Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1996, p. 3

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WVhltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 20, 1996', Page 3 Clîiedoctors withdraw hospital privileges By Mike ]Kowalski directorspeit ým rciecaLè â- a A Proun of' li J l .0-dc a rm rcic ha. lan1,A h - lui. luuvaoors nave opted 'to withdraw their services from Whitby Gen;alI-ositai. physicians at the Whitby Chinic on Brock street wiil no longer carry privileges at the hospital.s n h* b General's current and future roles, the eight doc- tors will direct their patients -to Oshawa General Hospital should hospital treatment be necessary. Although hospital offi- ciais hope to persuade other Whitby doctors to fi the gap left by their col- leagues at least one mem- ber of lue hospital board of ruture for the Gordon Street facility. - - The doctors' decision could be a mortal blow to the efforts of those attempt- ing to retain acute care services at the hoVital, Whitby councillor Ger Emnm warns. Reading from a prepared statement, clinic spokesper- son Dr. D.J. Shepley ave a brief- explanation for the doctors' action. «With regret as of Dec. 1 1996, il Whitby Clinic' physicians will* no longer carry privileges at Whitby General Hospital," said "Chan~ges in hospital functions, hospital restruc- turing, re-engineering and items from Whitby council agenda(s) Recommendations fromn the Planning and development committeef That rezonîng and official plan amendment applica- tions from Sonterland Corporation to permit a 105. unit townhouse development on the northeast corner of Dundas and Gardon streets be circulated for public and agency commnent bof ore coming back to commit- tee with a recommaendation from planning department staff. The 5.5-acre site was praviously approved for a 290-unit apartment -building, but market conditions forced the applicant to submit a revlsed proposai, * committae was toid. *Refermd to planning departmoent That a rezoning application from Destiny Il/Miiran Developments Consultants to permit a 211 -unit sudi- * vision on the east sida of Garrard Road, north of Donald Wilson Street, be, _roved. That a condomninium application from lntracorp Acquisitions Ltd. for a 54-unit townhouse develop- ment on the northeast corner of Dryden Boulevard 1 and Waller Street be approved.V ReCOMmed.dto councîlp That a site plIan application from Co-Steel Lasco to ' permit a 2, 000-square-foot roof repair building be approved. Recommendedia councla nq That a razoning application from CMLQ Investors E Company to permit a 49-unit niixed subdivision on the wast side of Brock Street, opposite Dryden Boulevard, be approved. s Recammendedto council wi Of uJr That a request from the Ammophilia Corporation for aminor variance to the municipalitys sign bylaw be t approved. The application wiiI rfi i ------------ si#g-ns on the309't-iunda sot. IW siRe now occupied by National Trust. Recommendecita council Rec raioThat a sari implemented thrae per ceri increase is fo burden on taxý nec of 3tonnesaw of34tonbnews Lynde Creek;« bridge crossin Rossland Roe Pacific railway Roci ommendations from the perations committee oes of user fea increasas for parks and lpartment programis and facilities be on April 1, 1997. The increasas average nt and covar a wîde. range. Hait 0f the or inflation and the othar to raduoe the 'payers. comrmnd.dito council be brought forward to conflrm load limits on thea Way Street bridge crossing 15 tonnes on the Columbus Road West ng Lynde Craek; oight tonnes on the ýd West bridge over the Canadian' tracks. %ommendedto council us to, this deciion»e ai ",Ail physicians will con tinue to, carry.privileges ai Oshawa General Hospita' to, Provide service to t osc patients requiring hospita services." Shepley refused to, com-. ment beyond the officia] statement, while none of the seven other clinic phy- sicians returned telephone cails from, The Fr-ee Pess. Whitby General chief of staff Dr. Mark Mason said there were «several rea- sons" for the doctors' deci- sion, not the least of which may have been their wish to align themselves with a hospital that will continue to) provide acute care ser- vices. A proposai now before the Ontario g =erment recommends tgav Whitby General become a rehabili- tation treatment: centre serving ail of Durham 'Ïhtby residents in need of emergency and acute care treatinent would tra- vel to expanded hospitals in Oshawa and Ajax, a Dur- hain Region District Health Oounil tdyproposes. Whitby MPP A uwng on call at "Whitb3 General Hospital is yoi have to take a certai] b amount of calls for pe1 Iwho don't have fail7y occl tors » said Mason. I"XÏô uhave tobeon caiia certain number of day s and do work that doesn't have anythinig to do with youi' Whil he eltthat ai] doctors i Ontario are reviewinj their own prac. tices in light of the cuirent dispute with the provincial government (see separate story), Mason- said the two issues are not reiated. "I don't think it's directly connected with the provin- cial çovernment,"he said. «Itsàtotaiiy separate from the job action» of refusing to see new patients,. With onfly 36 faznily