Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 6,1996, Page 25 I.~ ~i ri___ .__....___ . ............- ......___ ___ __ 3 BEDROOM WHOEME HI__ _________ garage. 125 ft. t backing m b a 'rf'A Rahe $1 50 atI Cop'Ro &Llm Z secure vour futu il]. eRentaMv, Option <lA ( >D A -V 'T' C dT WHITBY. 3 BEDROOII 2 bathroom&7 W!i $1 "062,mnhtxs Osliawa, charmîng'oldar home on dead end street $6,725 clown, $960 mnli, P.IT. Oshawa, 8 year aid, w/o besement, 3rd baftrom, 411i bedrom startedi. $6 475 con FIRST IME BU VER? NO mone b put domn but >uwould IkbI buy Flnd out tuw to get youir cown t flt~he mntmCa 666-380. CASH CASH CASH. CASH buyer neeýds 4- beckoom with inground poc arao e. Whtby area. ~'*1st &2nd ~ LUnes of crecfit ~. BEST RATES Franik Callahan 571-2880 After Hours e 668-4454 LUpper Canada Funding Inc. OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE i WMittý- 575 sq. ft Near Downtown. Wusuit medical or professional neecfs. Plenty of parking, om washroom utilities included. Avadlable becemýber 1, 1996. For Information pleae cail 666-3833. Lookirg for people- Swho are seeking self- empîoyment or are self-employed who -wish to have f reedom and independence with no risk, no investment and no selling. 'NOTMULTI.LEVEL MARKE77NG. Calil1-800-239-9367 ESTABUSHED CD mlail order business for sale. CalI evenings, 985-2414. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise A cross Ontario or Across the Country" BUSIESS ~s.20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Safe, rapid, non-surgical, OMNE : S OP PSpermanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot devel- GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govemment assistance pro- oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- grams information available. For your new or existing 961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http:// business. Take advantage of the gomment grants andi www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteeci. boans. Cali 1-800-915-3615.1, , . - - ATTENTION INCOME TAX PREPARERS. NOW Is the time to open yourown Income Tax Preparation business with U & Rt Tax Depot. With your knowledge and our proven.systems and marketing expertise, you wiII be a formhidable force in your Community. For a Full Franchise Package, contact: U & R Tax Depot. Telephone: 1-800- 665-5144, Fax: 1-204-284-8954. DREAM 0F OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Ontario Window Manufacturer offers: protected territories, com- plete training, huge potentiaV/smalî investment. Compete line of windows available. Cail 1-800-861-7546, ext. 32. ATTENTION BUSINESS OPPORTUNIST. Build your own'homne based business with consumnable food prod- ucts and earn full time money. Retail direct marketing. MLM-ers weîcomne. Top Level. Caîl 24 hr. Message (416)381-0331. DO YOU HAVE A FLAIR FOR DECORATING? Decorat- ing Den is now expanding. Horhe based, training, sup- port, advertising, low investment. Franchise and career opportunities available 1-800-263-0242. BIG CASH INCOME. IBEX CANADA needs Distributors throughout Ontario. Secure the rights to a disposable, high demand product consumed by virtuaîîy everyone! Investmnenî $3,795.00. Financing O.A.C. 1-800-538- 6054. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwesterr of Auctioneering. Nexi cîass November 16-22/9 tact: Southwestem Ontario Schooî of Auctioneerir #5, Woodstock,, Ontario N45 7V9 (519)537-2115. 1 ,JwIuuI 6. Con- îg, R.R. j EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home- study course. Cal today for your FREE B0OK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2684, Ottawa,ON, KiL 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of. Canada offers cor- respondence courses for the Dipoma in Counseîîing Practise beginning this month. For a brochure phone Toll- free 1-800-665-7044. SALES, *"HELP'WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deîivery 1-800-383-3589. HEARING AIDS - Just $479 manufactured direct to the p ublic. In the canal type, fulîy guaranteed. Free informa- tion and sample. Cal toI-free 1-800-960-4367 Micro Max. PAY TELEPI-ONE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Spiritual consuitatioi Relationship, Career, Life. OnIy $2.99/min. 18+ 1-90 451-3783. PERSONALS ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. For companionshi or marriage. Ages 18-85. Single,- widowed,divorced. A across Canada. Write Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, ChasE B.0., VOE I MO. Free information. 