled #1 ln Canada. Police, politIcIans& oerporauionsuse us-C-ncems about love, healtu, relationsbîps, mioney. Just oeil 1-900-451-4055, 24 bus $2.99mln., 18+, 1-900-45Ï-4055. MANY THANKS for prayer answered Secred Heart of Jesus, St. Jude and M.O.G. HLG. THAMSTOTIIE SACRED Heard and St Judeformnyfvor reoeived. B.C. fm aus ROSS - IN LOVINO nmmry of Sophie Ross, who passed arva November 26, 1991. Her life was full of kindly deEds, Her helping hand Io ainneed. A Pleasanf smile, a heart of gold, Nofiner one t-ms earth coutld Wod. We cr0g ci od days bac Her hand we cannot touch, But m treasre beautifi memones, Of the one we love so much. Mer meioy is aur keepsake, WMlhwhich »JlIneyer p4 God bas ber in bis keeplng, We bave ber in aur beart. ForemveIeed and sadly missel by LOCAL CHARmEs I uiuK NW FOR OUR l oJr Doember 5 &6. Uoghe Christmas Ughts of Simcoe and Niagara plus much morel For Infortmati oil SllverUJne Tours, TUPPERWARE OPEN House. Wednesday, November 27, 6:30-9310pmi. 177 Nonquon Rd. ln the mec room. Free draws. Surprse claj to Sunday * e *9-dc.3--i'.I.IvIlIuy, i uesay 5& Wodnesday m ALSO Saturday Morning 9:.3Oam *S5 POINTS MALL Rtson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&P) *Charities 945371.- SUPPORT VU LOCL_ HARES 6m9404l L.A.C.A.C. poesents A Yuletide Tour of Bowmaýpife s Fine Old Io e thus uniue tour in ludes: ~Hofliday Fai, Traditjonai DecoralionsI Tickets: $12. avaiabie at Mardi's Fiowers, 106 Byron St. S., Whtby - Aiso available Dinner $12. - Luncheon $5.I For itifo eal Jazie Docks 1-905-983-5926 .I I . .......11...D.... ESTATE 0F PATRICIA JANE STROUD NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail diaimns against tue estate of PATRlOLA JANE STROUD, late of the Tom nof WNhy who died on or about tue22dayf January, 1995, must e fle wthtu un dersigned personal fferoenmon or before tue Sîst daof December, 1996, tuereafter, tue undersigned will distribute tueé assets of 9u said Estate havin regard only to tue cdaimns thennfilet Dated tuis 27tu day of November, 1996. JOHN HENRY STROUD Estate Trustee by bis Solictors Johnston, Burcb, E- MronStret oul Whîtby Ont3rio LUN 47 ANDERSONEdituLou"seB.A. M.A., Ph.D. - Peacefuify*aé Sumnybrook Healu Secïic Centre, Toront on Sunday November 17, 19Ã", age 86. Wire of tue labo John Murr-yAnrson Greatty yod by ber brother Everett Batho of Oak Lake, Manitaba, sons John and wlfe Carin of Brassard Quebec, Harold and wfe Cathy of Oakville, andDopuglas and wifle Susenn' of Whltby, elght grandchildren, as well as mnany nleces &Id nepbews. Edltb was bom ln Minnedoea, Mantoba on April 19,1910. Her early educetion was un eane-rom coýtry schoolhouse. She abtelrued ber B.A. et Brandon Collage in Menibe in 1933 and ber Doctarate et tue Unlvemqy 0 Tronta un 199 folloWlng udusoe the Banting lnstitute. Amleraresin ber cblîdren, she retumned 10tu Depnent of Biachmlstry as a Martuy nstructor. Editu was wel i knovm for ber wlsdom and klndness as a frend and-advlsor. Ede tu a limne voluaiteeaiet Riverdel abp=tan d with Meals1 On Wbeels. A persan wbo ernbodied faieh anil egf shec kept greet strengtu a0 during t ..e btcbnges a lstf e >ms. CrBrnaionWes folowed byea me*mRil service ag Yaulcmkterv Park Baptist Cburch ln Torab n aa lbhursdey. Novembor21.c SEIDE - Emil. In his 82nd yea peaoeùlIy at Whitby G#eeal 199,ale a ng Iilness. Born oni December 11il 13in 8,an and a long dmrnesident of Ajax and 12 years in Whitby.Emil wilI ha saly missed b y bis wife, Martha of 58 yeazs and by his son Gustav daughter-in-law, M-rann, ;and granda hersheiétolngrid EradM her husband Duane Scott of Port Perryj and mnany relatives and friends.Predeceaseri