Debteover replacernent-Poly New director needed or hosp ital board A -3 -1k & -A- Fw"Jgk boardeaeE A potentially oentyow sial appointmentî could m lie made to the Whit General Hospital board directors. 1 The board's nominati comnuttee ham been îgi responsibiliy to put7fc ward the naine of someo, to replace former direct Pearl Aukt A member of the Sai Our General Hospiti (SOGH) citizens' committi and a hospitai direct, since June 1995, Auit wz recently forced to reig froin the board due t health probleins.- However, fw s ore direc tors iearned at last week, first meetg of the 1996-9, hospital board, there is n< formiai mechanismi to'govern elcnaEe. tor who leaves before his her term expires. HospitaI bylaws state only that itj lu the reeponsi. bility of the board to, replace a deparfimg mein- berî. But after board chair Rob Morton announced that the nominating committee wiIi lie entrusted with replacing Ault~, he was inmedfiateIy chaleneby newcomer "Based on (last June's) annuai meeting, the mem- bership made it yfairly clear where their suppor lay,» said Prout. "It'(app'ointrment) should be expédiited.ITere are people quite prepared to stey in now,Ç' she said.. Prcut's commenta were a iesà -than-subtle reference to the resuits of tis yeais fer- Go-chair of SOGH, Pýrout non was on a siato of four can- tby didates oppoed to plans to of convertwhitby General Hospital into a rehabili- ing tation treatment centre ,en serving ail of Djurham or- Regilon. ne She and Richard Eton, ýr former administrater, of Memorial Hospital in Bow- ve manville, were successful in ai capturing two of the four ee seats at stake in the elec- ir tion. "But aithough only the M totals for the four vinning Scandidates were announcâ at the meeting' - incuin- jbents Jim Soucl and Peter Sratt wr re-elected - it 7 s believed that prout's fel-. ID> low SOGH member Norm e Mealing finished a close -flfth. IAfter Morton reiterated that the board had "no. pro- pr prooedure te follow' - own councîllor Shirley Scott asked if «we know *Who i8 next in line?" Hospital chief executive officer Elizabeth Woodbury replied that no record exis since the ballots wee destroyed immediately fol- lowing announoement of the victorious candidates. Town councillor Gerry Emm then suggstdthat the naines ofr t e five un- sucoesfui candidates lie submitted for consideration by the nominating commit- tee. Whil. flot opposed te the nominatîn g committée making the decision former chair Souch wonderud if the board should not lie expandinigits horizons. Kairtway accidents inlvestigatd by'ministry become a regionai hospitai -- and we shouid now before the end of the year - then we shouid lie bringing people in from outaide WhY » he said. Tle Load opte<i flot to put a"y conditions on the nominating committ's delilierations and no dead- uine was miposed on the committee for making its recommiendation. Although he did'not have a representative present during the counting of the ballots, Mealing told The Free Presit is -hi. under- standing that he finished fifth. «What rPve been teid is oniy a rumour, but rve heard from severaieopl that 1 was next in ne' he said. Mealing said he would accept an appointment«te the board ifaskad. Erm, for one, hopes the nominating comînttee and board decide that Mealing should be appointed. Now a self-employed management consultant, Mealing . spenit 29 years working for the Onîtarjo governient i a varety of capacities and jurisdictions, including the hiealth minis- try. uI know that the one per- son I wouid prefer te, see iu Nom Mealing," said Emm. "lie has exrse inter- est and hbathÃ"abilit. He would be a Çoaulmget. s Director MalcolinPais diSagreed with Emm that the runner-up should auto- matically lie named te the board. The. Inspection and Enforoement branch of the Ontario Mlnlstry of Consumer and Commercial Relations is investigating the mishap. An Aug. 24 acident in which a l2-year-old Ajax- boy suffered minor injuries is also under investigation. A 13-year-oid Willowdaie girl was slightly ijuredin a go-kart accd ent Sunday afternoon at Famiiy Kart- wi. olice say thegirl missed a curve, continued acros the grass and struck a fenoe. She was treated at thescene -b St.Johnl INVESTMEm- MANAGEMENT RETIREMENT PLANNING F -1 TAX / ESTATE STRATEGIESI S FORTUNE F1 N AN CI1A L DERBIE MORGAN~ Fortune Financial Group Inc. * ý*2à -W '«I, wouldn*t say that,» saidParish, who represents the Durham Regi*on Labour Councii on the 2O-membie hospital board. whoat would stipulate Woit should lie,' he said, whiie adding that the nominatin comamittee should lie Le te recom- mend whoever it wants. However, Parish als dis- apeed with Souchs sugges- tion. "I would sitili 11k. te seS it b. somebo<iy from Whitby,' he said. f i ~ i'I 7. (::REALTY SERVICE INC. r qý