Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 2,1996 .......... ................... o n y t..r d a y 9 0 0 ar t .....p. F x 8 ~ 5 8 ..................................................................... . I BUY GOLF CLUBS. Earn cash WHTY ONE BEDROOMA for Christmasl Bdng your clubs b> apartmnent avaoUable îmmedmIaey.PARICOt DETAC1IED 5 Durban Driving Rang, Taunton & $675/month. Includles heat and bedrom, 2 sk>re homne. Close b> Thomton Oshawa. 433-1506,parkin for 1 car. Please call Sawa CenItre ,an1d GM. rNaverner I.$M pliuS UblioeS. Flrslast 668-3640. WUITBY, ANDEFMON/IUGHAY 2. 2 beckom house. 5 1--.oe indludin? oent-i al v. ra1ng-t nclieshuded. $950. lst &la Available Navember 1. 430-7899. CENTRAL WHITY. 112 acre. Cozy, aider, 2 ab"r.y3 bokom home. Fuliy &broacôloed. Large Nivingomdhn 4 appliaes. Firuâhed rerom. Attached garageAwoxcshare&aAvablble PETERBffOOGH,- EAST cily. Cute 2 bedroomn. Fresh yantd. Basemient drive, bweyardNear sohools & shoffing.Ga& heat $750 + utilities. Fira is +valable immediately. 416-280-6055. COUNTRY LOYERS - Spacious 2 ACCURATE CONTRAC11NG *Home Improvements *Basements Building Maintenance Kitchens & Bathrooms FREE EST1MA TES @ 905-666-2185 FREEtobuile rincles 619-6507ad al Uit or 619es-6508k INDETHPOOLS Includes: Chemicals (shock & algicide) Lighlvacuig Lower water levai *Wneizelunes.- Drain pump, fille &healer e Remove adder & board Cover pool 665-9006 Dirt B Gone' eUniformed workers e sExperenced a Bonded e Free estimales .Weekly, biweekly, or monthly S Cali Whiby <905) 665-7762 Maritham (905) 887-9831 StuentDesin and Landscape OW~vv I THEI IME FOR FALL PLANTINGI 705-357-.1201 I interlocking stone - retaining walls *wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIM4TES Written Guarantee Since 1.980'- 666-9690 The COMPLE ROOF OVERHAUL Roof.MaintenancePack"age ilude1laour 1.18eiaS trle l missinq shingles Sfasten ail base shingies .' seaU flashing of dorniers we seal around ýPsmol<eslacks -e seal around sanitary pipes -'seal around si<ylighîs s'seal around air vents -e seal around chimýneys e' secura loosa nails Pcheck for blocked eavpstrough-s Scheck< for blocl<ed dowonspouts Ssecure al base flashing s'remove damaging ree branchies s'check< chimnay flues we plus complete roof inspection 655 -5124 SM... TRIE QTTING . *1' &TRIMMING1 Fully lnsured Free Estimates ý ', pager 721-7304 ad oe $1.0 pr "denles e- f- WILL BUY- YOIJR wiwanted items & contents. Cali 728-848 lave a message. MOVINGSALE. Saltday, Oclobe 5 9-1 57 WallaSe Dr. (ërockflRsstanc9. Gas powered ,weedeater, Adirondack chars, dishes, books, baskets, lots more. OCTOBER STH6TH 9am-3vm Rain/shine. 7472 Ashbum W:. Brcl.S km sstem pool tae, sof-sied alebed sngle beds, houshol ftnsclothlng, skcis & booas, Yaiâm ikeyboard and much mnore. 655-8765. YARD SALE. 5 TEDDINGTOId Cr., Whitby., Saturday Otber 5 8-1Wm. Hundred's of books k>ys' halki * m t ousehold. irf: GARAGE ALE, Sturday, October 5, 9-5 59 LkedgeRd S., Whitby. Two -10 speeci bikes, 5mal apAinces, coffe e:e chrpe, S 05ampliffer, antique CHARITY YARD SALE. WE have enouh ralygreat stuif kb make you grad aCl tiisad. Salurday, END 0F SUMMER GARAGE sale. Everymhng must go. Clothe, tays, furniture. Aimoônd stave, curtains, samething for eveyoe Corne aid bater. 