by his 3 broher and 5 sisters ail of Germany. Relatives and friends mre moceived althte W.C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL, 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby.Fnàa Service was beld on Mônday November 11, folmwed by Intennent et Mount Laffl Memrial Gardens, Wbltby. ln lieu 0f ftowers donations Io the Heart andl Stroke Foundtion of Whltby woid ha apprecleted. A s" cLaak__'to or. Wu and dmmkg staffat Whity Generai TASS - TADEUSZ WIKTOR 'Tedn. (Proudly served WWl Second Polisb Armoured DIVSIe (Kflîgbts of Columbus St Gregy's Chaper 2671). Peaceily et tue Osawa Generel RasÊita on Tuesday November 19 19-Ted Tass ed 79 years. Beloved busbando0 rt ass of Oshawa. Lovrugp father of Sophie, Andrew Mr and her husband hlcaad and his wffé Krry. ememrbered by bis grandchidr*e Alanna, Amy, Josua, Richard and Robin. Survived by famlly In Poland. Rested te ~ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 124 lng Street East, with Mess of Christian buriai et St Heclg% Roman Catuollo Chuch n Fidy 22 19%6at1I am.urch lent hesurrection Cemnet3y. Mernorial donations ba tue Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundaton Durham Lung AssociaÃœtion or tue charity of your cholce would ha appreclated. Vusitation was beld Thursday 2-4 andý7-9 pm. POPE - AiejcnderFordvS = Nov ember 118,199e et -a General Hospîa. Dear busband ai Sadie*. Me :is swvived by bIs son Alexander and was gi Iv randoblidren. A primae tarntjf -ec and Coemnation was heldy on November 21. Anyone wist b remmber hlm, please caer Society. and reeve a olit. Pv1crowave cookîng Cemonstration. Ifyou want uyers to 571-0426576-527. notice'your car for sue. park in classifiedi iSi ANNUAL Christmas Dhu. Glen Dhu Public Sohool Invites v ou b attend our Chrlstma SaeÃŽ léaturing crafts, dlothlng,Jewelry. CD sort woee, baking and more. Frday, Deoember 6lh., 1llam-9r Saturday, December d 1 lam-5f m. 29 Fallingbrook SÏ Admission $1. Children under 5 f ree. Babysittlng avaiable -$1 par chlld. Crafts suppied _y White CLASýSIFIED' MAR KETPLAÇ.E "A dvertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" AUTO. FOR SALE LEASE OR PURCHASE. Ail makes and models with good, flot so good, or delinquent credit. NO TURN DOWNS! Cati 1-800-456-2227. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information availabie. For your new or existing business. Take advantage cf the govemment' grants and boans. Cati 1-800-915-3615. BIG CASH INCOME. IBEX CANADA needs Distribuions throughout Ontario. Secure the rights to a disposable, high demand produci consumed by virtually everyone! lnvestment $3,795.00. Financing O.A.C. 1-800-538- 6054. SUMMIT DISTRIBUTORS EARN COMMISSION every- time customers make long distance calis. Rebilled whole- sale long distance saves customers 25-60% every month. Oeeking customers and distributors. 800-364-6997. COUNTRY ESTATE VINYL FENCE DEALERS/instaliers wanted. Support and training available. Unlimited peten- tiai. Don't miss eut on this greund floor opportunity. Cati Casey 1 -800-379-2125. IEALTH, NUTRITION AND WEIGHT LOSS products. Ait :anadian company iooking for distributors. Unique week- ypay plan. No inventory te stock. Cati 1-800-501-7756, ?4 heurs. IORK FROM HO ME, supplement $$$ your $$$ inceme, )art-time or fuil-time. FREE BOOKLET explains 416-631- ý925. ITERNET CORRESPONDENTS required. Challenging, AI and part-time. Canada-wide. Your opportunity te use our computer building home-based income/business. e- F tc c c H yc BC d ho INc dFr 199 enIp WAet oIer Greg FOR'SALE SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planti beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhei