GM contraci: Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30, 1996, page 9 Chers or nd of niandatory overiie CAW members Who wo. at General Motors last weE voted 88.7 per cent in favoi of ending their historie thre week strike against the giai automaker. 'Mhe membership suppoi this agreement because( the gains made for workix, People, their farailios an communities,,% CAV president Buzz Hargrov said. "It also helpe send a signa that working People are fee up with inseurty, job cuti and rollbacks and that the2 are determined to stank together to figit back aný build hope for the future. 'Mhis agreement sets a new standard for corporate conduct in regard ta workers Who have helped the company become profitable. It says a profitable company can no longer seil good jobs to the lowest bidder simply ta make more profits," Hargrove said. CAW members in Oshawa, St. -Catharines, Windsor, London, Woodstack and Ste. Therese, Quebec turned out in huge nurabere ta vote Lu favour of the new three-year contrac± with General Motors. Production workers voted 89 per cent Lu favour of the new contract, while skcilled trades workers voted 87.8 per cent. Total number of eligible votera who cast ballots were 14,621. In Oshawa, inembers of Local 222 jammned into- the Civic arena Oct. 23 and roared their support as Hargrove and miembers of the local bargaining copuittee entered. It w as standing room only Lu Oshawa as a total of more than 6,400 production and sktilled trades workers shouted their support, waved flage and asked questions about details of the contract. dc The Oshawa GIN ekc membership 'roared itî tir approval when local e- negotiators announced the rt end cf the mandatory overtime agreement, whiclh rt means the company can nc of longer simply tap Oshawa 1g -workers on the shoulder and d tell them to -work overtime. Vf Now the company must ask. 'e The new agreement contains gains Lu wages, coet- Il f-living, income security, dbenefits, improved Z retrement incentives. y reduced overtime, and limita d on GM's ability ta outsource ci work. The contract includes: EL 9 limits on outsourcing Bthat mean the reversai cf 3 almost 800 jobs GM had 3annaunced would be cut in Oshawa, Ste. Therese and London; 0 protection for the St. >Catharines axle plant, which has again been maintained and kept under the CAW/GM master agreement. The axle plant employa appoxrimately 600; 0 an increase Lu SPA (paid time off the job), which will mean about 400 new job openings in the GM chain; * limita on major outsourcing, the requirement to match future outsaurcing cf minor jobs with other work, and a lid on the sale or closure of operations over the life of the agreement. In Oshawa, workers in the fab plant get the samne protection in ' benefits, pension, insurance or income ecurity comxitments as GM workers, through ta 2005. As well, they can exercise seniority rights, if laid off, for work in the Oshawa assembly complex. Workers in the Windsor trim plant aIea, get the same benefit, pension, insurance or income security U coMmitments ta 2005 as GM 13 workers. Trim Plant workers Ican exercise seniority rights to other GM plants if they face lay off' by- the trim Iplant's new owner. The niew agreement tprovides a two per cent wage 1 increase each year plus cost- of-living allowance, which is expected ta add Up ta an increase of more than 10 per cent over the life of the new contract. Skilled tradea workers get an extra 20 cents per hour starting in the firat year. Al workers get an extra 20 per cent startinin the first year. Ail workers get special strike settlement pay of $350. The benefit Package has been significantly enhanced with gains in vision care, dental and the drug plan, among others. A major breaktlu.ough has been made in the area cf faniilY-relatsej leave with new maternity,ý adoption and parental leave. benefits 'sÜtrtng in April 1997 that Will be provided through a combination of employment insurance and new top-up funchng. Samne sexspousal coouseveryd OEN. 6 *AS AWEI health and safety laws, a worker's current righta are maintained. Maintaining the pattern giveis GM workers stricter protection from the hazards of metalworking fluids. Protection is provide d against government rollbacks of empîcyment s;tandards such as maximum benefits have been achieved. All workers' rights and company reaponsibilities under, the current Occupational Health and Safety Act are preserved as minimum standards, including the right ta refuse unsafe work. No matter what change the Harris government makes to hours cf work, severance and termination rights. The safeguards ensure, for example, that GM can't extend the mandatory work week from eight hours a day and 48 hours Lu a week to 10 hours a day and 56 hours a week as it had previously lobbied ' the Harris government in Ontario. urîering ail iflsolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St..e 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave - 619-1473 COBOURGs 72 King. St. W..- 372-4744 James R. Ya-nch Saturday & evenîng FREE appoÎntments avaîlable. Initial Consultation Offer valid until November .16,1996. 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