100 Robinson CRWins.tba, o Mlgoff ARTILESARflLE$ 9-6. Cesterfield suftes, sofa beds, 2 PAIRS BEAUT1RJL, UVING EYEGLASSES AND Contc maltresses & much mr room, dinfi room formi dae Lm 2 for 1. Buy beg M igused 8 rtbs et sc r ____________ Wl~ C MPsesree or seniors Byr'on St S. 3-89 Eye examis FURNITURE FS. SAL-em arranged CR W racilar a ma. heîghté 524 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa a mtent $800. Best reasonabeCOUNTRY LAp ýS nePropertySrie 1 f~-Are1UI N[ COURSE STARTING SUNAY, OCTOBER 6th Contact DIVE SOURCE SCUBA SUPPLY for your training, equipment and service. Holiday snorkeling packages now available. 3015 Brock St N., Whtby - 668-8566 *À mo.iD Antiques & Collectables on Consignment at Café Boutique 121 B Brook St. N., Whtby Business ours: Ciosed Monday Tues. to Fri.12:0Opm to 7Op CSat. & Sun. 12:00pm to 5:OO0'prm STAICALEDRYER, brand riew. $150 wilb stand $125 witbot Cal Stan at 66&â204 WASHER9 DRYER9 akmnot nMw exoellent concdton, $550. GÉ stavel $100. Cpcit $50 ebM,20 lb. cui 668-5m53 vvrw i n vmetur garaen iractor wihmme. Call for details. 655-5124. COOLER. TWO DOOR. BLACK. Twyears aId. Uike new. Was $1 u. Asking, $1200. (905) 430-3258. - EIGHT FOOT PLANT/ICME divider. RemevaiMe wabrpwaf metai trough. Make ai aflér. 668-611-1. 2 SETS 0F CUORTAINS, each set 150OX 195. Brand new never used. Cusk>m made. Royal Niue ail satin rnoir. Plnch Meabd fu! lined. Askig $w. 68-5 1. -5 STAR GARCOSIA SET of aluminium wheels for Fard Aerostar Ranger. Brono Il, el>. Sm14k6.5. EUn'aMmr, 5X4 5, 6 or nreamt cter, must SiU. 666-9m4. FIREWOOD. .Excellent, dependabiemusedquality. Extr lon,liâme uly âoasnod. Cut& s#li Honest measuremnent Fie deuveyi.KMzyHeat Rrewood. 905-753-2246. JUDY'SBRIDAL RENTAI - ledig gws eta1b1:wor rent Large seigalon af sizes ad cýupbaras. shetves, Curio, b"D. mîcr, oewave stands. Buffets, becemirrors, quilt racks,.dîy sinks. Order now for Chitm-ý 1-905-665-1664. Chtas WlIEELCMARUF FOR VAN for sale. Cýw le A eady assebled. .4301080. WELL SEASONED tlrewood for se.D hardwood, kindling, half e co,'face cards, bush cords. Pickç up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. ROMANO MARKET, wine season. Gaes direct from California strig the lirst week c f September. Juic anad ai equiprnent for wine. Romano Màket & DeÎÏ, 650 Taunton Rd. W. Open 7 days a wexk. 728-527. ELECTRIC DRYER. 5 CYCLIE, 6 yeam old.hI.excelffltconWon. BRICKS. USED CLEANED, Ml lois 550-e40-35 muiiurs Ideaifor cmecr>m lorepa. each daNed. R lies,$5 each Prvab 66-3Manytim. 7 PIECE KITCIEN TABLE. Older ii1"& buffet FtrbM tu eeze. Reer méd ___ eoeoai$yprlced, from $95eOO monthly DON'T DELAY CALL CREW TODAY! (905) 242-3458 (Cellular NEED VOUR yard raked, eavestrouahs cleaned gardons roto-tied . blan-up'l Cail L AN D MOWING LTD. 436-783 for a free esiniate. BLUE SPRUCE 8-9 FT, $10) per foot 655-8088. FALL CLEANLP SERVICE. Raklng up ila bar ldo, soa Crew b do it for you& Dont De BoeYo kqxCew,, Todayl We alsa offer AerationSee*yg ad SodmServies. For a- Fre Esi kb CAL 'CREW PROPERTY SERVICES Mt (905) 242-3458. LAWN MAITENANcE, grass seeding, sdlg desn-m-ç. Feriorsoncri=, rok orem, mo *WHITBY ' 3 BEDROOM APARTIENT hi duplex. Air conclioned close b scois, on bus route. 75 plus utilites. lat O5m ndqued. a WHITBY, CLEAN AND QUIET main floor bachelor apt, contraily located and close k> ail anenliles. Suitable for single woelclng persan non smoker.