Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 27

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0 ~Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30, 1996, Page 27 Entries accepted for Santa Claus parade RE2DUCTION WEE - NOV.- 4-10. R R R I A P E R R B E E E LO0 Y C E R A N F D K I N F T Y T 0 1 U G -S U 0OEl A D V L C R S A R I L A A L E E B N E N P --D,, T v I N E 1 U K E R E V 0 C E R S G R A R P 0 L I S E 1HH Recover Repair fi Rn Recycle Replay Refurish Rethn Reduce Renovat. Refuse Reuse SPECIAL MESSAGE: ------- --- ------- ------ chrome & glass. Also great for cleaning tiles, floors and sinks. lintries can now be made for the Santa Claus parade in Whitby on Saturday, Dec. 7. Whitby Junior (Jhamber/ F- W orks Wcboewroeyvu noceirachag IC <youjusr add the ycast) IIe Nov. 4-10 marks the Recycling Council of Ontarjo'. (RCO) l2th Waste Reduction Week (WRW). The. purpose is to encourage people to 'take responsibility fortii. environment by modiflng their daily behaviour to refleot the S3Rs, This year's theme, %Tiie Future is Rs - Make it Toxic- Fr..,' wil focus on household hazardous waste products, Varjous pamphlets and fact sheets have beeen made available by the. RCO (416-960-1025) to help promote alternative products as well as appropriate manlxgement of ciiemical cleaners. Typically during WIRW, a tiieme for each day of the. week bas proved to be a popular way for communities and businesses to organize activitj.e Monday, Reduction Day; Tuesday, Composting Day; Wednesday, Zero Garbage Day; Thursday, Conservation Day; Frday, Exchange or Reuse Day; Saturday, Conunity Clean-up Day. Perhaps your. organization can host an event that reflects a theme. Sharon F1limor,, Whitby>s WRW volunteer, i. coordinating displays at the. Whitby Mal and in the. libraries. Again this year, there will be the. challenge as to which municipality ini Durhami Region can reduce the. most residential waste. During WRW '95, the. winning rural township was Scugo and b..t municipality was Oshawa. Try thé. WRW word search by findin~g the 12 'R' words, Circle the. remaining letters. Read across to find the. hidden message that reflects this year's theme. I I I I a pu -ex -ac - iie ie of noma e trag IIttJhomddte. j, WC b-- f-y-oueîcn .INC. Cy.xtjust add te yeaMt> Jaycees are agaiorganiz.. Registration p ackages or weekends>. ing the annualevent and and more information can Registration formsi are are acepting entries for be obtamned by cli gJi lo a al be a h floats bans ndgup1Zv5.k at 905-697-2644 WhitbY Information Centre, until i~ov. 15. (day) or 436-8936 (eveninge 900 Brock St. S. Make your own premium wines. European, Californian, Italian, Australian. Ready in approxiînately 4 weeks. Batch size WINE equivalent to 30 botties of 750 ml. Improves with - Pinot Chardonnay ~ Chablis age. Start - Riesling ~ Bordeaux ~ Zinfandel ~ Chianti Earîy! Chenin Blanc~ Cuvee Speciale ~ Cabernet t5urgunciY ~Lewurztranm ner Blanc Liebfraumilch- Pinot Noir A LSO WNECOL ESW&SPA RIU- à VG FVJv j Optimum carbonation Onîy - Triple cold filtering 10 minuti -Over 50u recipes or create your own bt brew Specialty grains & copper ketties beer -No additives or preservatives atc - 10 minutes brewing ime ~ Min batch size 48 litres' - Ready in two weeks ~ Kegs available for parties .We b CALL.666-BREW 1390 Hopkins St., Unit #6 Whitby 1V~ ~ t WO_5. ~l brew for you - no extra charge 11,Mn-9n, just add the yeast) SA1-5 We accept competitors coupons F DNNDAASSTHWY 2 Ic I IIcoN S eU .IURSI Icar i-l--------l ~ I0 