1-250-679-3543. NATURAL HEALTH DIRECT High Quaiity Heaîth Sup plies: Vitamins, Minerais, Homeopathics, Herbs, Profes sional Nutritional Supplements, Books, Tapes, Heaîtf Information. Great Prices! Great Service! Free catalogue 1-800-667-7370. ISN'T IT lIME YOU MET SOMEONE WITH SERIOUE intentions. Misty River Introductions, Ontarios traditiona matchmaker. We've introduced hundreds of happy cou- pies. Compîeteîy confidential. 613-257-3531. ADOPTEES AND BIRTH PARENTS - Famiiy Finders and The Canada-Wide National Adoption Registry 1-800-871 - 8477. http://www.adopting.org/ffcwrg.htmi. 'Reuniting Canadian Familles from Coast to Coast"< 1-800-871-8477. ip ~h1~IJ ~II~JVV, 8th Annual Durham College Fall-Christmas'Craft Show Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 9 & 10 2000 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa Gymnasium & North Door Foyer For more information, eaul 905-721-2000 ext. 2365 ILI ---- ONM-- CHRISTMAS CRAFT Show and sae. Country collectbles, wooden toys, folk art, knitng poroeai dolls, drled fiowers ÃQ lôdIofgift kas. 1018 McCulbough Dr., WhîBý-urs/Henry). Nôember Novemer 1, 104. , 10-5, .... . .. . .. . I LOOKING TO ADOPT. Warm ioving couple need help^ finding baby. Can provide creative, supportive home.'Col- ledt cails accepted. (416)484-6491. REAL ESTATE LOOKING FOR RETIREMENT? Beauty of Annapolis Val- ley. Low cosi of living. Pleasant climate. Stable economy. Peace and security. Low housing costs. Contact Bob or Jennifer at KOCL, Kentvilie, Nova Scotia B4N 2E4 or cal 1-902-678-7170. STEEL BUILDINGS DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS - Great prices on quaîity, Caniadian-made pre-engineered steel buildings. We spe- cialize in agricultural, commercial, industrial and recre- ational buildings. Cail for-details - 800-663-7538. WANTED CASH! I BUY GUITARS FROM THE 1950's and 196h'. Paying $500.00 to $10,000.00+ for certain models by Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch and Epiphone. Steve 1- * t's Affordabîe e Its Fast e lts Easy e One Bill Does It Al Northem Ontario $76 -, Eastemn Ontario $138 aWestern Ontario $130,, Central Ontario $134 a Ait Ontario $384 *National Packages Available *Cael this paper for details! NINGQ COUNTRy :Opm S& 103&0unia * 12:3Opm Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday -ALSO- S aturday Morning 9:3Oam 5 POINTS MALL Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&P) Charties 945371.- SUPPORTYVOUR12 O LOCAL CHARmES EWVI 404 LIN DAN, C 1 ING-t Jackson's Touch of Class71 104 Consumers Rd., Whitby Admiusié $5.00 Incudes 3 lessons DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING OS AT NOON FRANK MILLS Chnistm Show and Pro9ressie drmner, Novemnbe 22. Liited seats avallI. PaWoanaof Ught, December 5 & 6, bock nowl Silverine 905-430-2253. MAY 1THE SACRED HEART cf Jesus be adored 1q0dfled. lovecf and peewdth ' oith world nowFaidforeer.Saced Heart of Jesus, pray for us, St Jude helper of the~~ pray for us,"StL Jude = miracls pray for us. Saylis 0rye 9 limes a day ,à rye wll a naswered. ItIhe mier been krxnw , b fià . Pub ica io mn at ha Wad . A D . IBAHArS BEUEVE bSe W Hevnkid 1 tuMHoly the human Boul. For more ifo, cal loil tee, 1-800-433-3284 or 668-8665. THANKS TO SACRED, HEART and St Jude for favours recoived. F.T. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and lde Sacred. Heart of Jesus for favours recelved. M.C. THERAPIST: CARROL Campe focuslng on maki drne V again byidea h â~m..ngoe co-dependençy, -ý bsv reatlonsNp. uIld slfoseem, coenflene w age. EVANLY* RAYS sOfvicing cxw 20 ,000 Ontario hauseholds. Ratad il in Canada. Police, Politiciens & corporations. use us. Concemns ablo veheat, readonhi, mney. Just cali -0-5-05 24 hrs, -$2.99/ln., '18+, 1-900-451-4055.. GIF TED PSYOHICS& spiriftaI healteri Can tel -past present future cen assist you overmnIng dlfficuly and- negailve spels. Claivoyance ' >Psychometry,. Photomietry, larot Palm readlng, nunlroSelf Whelp bocksfo rEVERVONE NEEDS TO COMMUNICATE Betterthan chiseîing Yourthoughts ln stone, put them in- the cîassifieds! That's the easy way to teland seIl!i WHITBY * . . . . .. r. I. . NEW CRAFTr MARKET OPENING Display & seli your handcrafted items to the public 7 days a week We do the seXlng ~ you don't have to be there FOR BOOTH INFORMATION. CALL 905-404-0508 or corne and see us at 1618 DUNDAS ST. E,' WHITBY Sat., Nov. 9 & Sun., Nov. 10 e*1lOam to 4pm (N.E. corner of Thickson & Dundas, behind Casey's, beside Factory Carpet) &Ihe Country Crap £MNrket vAýý a 1 iip %il 1 1 ADOPTION lýb 1