Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 13

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Whitby Free Press, Weclnesday, October 16,1996, Page 13 Whitby and Oshawa batteover deve lopmn ~ 'j, j 'i I that existing venues con- tinue to be the primary commercial areas. «It wa.sn't part of the officiai plan te p ut a high concentration of commer- cial land there, this changesait» she said "Iistead of looking at what the egion'officiai plan satys abut the Osh- awa Centre and the two downtowns, they're e larkedoubted that thia wouid b. «some- thing we take te the 0MUB (Ontario Municipal Board),» Bruce Hunt, dfre- tor of Oshawa's planning branch, said the city could participate at an 0MB hearing and "let its feelings be known.» (Reladanora, for example has referred the propci designation for its iadst the OUR) adt "We've had consistent concerns with whether the Region has fully reviewed letting industriai iand go for. retail purposes,» said Hunt. "We're not satisfied the suio ha deait with it Drumm.,, a inember of regional councii's plaing committee, «,ap)preciates» city counci'soffCiai plan argu ment. "But who is in the posi- tion now te turn down that kind of development when we have high unemploy- ment and the need for more of a tax baser» he asked. Drumm said that if Whitby was not wiiling te consizr retail warehouse proposais, another munici- pahity would, and he is "absolutely" prepared te entertain Invar's request for a lowering of the 20,OO-square-fomot mini- mum. "I don't know of any municipaiity in Canada that would turn this down,» h. said. Noting that proposais tetailing almost one million square feet of commercial floor space are now before Town council, Drumm said «Whitby at last is startinp te come out of the do_- drums.» But he wili not vote against these applications. 'People in our area need shopping and they go where they can'get the best deai. Loyaity te the corner store is long gone.» Questioning the reason for the citya objections, Drumm added "If tlis was ini Oshawa I wouid think the mayor of Oshawa and the People on counctil wouid he dancngajlig on. the four corners to get it in there.»" Brunelle, chair of Town councjl's planning and development committee, said Whitby accepts the fact that "big box» retailing is here to stay. "f industr wants te come te Whitby, we ýhould accommodate it, these are not the days to give up jobs and investmnen'he said. "Provided they don't have a detrimental -affect on the downtewn and other parts of town,» Bruneile has no qualins about supporting retail warehouse proposais such as the Kose and Rela- danora applications since a 20,OO-square-foot building These can be converted te an in- dustriai facility. The Invar application is another matter, however. 'The original plan was 20,000 square feet and if we start departinge from that we would not b true te our origi*nal commit- ment," lie said. "If were going to move away from that, we have te do it tegether. "I have te hear what they (Invar) say and what others say. Pmi not going in with my mind made Up.» Brunelle agreed with Drumni about Osh awa's motives and said another Durham Region ulunicipa-' are the lowes- year-, so donvt wait theylll be long 90f' lity is also guilty Of «pro- tecting» is own turf. Tewhole probiem with Oshawa and -Pcering is that if it's (proposed deve- lopment) not happening there, it's not good,» he said." «But if it is, we'll adjust it.» Brunelle added that offi- ciai plans are «not carved in stene» and must ha adaptable te new trends. Meanw 'le, a Durhamn Region study on this issue should becming before regionai cuncii's planning committe within the next month. 1801 Dundas SL . 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Yau Should Know This: *Based on a 36 uonth lease for vehicles equipped as described. Annuai .kilometre Humit: 20,000 km..*0.08 per excess kilouetre. t*Of fer applies ta 1996 'new or demon- strator models in dealer inventory. Dealer trade uay be necessary. Freight (Jimmy - $670, GMC Sierra - $870), licence, insurance, Security deposit and taxes are fot included. Dealer uay, seli/lease for less. 0f fer applies ta qualified retail custopers only. OAC. Llulted tUne of fer May flot be ccmblned or used with other of fers. Sue your Dealer for details. seTD and GM. are' licensed users of Marks. Subject to GI1.Card quidelines. FROM PAGE 1 Meanwhile, Invar Indus- trial Ltd., developers of the Power Centre, put forward a prorai last March for its. l.1-acre site im- mediately west of the Kose property. But unlike the Kose and Reladanora applications, Invar wants a reduction in the minimum 20,000- square-foot requirement to accommodate single-unit users as low as 5,000 square feet. In effect, Invar's proposai would be tantainount to putting a shopping centre in an area now zoned for industrial uses. While Whitby's new offi- ciai plIan calîs for the lands on t he immediate four cor- ners of the Thickson-40 1 interchange to e designa- ted a aspecial activity node" te per-mit retail uses, the ReÉi on's plan does not. Carke argues that by permittingrtai1 develop- be contrary te the Region's officiai plan stipuiating j1j 'P96 GMC 'p96* GMC REtULAF THIS[ TRUCKS AR..[ MEANT 10 LAsT?ý BUTITHISE PRICES AREN l'a Là dm

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