nFREE FOR 8LADIES MI Ladies may retrieve mes- k- sages for free once per day by caîling 1-888-400-3283 Ext. 11, Option2 LOTS 0F FUN rSWM, 6'3", br. hair, br. eyes, like sports, ouldoor activities, great sense of humour, looking for nîce looklng girl who Is lots 0f fun. ?r ADN 1585 SOULMATE d SWM, 33, 5'r, 185 tbs., active, profes- s sional, in search of soulmate. n AD# 1588 NO HEAD GAMES SWMV, 27, 63Y, 200 Ibs.,' black hair, green eyes, enjoy pets, looking for attractive female. ?ADN 1557 FINE DINING tSWM,< 37, seeklnq SWF, 20-35, who woutd like 10 go fine dlning, live the- atre, 10 the movies. ADN 1565 ATTACHED MALE SWM, 34, attached, athletic, educated, seekin g attached, slm, attractive femalef or discreet & fun encounlers. ADN 1566 DINING & DA NCING SWM, inlerested In sports, dlning & dancing, seeking F wllh sîmilar Inter- ests.AD#,1571 BIG & BURLY SWM, 37, br. hair, btue eyes, heavy. set, lots 0f fun, looking for SWF, 18-30 The Whitby Free Press Presents.. i. I I To Listen & Respond To Ads ' 1-m900-451-m4552 Ext. lid The cost of the 900#H s only $229 per minute. i - ~NEW TO AREA A Fe als ee in SWF, professional, smoker, social SI 1- drinker, seekin g mate companionship, e SCUBA DIVING 40-50 for frendéhip. ey SWF, divorced, loo king to meet some- AD# 1642MOAVLUS[ one interesîed in sou ba divlng. 1 am SWFS 5'3», MORAL VA lUnehibleS independent & looking to have fun 10lbbonehibu s limes with someone who wants to eyes, active, looking for companion,50- se have a relationship or friendship 60, who likes to be active & loves the &~ AD# 16181 ouldoors, wvith hlgh moral values, be SLIM FIGURE AD# 1635 AC SWF, 18, 6, slim figure, seeking mate SWF, CASUAL & EASYGOING, oepaigS 19-25. I enjoy ouldoors, movies & sot, caual & easygoinge, alove lai ns quiet evenings aI home. sosudoralvileaprc1aeo AD# 1623 nature, looking for someonie w h o shares v 11RED 0F GAMES my interests & loves 10 laugh. O SWF, 35, divorced, attractive, down to, ADN 1645 BOD ARA earth, 5'él", varied interests, seeking SW,1,blonde HAIR, leAfs,10 omeone who is honest, self-confident IsWF, i blotd netgair, lety e 0 &D 1629 idenaena 18-20. Look forward 10, hearing from you. sen >WF SOMEONE SPECIAL A N O H1634ESmo F25, 5'4". br. hair & eyes, fuît filn. NO9, H5, EADd Gb AMES ire n AD ired, 'seeking honest & sincere gentle- bSWFy,19 , a rdlhora ,reentive, ian who is caning, lovlng & romanîic yti est, le, ad oresenie, eoycamping & quiet evenings. - oato&hnsloigfrsmoesw who, is romantîl& o ns for relation- urec 0#1627 ~ship. -gn ADN 1638 e 4,SPONTANEOUS SW,4,sponlaneous, outgoîng, funl Iing, petite, 5'l", blonde hair, lookîng fc: nîce, no head games type 0f guy whc affeclionate & honest. ADN 1640 SW,1, GREAT TIME SW,1,5'5», blonde hair, br. eyes, loi ing for someone who enjoys dancir going 10 the movies & havlng a grE lime. ADN 1558 SPECIAL FRIEND SWF, petite, affeclionate, devoted, enj travelling live theatre, seeking speci friend, 57-62, 5'9" or ltler, n/smoker, ai cere, honest, kind. ADN 1596 DINING OUT SWF, 20, enjoy sports, ouldoors, dinir out, hiking, seeking SM, race does n, malter. ADN 1589 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 30, 5,2", 108 lbs., long br. hair, veî attractive, self assured, looking for ger tieman 45-55 who Is financially stabîr mature, handsome. ADN 1600 NO STRINGS ATTACHED SWF, 26,pretty, blond e, professionai seeking SWM, who la interesled in out door activilies, Iravel & who is profession aI, kind, easygoing. AD 56VOLUPTUOUS SWF, 35, volupluous brunette, haze