phy- sicians on its roster, the Ioss of eight doctors ig a «substantial chunk,» Mason admitted. -However, hie does not expect an immediate effect on service. «Hospital administration and famiiy doctors wil meet over the next few weeks te work out cail sche- duling and financial INVESTMENT MANAGEMEN T withde REIREMENT PLNNING withdoct rs eTAX/ ESATE TRATGII Mason. "'For the resenýt1 Whitby Genera is acute care and- has a for family doctors3.» time stili need 'No hard feelings, says Hospital board chair Catharine Tunney. saidI there was no animosity bet- ween the hospitaad doc- tors. "I don't thinic it was done in anger or protest and' there are no hard feelings on the part of the hospital board,» she said. «They ail have priviieges at Oshawa General Hospi- tal now, s0 they're probably finding that niost patients- are referred to OGH Tlunney said there are doctors un Whitby who do not have privileges atanýy area hospital and'they may now be invited to, afiliate with Whitby General. As for the Whitby Clinic* doctors' reference to changes at the hospital, Tunney said Whitby General officiais are "basi- cally following through on the recommendations of the acute care study.»* guaranteed, thi heaith council study does allow for some outpatient acute care services to be located at the new Whitby facility. While unhapy wt their decision, Knmde not blarne the doctors. "They've been most patient in trying to cryon in a dillicuit siuatin,- h said. 'ainh "I think the board could have sat down with them te avoid this and tried harder Despite the. hospital boardsà officiai position that it su pports -rehabilitation provided outpatient and emergency services are retained, Emm said the for- mer is stressed more than the latter. «Every time I sit down at the board meeting it seems te be rehab, rehab and rahab.,"he said. - "Ia can even see at one meeting in the near future whan a raq uest will be made te deletè 'Ganeral' froin the hospital's naine.' Emm said he recently outlined his fears in a letter te, Mayor Tom Edwards and Town council., "I expressed my concern for the well being of the people of Whitby regarding a general hospital,» he said. -"Ive not. receivad any assurances that AjM n TCXINSTAT TAIE 666,-8245 complaints. By Mike Kowalski Ontario docters have sympathetic ear from unikey source in thi fight with the provin.c government. Durhain East MPP Jio) O'Tooie believes docw have some legitimate 9Éi vances as the physiciai protestaainst thie Progre sive Cosrvative gover nent moves inte its thi week. However, the .nort WJhitby rapresantative ahi Ldmonishes the docters fg ruaking patients the ii iocent victims of their jc iction camagn. taid doctors shoul2' wor vithin their own ranks t iettie differences ove rages and the critical issu f moving phVsicians int nder-servioed ragions. Doctors shouid not refus Dsee new patients, bu Dntinue te, negotiate wit] Le government until an ai greernent is 'reached "In our area thara is i 3ctor shortage and thal aoerbates a lot of pro. ems,» said O'Tooie, whc so reýpresents north Osh- vCiarington and Scu- For example, the average enerai practitioner un ronte has 1,500 patients ie his Durham East unterpart has twice that rnber, O'Toole said. There are more patients rdoctor which means y (physicians) reach the lary) cap sooner,» he Ui. 'They have to cover ergency departments as Il as carry a fairiy heavy eload and that quite ?n detracts from. attract- new docters. ]m very supportive of docters in this area.» i.,@ et, lthatlb'Tug satdti O'Toole insisted that the a Ontario Medical Associa- an tion (OMA) has te, comae up eir with itg own solution te the ial two key issues in the dis- pute or risk the govern- bru ment doinLg it for them. )rs "The OMAhas te, corne le- up with a plan te, encourage s' new doctrs te, move te Ds- underserviced areas and n- stay within the (health rd care) envelope,» ha said. O'Toole suggested that h either the doctors' workioad Bo or fe schedulad ha adjus- br ted to meet bot h the physi- n- cians' demand for addi- b tional funding and a government bent on hold- IP ing the lne on spending. k Is not just a question of omore money, you can't just rsay that,» ha said. te "They should fight it out Owithin the OMA~ as te who gets what. Why should a e dermatolo st have a cap of It $400,0W and a GP h $2001000?» Et On the issue of -physi- cian distribution,» O'Toole admitted that thîfs is caus- a* ing dissension in the Con- b servative caucus.. * It's diffuicuit for this government, which has a * ree entarprise philosophy, te ductate where someone can go," ha said. «It s tough, but as you move -out of my riding te imore remote areas it becomnes a real concern.n Although the Collage of Physucuans and Surgeons of Ontario rejected Health SEE PAGE 15 1182 2694 2651 1194 0066 0747,.1301:.:. FOTU EBBMR Fortune Financial Group mnc. MOI&HURRYI HURRY! Jý.Get.your decorating done before the holiayr *Painting *Wallpapering *Drapery *Flooring *Fumishings *Consultations *Colour*Schemnes * Space Planning *Window Coverings (905) 725-1311.e 1-800-906-6667 ENTER OUR DRAW TO WIN FREE BORDERS (1 00,Value. 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