$90 par rmontha iclusrve. AvaJiabe Ock9wo 1. Cal 668-3011 days or 668-6818 evenîngs & weekenids. MBM PROPERT Y management Whittuy aamn building. One bedroomis ptarlna at M600 inclusiv. FirsUL-as tois.dëood lokcations. 668-700 days only. 8W6 BROCK ST; NORMl.1 bed ro rn ap rt n nt- l D eI i lstAstrequlred. AvaL-"l Oclober 1 . For more Information oeil after 6. p.m., 728-2651. BROOSCUN i bedoom apartment Frld.eslow, parking. Gas heat a hydro etra. $575. lst& last retàed. al 65-4544' des, BROOK ST. & LAWRENCE Smail i1 be&hoom basemnent'. Ava~i eI~l. $450. Firat& last. nuds utilîies. 416-491-3722. BROOICUN. BEAUTFUL 1,100 sq.ftba etprment 2 1/2 acres, large 1 beroom. seaffate No655-5293. WHITBY, 3 berom besemt a=a t.nBht quiet Close b> s offin a schols. $650plus1 1/2 utilities. lst & last Availbl immedmateiy. 668-754.1 WHITBY. BRIGHT 2 bEmkoom, basemet apartiet Lvng mmor, croomkith. Fridçse, stove,1 Manh.Piatue baclç and Parking. $560, includles utili & calMe.1 Single, worMki Wm- sn.Non1 ONE BEDROOM Availabie vnmedtatl. Whitb. Calil afr 430O-1L. 7 p.m.. INIQUE ONE bedroom beSment apartment Private entrance aid w/oa Ravine. Fireplace, sunrocin, 4 qepiaie. No pets/smoking. 1lst & baét Noventer 1. Credft check. $§7SY. usoce baU hydro WHITBY, SPAOIOUS 1becfoom baslemient apatinnt i privm home. Du _ sI M~ arOes NoFnmkerpeferred. Indudes persan pefeired. Iio peIL AvaleNmvmr 1 . $60 niog*. lst4st requied. TOTALLY RENOVATED hom bas a main bar 2 bedrocin a"fltvMM"l. Lagekitche. &bedroom. Nice brihtivn arees. Dunds & Cochran area - dosèeb tat&so *.avew - mecaï HaMold - 1local or 668-7284 OWe ne msag). LOCATIONI LOCATIONI bedom Ùýaal"blfor hnmm oeccupicy Gai 0n! buldng. Walik> Choarevnit " 61L, lçi or 668-7284 Oe.o message>. This Newspaperî I . ... .. CENTRAL OSIIAWA Funîshed încluding refingerator. <ea boit Io0c0 s-Private cabie for 1V. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms, Parking from $75. to $95. Cail 434-1.457 - 576-2287 or 432-7907 FURNISHED ROOM for rent Slwre baibroci & kithe. Wre preferred. CenW btrai Avallale* now, $90 weeWdwy 91 FURNISHED -ROOM fo ret $W ekShare bathroom & Nlchen. Worker prefened. Walk ta Ai aenidfe. Plae cail 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. LARGE FURNISHED rami close to mnb With cle CEAN, UJIET furnlshed rom. pardr & cable incwe. Availabe Um raelY. Lhnted kitchen use. Suit mature, woMkng, maie. Smokers albOied. $95, flrst/last. 668-3640. WANTED: MATrURE respcnslbie female b> share a 2 bedom furnshed basement apartrmet Durham student welSom. Non-amoker. $380 perr malb. For WHITBY. FEMALE preered ID share 3 bedrom bouse wIlh youn couple. Own entrance use o faiblies. $MlGnonlii(al Inclusive). First and at Cali 905-668-5998. FURNISHED ROON FOR RENT ln South Wbittby. share kitchen, laundry & abacintS. cab nc u e . Quiet n¶ bow hoo $36imo~ . 728-06 9 LARGE EXECUIIVE home bedroom & fui use af moaf e b o u s . I ~ ist b u w r k _g f u i lim e . Cable & Bol Imcudd.$SOOtmo. Cal Debbie 666-0200 Please Recyle i.~ ,, ,.. ,, .«__________________ ~ ~ ~ -'~-~ 1- '-. Efficient Immacuate Resuits i ow prices - mature responsible dependabie service- Cali Patricia 430-3383 FREE ES11MATES - GIFT CERTiFICATES mm -N t'" 1 l

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