Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30, 1996, Page 25 OS1IAW GOLFClub. HEAD UJCE? Natural remecfy Ne a rdtPolr OSAA GL Cu.9 d"j. SaWeoand fon-toxto. ~ Br -Udsh Alxr(aSt Goraou us torn ct,^ued .t..655-8139. e arpt arged bullt 1926 hoxm. F=soIke yrd 3. Bnrp nicag w t 'a * :,We have lease takeovers Les oown any make or moclel PRICED RIGH-T. ICash for tiade LSN ~ ~ ~Cal Jeff (905) 683-6230 INDUSTRIAL UNITS. 512 SO. ft. and uP. Gas. wastwoom. $268 ffKre >=uUUflbesLcSdion Port COTTAGE FOR SALE IN Haliburton. 3 bedroons separaie cabin, strg cn. Ali convenlencs. Gret sking. $107,000 obo. 430-2650. 1Vb/l imUA ts &LOANS * st&2nd s.LUnes of credit o BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-28,80 After Hours s 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding inc.C rPlease Recycle This Newspaperi 1986 TOYOTACanywg 100or best offer a9s 5550. TOYOTA COROLLA LE 5 WMelntrunnlng condition. 1987 m 1100 CUAT1OtI. In very godconcition With inew frack. $1300. CaJi 668-8445 atter 5 p.m. TOP DOLLAR SCRAP CARS, truclcs, etc. Free piciwp. Also apiances, aiumlnum doors, p;rep3 barbecues, scrap metEl. *CLASSIFIED MAR KETPLAÇE 'A dve rtise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" COMING' EVENTS SALES HELP WANTED BRANTFORD WOOD SHOW, November 8,9, 10, Brant- $ATTENTION STUDENTs$ Make a lot of money selling ford Civic Centre. Exhibits, Equipment, Crafts, Seminars, chocolate bars. New producîs available. Nothing to pay in Prizes, Carving Competition. Friday 4-9pm, Saturday 10- advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. 6pm, Sunday 10-5pm. Admission $6.00. FREE Parking 519-449-2444. General Inquiries 1-800-563-6858. . INVESTMENTS BUSINSS OPS. RE YOU PAYING OVER 40% TAXES on your yearly income? Join« Our partnership programn and save those GOVERNMENT- FUNDS. Govemment assistance pro- taxes! Minimum investment $1 0,000.00 Free details. Prin- grams information available. For your new or existing cipals only. Cali 1-800-804-6662. business. Take advantage of the govemment grants and boans. Cal 1-800-915-3615. MEDICAL ATTENTION INCOME TAX PREPARERS. NOW is1he, 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Safe, rapid, non-surgical, time to open your own Income Tax Preparation business permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airine pilot devel- wit h U & R Tax Depot. With your knowledge and our oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- proven systems and marketing expertise, you will be a 961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http:/ formidable force in your Community. For a Full Franchise www.visionfreedomcom Satisfaction guaranteed. Package, contact: U & R Tax Depot. Telephone: 1-800- 665-5144, Fax: 1-204-284-8954. P EEHN EV SCHNEIDER'S POPCORN PARTIES. Exciting new sys- HEAY TELEPYH OC NsErsSrasulain tem with increased profitability. Representatives needed HElAVENLY PSYHC A nswLiers. Spiritual onsultation. to market popcom products. lnterested in eaming extra Reaiosip1are,-3e7O83$.9/i. 8 190 income/home based business caîl 1-800-665-6484.45-73 BIG ASHINCOE. BEX ANAA neds istrbutrs OUR DAILY Horoscope. Answers to Love, Career, throughout Ontario. Secure the rights to a disposable, Mne a I 1-900-830-300 an ent e ode.AVries-lO, high demand product consumed by virtually everyone! arsiGmn-0 ane-5 e-0 ig-5 Investment $3,795.00. 1-800-538-6054. Libra-40, Scorpio-45, Sagittarius-50, Capricorn-55, Aquarius-6o, Pisces-65. 