eyes, br. hair, creative, easygoing, affec. tionae, seeking honeat, warm, open. minded man who is lnlerested in art & old movies. AD# 1658 RELATIONSHIP SWF. 18, 5'6", 115 lbs., lighl br. hair, hazel eyes, seeking male, 18-24 who is interested in dancing & movies. AD# 1616 FAMILY LIFE SF,29, professional, Chinese, like oui- doors, dancing, cooking, family life, seek- ing Chinese maie, 30-42, 5'6" or taller wth enjoy famîly lfe. AD# 1 564 QUIET EVENINGS SWF, 19, 5'5". fuît figured, brunette, hazel 'yes , enjoy ouldoors, dinîng out, quiet avenin g aI home. AD#1626 ACTIVE WF, independent, professional, active, ;eeking companion, enjoy ouldoors, ,amnq, ybowlinigdancing, movies, must DNl 1563 ROMANTIC EVENINGS WF, 32, single mother, seeking some- ie for camping, fîshin g, romantic venings. 1 enjoy dancing, old movies, ail au have 10 do is leave a message. ,D# 1431 WARM & COMFORTING VF, 33, 5'7» br. hair, blue eyes, caring, arm ,intelligent, loyal, romanîic, good .nse of humour, enjoy bowling, danc- g, movies, swimming, seeking SWM, onogamous, 30-40. D# 1417 ROMANTIC AT HEART NF, 45, blonde hair, blue eyes, full-fig- ed, attiactive, caring, thoughtful, kind & ntle, enjoy camping, old movies, look- Sfor someone 10 treat me like a ~.AD# 1365 COMPANIONSHIP 0v- SWF, would like to meel a man, 40-4 r a enboy dining, dancing, watching1 D is walking, need someone for compari ship who la outgoing. ADN 1577 FRIENDS FIRST ok- SWF, 52, widow, interested in meetir ng, gentleman, enjoy dancing, dinii aat sports, seeking a companion. AD# 1570 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 29, blonde hair, blue eyes, vi oy attractive, nice build, 5'9", 127 tbs.,c lail goîng spontaneous, love outdoo n- njy camping, movies, moonlit wall lokng for someone who lis honest attractive, muscutar build, 32-45. AD# 1573 g BOLD & BEAUTIFUL loI SWF, attractive, big, bold & beautil sense of humour, tooking for nice gi blue eyes, blonde or red hair, stim buil romanlic a must, frienci or lover. ry ADN 1578 n- SURPRISE ME! L, SWF, 19, 125 lbs., br. hair, green eye outgoing, cnjoy dancing, dinlng ou romance, seeking someone 20-24, ndi pendent & handsome. 1, A DN 1574 , t- BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE i- SWF, 47, blonde hair, blue eyes, full fi( ured, attractive, caring, loving, romantil Iookîng for kînd, gentie, un derstandir man for one on one relationship. I ADN 1460 * LONG WALKS *SWF, 26, 5'9", br. hair, hazel eyes, seel J ing mate, 24-30, 5'10" or taller. I enjo movies, long walks & camping. AD 06 FUN TIMES SWF, 22, attacheci, 5'2", 125 tbs., dari hair, .seekçing F for some fun. Seef someone who is discrete. ADN 1465 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWF, 44, 5'6", br. hair, blue eyes, seek- ing someone for long term who knows what he wants in life & enjoys movies, reading walking & quiet limes aI home. ADN 1434 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF, earl 40's, 57», stim, blonde hair, blue eyes, seeking gentleman, 50-65 with a good sense of humour who likes dinîng out, dancing & movies.ADN 1419 HAVE FUN SWF, 5S9", full figured, blonde curly hair, blue eyes, like to g o out & have f un or stay home & cuddle, seek ltler maIe, 25-38. ADN 1521 MALE FRIEND SWF, 24, 57", 118 lbs., blonde hair, green eyes, seeking maIe friend & com- panion. ADN 1529 - PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SWF, 35, professional, single mother, 5'4", 120 lbs., br. hair & eyes, honest, caring, romantîc, affectionate, seeking prof. mate, 37-42, tall,dark & fit. ADN 1530 ONE MAN WOMAN SWF, 35, 5'9», enjoy cooking, camping, music' movies & hIl healing, seeking one w;oman man. Single fathers wel- come. ADN1594 COMPASSIONATE SWF, looking for someone who is attrac- tive & enjoys being active, outdoors, hik- ing, cyclîng. I love eatjng out, live the- aIre, traveling. ADN1526 ROMANTIC DINNERS 1 SWF, 30, n/smoker, 5'4", 125 lbs., Ior I.. dark br. hair, hazel e yes, enjoy qu n- evenings, romantic d Inne s, readini seeking mate Who Is honest, sincerei enjoys famlly gel togethers. ADN 1531 a UP FOR ANYTHING ;,SWF, 20, blonde hair, green eyes, lok ing for someone Who ikes 10 party é have fun. 'm up for anythlng. ADN 1539 yUNAlTACHED 1- SWF, 40s, seeking honesl sincere unal. ;lacheci gentleman Who is caring& îromanllc. l'm a mature F, blonde hair, 1blue eyes, attractive, down 10 earth. ADN 1622 CLASS & STYLE SWF, 37, 5'5". 125 lbs., thlck shouldeî length aubum hair, warm, ultra feminine, affectionate, seeklng man wilh gooc morals, manners & means Who enjoya good i wne & company with a woman Who has clasa & style. ADN 1389 SPECIAL SOMEONE SWF, 44, divorced, 5'5", br. hair & eyes, full figured, seeking honest & sIncere gentleman Who is 'caring, Iovlng & romantic. I enjoy camping, quiet evenings with special someone. ADN 1527 LONG WALKS SWF, 23, 5'6", 116 tbs., short br. hair, enjoy sports, long walks & dinlng out. ADN 1501 PARTY GIRL SWF, 20. 5'4", 110 lbs., blonde hair, green eyes, looking for someone Who la interesteci in having a relationship, friends tiraI. ADN 1472 HOLDING HANDS SWF, 46, professional, dark br. hair, blue eyes, attractive, futl figured, looking for someone Who enjoys camping, outdoors, SPECIAL SOMEONE !SWM, 44, divorced, 5'7", br. hait & eyes, )150 lbs., caring, loving, romantjo, enjoy sports & quiet evenings at home. AD# 1643 QUIET TIMES SWM, 45, 5'5", 175 lbs., br. eyes & hair, seeking outgoing & loving female whc likes movies, dining out & quiet limes. AD# 1592 TALK ON THE PHONE SWM, 510", 175 lbs., br hair & eyes, inlerested in meeting younger girls 10 talk over the phorne. AD# 1621 OUTGOING & LOVING SWM, 45, 5'5", 175 lbs., br. eyes &hair, seeking oulgoing, loving female who likes movies, cining out & quiet limes. AD# 1592 LONG WALKS SWM, 23, br. hair & eyes, 5'9", 170 Ibs., looking for lady who enjoys movies, long walks ror possible long term relalionstiip. AD# 1555 GOOD TIMES SWM, 24, tlI, dark, slim, good looking, interested in skiing, fishing, gooci limes, lots of fun. AD# 1584 SWM, professional, enjoy dining, danc- Iing, ouldoors, sports, looking for some- *one to share Ihese wth me. IADN 1665 * EUROPEAN MALE SWM, 23, br. hair & eyes, 5V9, 170 ybsseeklng lady who is interested in movies, long watks, for possible reta- tionship. ADN 1538 YOUNG AT HEART SWM, 51, 5'8", n/smoker, br. hair, blue eyes, enjoy camping, mnovies, biking, seek someone who enjoys the same. ADN 1556 SOCCER PLAYER DWM, 27, 220 Ibs., soccer player, looking for honeat, attractive female, 25-35.ADIg 1163. GOOD DINNER WAnlNG SWM, 6'. 230 lbs., sht br. hair, br eyes, outgoing, caring, good sense 0f humour, enioy. cam ping dancing,ý movies, seek outgoing female. ADN 1516 WELL BUILT SWM,, 29, 5'6B", 160 lbs. seeking someone who wanls 10 go out & have a good Urne.- 1EVENING ENCOUNTERS SWM 24, 165« bjookng for female fordiscrele, evening encouniters. AD# 1469 q A s AI si a 1 1 Not valid with any other speclal or brew card. Limited time offer 1 ustomer Service 416-236-6644 la ir) Tb

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