Free information 1-800-566-6899. Norwood Sawmill R.R 2, Kitworthy, Ontario POE 1GO. SALE S HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money sellir chocolate bars. New producîs available, Nothing te pay advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-13589, MEDICAL 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSESI Safe, rapid, non-surgica permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot deve oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 40E 961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http.ý www.visionfreedom.com. Satisfactien guaranteed. PAY TELEPlIONE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHtC Answers. Spiritual consultatior Relationship, Career, Life. Oniy $2.99/min. 18+ 1-900 451-3783. PERSONALS GAIN SELF CONFIDENCE. Buy and read DIANETICS The Medern Science ef Mental Heatth by L. Ron Hub. bard, $48.15 i. shipping/tax. Caît 1-800-561-5808, lOam-l Opm 7 days aweek - AD OPTION. ADOPTEES AND BIRTH PARENTS -*Family Finders anc The Canada-Wide National Adoption Registry 1-800-871- 8477. http://www.adopting.org/ffcwnr.html. 'Reuniting Canadian Families from Coast to Coast' 1-800-871-8477. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Do you imagine bedtime stories, teddy bears, and a home filied with love? We are a chiidiess couple in our early thirties REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/îimeshare? We'll take il! Americas iargest, oldesi 'reale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cal 24 heurs a day. COSTA RICA - For sale by mwer. 1 to 5 acre serviced estate lots. Breathtaking . views of Pacific ocean. From $16K USD. Owner financing. Cai 905-238-2663. STEEL' BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE... Go Ontario Factory Direct. Many Sizes and Styles. Exampie: 30 x 40 now $5,998.00. 35 x 50 now $9,488.00. 40 x 60'.now $1,444.00. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. GRAIN STORAGE SPECIALS. S. Series Straightwai Building 25'W X 42L $6877. Dome-Quonset Building 40'W X 64'L $9977. Buildings are complete with Endwalls and Big Doors. Caîl Future 1-800-668-8653 ext. 514. VACATION/TRAVEL, SKI VACATIONS. MONT-TREMBLANT, QUEBEC voled #1 e Otd $6,Eskitert n tEastFrtono$eiasan3fe *National Packages Availabl e Call this paper for detalsl J BATMIAN FREVE *SAILOR MOON * 11XEDO MASK *SPIDERMAN *CINDERELLA s WHrTE RANGER *aiso Red, Green & Pink *Blrthdays, Company Plcnics Etc. e NO VIOLENCE e DOUG (416) 439-8133 ks, 'e. 'ng ai, CAREER TRAINING OOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Leamn :ome Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspon- )nce. Eam your certificate now. For free brochures, ne ligation, U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Win- peg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144, over 20 irs of tax training experience. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. JN, FAST AND EASY! Learning.piano, by video at ne. The worid famous 'Bastien Piano Professor' com- te adult instruction program, receives rave reviews! JALITY 0F THE VîDEOS IS FIRST RATE! ... THE STRUCTOR IS SUPERB...OUR SINCERE HATS 7!... .BRAVO!! (The Piano Education Page - Sept.' 6). Play your yuletide favorites by Christmas, now y $79.95! Caîl 1-800-617-7529, obligation free, triai r. "It's Time te Playo. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. ,TED: Millwrights and heavy duty mechanics, full- Spositions, sawmill in .High Prairie, Alberta. Single porary accommodation availabie. Fax resumnes te: g Buchanan, 1-403-523-5422. kc býýi

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