99 cents per cail. TT phone _CAREE RIING required. 18+yrs. For entertainment only. In Touch Media.. LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southwestem School DPI.O of Auctioneering. Next class November 16-22/96. Con- AOTO tact: Southwestem Ontario School 0f Auctioneering, R.R. PREGNANT? A WARM, LOVING COUPLE, college edu- #5, Woodstock, Onterio N48 7V9 (519)537-2115. cated and finaricially secure wishes to adopt. We have an DISCOVER MONEY Saving Techniques. u & R TAX adopted three year old daughter who would make a great SCHOOLS has been helping students save money with big sister. Let us help each other. Confidentiality assured. INCOME TAX PREPARATION COURSES since 1975. Cal toil free, John and Sharon. 1-800-337-0035. Study at home in your spare time. For FREE BROCHURE, CALL: 1-800-665-5144, U & R Tax SchoolsSTE BULIG INCOME TAX COURSE... by correspondence. Earn TELBIDIG money during the busy tex season. Free brochure. Cana- GRAIN STORAGE SPECIALS. S. Series Straightwaîî L dian School of Tex Accounting, established 1966. 3157 Building 25'W X 421L $6877. Dome-Quonset Building Bayview Avenue, North York, Ontario M2K 1G2. 40'W X 64'L $9977. Buildings are complete with Endwalls (416)590-9308. Fax (416)226-0644. and Big Doors. Cali Future 1-800-668-8653 ext. 514.L [ ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE... Go Ontario Factory 0 EDUCATIONALOPPS. Direct. Many Sizes and Styles. Exemple: 30 x 40 now Si BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home- $5,998.00. 35 x 50 now $9,488.00. 40 x 60 now C study course. Caîl today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800. $1 1,444.00. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.6 267-1829. The Writing Schooî, 38'McArthur Avenue, Suite 2684, Ofttwa,ON, KiL 6R2. WANTEDT ýHELP WANTED' - CASH!I1 BUY GUITARS FROM THE 1950's and 1960's. Paying $500.00 to $1.0,000.00+ for certain models by cc AREA CONTACT PERSON needed for highly reputed Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch and Epiphone. Steve 1- ri intemnational high school student exchange progrem. Cali 800-964-3544.S Ellen aI 1-800-361-3214 for information. ( *It's Affordable a ts Fast a lts Easy a One Bill Does lt Ail *Northem Ontarlo $76,, Eastem Ontario $138 S *Westernf Ontarlo $130 & Central Ontario $134 a Ail Ontario $384 n Ac >l National Packages Available CatI this peper for detailsl -C foi Fi IFREE! LIMRITED TOME OFFER 3 Mo. MotaePaymierts FR E on us, Up to $%0(OOO* Ist, 2nd, 3rd Time Buyers NOW is the tiîne to cail! HOME SELLERS cali abiout oujr 1 NEW COMMISSION STRUCTURE and l SAVE $$$$-.$$' CALL NOW FOR DETAILS Halri, lIvee Or Gr*eg Dwver- A Faniily Working Fer Families! Sutto 'n Group Executive (905) 571-7000 686-481 F PITO Il, 10 ACRES, I B R 6,900 Mar ora, 13.9 acres, $9,9W. Nnsoq N. 4.06 acres, hydro $11,000. TWeed N. 20 acres,.timber, Wldllfe, $3âgWo. WHITBY, YEAR ROUD OR nmnflulsre, Inside or outsde secure Igh tàaduitYcam, s oa RV'S ard ballera CatI Arn at 725-0899. GARAGE RENTAI FOR bdkeble. Available nrnedlg& $75 Per nntl, firsUlast. 668-6IÃ".-7t sf LOVIN LADY breedeW h araewluIO bLasa wht blck spots. H~c~ v c nae ,deworrnd. CorneSM Noveber .1,, 2 abd 3. Alsc Schnoodies avallable. (514)548-2248. ADORABLE KîrflDTabby, ora ge ai. ma, rale. 8 w eelia o d A xlous b fUnd a good ho me. Cal 65S-5l12.uzzy, furry kitten, free baood h"m. 6 weeks aid. 1 BOX STALL on 15 acre prlvat frr. W stern lesons ana hors for le I t I .P.IW.ON. AL.$ .j MERAPST: CAIRROL Carnpbem çak>cualing mailna r.anen who Ioubypndalku ause",~ ~ag I rle. d se f-steem enef" s 8Msef-mage. IIRTH M01THERsek opd eon. Born: January 19 i Bluf muffe:'TrranoeRiW A4orft %doptad lrough Chlldren's Aid lu >M Plemecal43-7703, ask or #"'mor Nieor conitctPrn %udor at 4044151. 'RAYER TO THE IBLESSED Vlrgln never known b faN. O most eautful noow f Mont Carnuel, ultfu vine, spieudor of 1Heave Messef M terf he Son of God, nmaculab VIrgln, assist me l meSslty. O sta of Ihe sea you are ny Modier 0 HcOyMAEMy, Méor0f m0d Queen of 1laen & Gaifu, 1 Imbiy bemeechyou from fu 'bm .of m he ath secure mew i iur power. 0 MR&y onceived t"ot sin, pray for us who h»ve )course b #h" (3 âmnes). Hal* ury plaoe luis cause in vor nid(3 lies). Say this rYr c3 nsecudve days lenyOU Ples ReclTh is idwfl bertd ln Gi hi yc re( ha col mu NO11CE TO CREDMTRS ANO OTHERS Ail daims against idmie osg, of John EdafriTownsrir'-'-- *'- WD of lieh Of June, 1994; mtet be fied #»u undersigne<jd mo r ]resenta" on or beforeNvmge, 1 t d 199 ddls.bWn.eo ests0f esuIe Dated this 161h day of October 1996. Dorothy Huntor, Estat Trustee by her solcitor> Soana &Sahes Rrlsties & Soltr 214 Coibo rSt eîWest WhltY. Ontarlo LIN 1X2 AUCTION SALE SAT. NOVEMBER 2.9 1O:OOam SPECTACULAR ESTATE AUCTION of ANTIQUES, TOYS, COLLECTIBLES and TOOLS to be held at the Phoenix Sales Arena (frmrly Wlsons), Uxbridge. Hwy. #12 (or #23 Lakeridge Rd.), forth to Hwy. #47, west-to Uxbridge. Watch for slgns. TOYS: Over 100 toys iflcluding exotic & European Race Cars in * orig. boxes: Erti, European, Reveil, Jouef, Burago, Tonka, Old England toys, Dinky, Grumm, Kyoshko, PolistrIl, Brumm, Idea, * Majorette, Maisto, Franklin Mint etc. Also 100 diecast toys (some mint in box) including Superfast, Corgi, Hot Wheels, Redliners, Lesney, John Deere, A & P & Knechtel trucks, Marx Uin airpiane, Lehmann Loli Bird 919, Star Wars, Marx Mickey Uin doilhouse, Mickey & Minnie dolis, Disney Dolîs, CN/CP lunch pail, hand carved race car plus more.. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD: Omately carved solid oak tables (5', 10' & 1l' lengths, Excellent boardroomn tables for professional offices or churches), pine oval table (3 brd.* top, orig. paint), Quebec church Windows, wood cross Finial & altar, ant. pine cupbrds., tea wagon, qty. antique tables & chairs, wicker settee, qty. living rim. fum., ant. spindle bed, wardrobe, brass cash register, Findlay cookstove, qty. early lighting, Ltd. Ed. prints, lg. qty. ant. glass, china, milk bottles & cans, qty. electric, woodworking, hand & power tools, McLaughîn Oshawa cutter (plaque), ant. buggy, cutter seat, plus more. Caîl for faxed list. NOTE. An outstanding offering of unique toys, quality antiques and collectibles. Over 1000 lots-2 Auctioneers. Toys sell at 10 a.m. China at 3 p.m. TERMS: Cash, Visa, M/C or lnterac. Viewing 8 a.m. Sale Day. GIARY fILAUCTIONS t(Division of 1081454 Ontario n fc ç R.R. #1, Sunderfand, Ontario LOC IHO (705) 357-2185 - Toîl Free 1-800-654-4647 DEADLNE FOR'ALL ADVERTISIING OS AUCTION SALE Mndy Novenube4 1996al6:30 P.M. at Lemonvie O IfllY Centre on MocCcan Rd. An- a collectables htouusehol itll dlshes, bàsWare, antiue hand bols, complote10 plae settlng & ompleters. ~~~~ Mika-sa, Gbra' 4m AT

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