LAMAZE TI'LE& DANCE Laaze Prepared Child- The Heritage Old Tymne birth of Durham Region Fiddl. and Dance Society of will hold a workshop on Bowmanvjlle will meet on Saturday, Oct. 12 in Wedneda., Oct. 9 7 p m, Whitby. lor more informa- at 26 Ech Ave., ow n. tion, cail 723-7373. ville. All welcome. For more information, caîl 436-2564. The Writers' Circle of Durham ]Region will hold a workshop, Improv' Your Creativiity, at the Pickering Central ià brary, One The Esplanade, on Saturday, Oct. 5, 9- a.m. to 5 p.m. Actor/wrîter'Neil Crone of Toronto will conduct the workshop. Cost is $12 for members, $18 for non- members. To register, eall Marjorie at 905-686-2085. J POETS' NIGET Oshawa Poets» Night will b. held Monda Oct. 7, 7 p in. at Fazio'setaurant and ýar, 33 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Any poets wihsing. to read or songwriters wisl4ng to perforin cgn cal Steven aIà rd at 905-4M- a 2536.9 WRrrERs'CLUB Thfe Writers and Editors Breakfast Club wfll meet on. Saturday Oct. 12, 9 A~ a.m., at Jakoz socho Cls. 104 Consumers. Dr., g Whitby. Cost is $8 for M membeérs, $1 0 for non- p. memý,ers. Reservations Ã" onlY; oeil Mazjorie Green at tr 906-86-2085.-2» Paret Fiders will meet on Thursday, Oct. 10, at St. Luke's Presb teria Church, 333 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. For more in- formation, including time of meetinrim caîl 404-9151 or FUN FAIR 4th Whitby Scouts will, present 'Fun for the Family' at St. Mark's Tnited'Church, Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m. teï 3:30 p.m. Thpre will' be gaines, face paiâting, garage sale and bà rbecue, to raise funds for next year's Canadian Jamboree. SCUBA CLUB The Ajax Scuba Club's nne-week basic open water course begins Oct. 20 at -the Ajax Communi±y Centre. Course fee is $250. Cail Mke at 905-619-2159 or Marc at 905-655-5937. HIEAD JNJURY The Head wnury Issociation of Durham Region will hold a support rOuP meeting on oVednesday, Oct. 16, 7:30 .m., at 459 Bond St. E., r )shawa. for assistance with d ransportation,, cail 723- t ý732. 4 Whtby Free Pess, Wednesday, October 2. 1996. Page 15 POLICE AucTION An auction of items in- cluding bicYclee will be held by Durnamn Reional Police on Saturday, Oct. 6, at 19 Courtice Ct.j, Courtice, on Saturday, Oct. 6. 10 am DEPESSION The Depression self-Help Group mneets every Wednesday from 1 te, 3 p.M. Cail OshawalWhitby COPE at 434-1693. Iv"laIwuaraui A H-alloween famil totie will b. held at theWhiMtby PubliceLibrary on Thursday, Oct. 24 and F'rday Ot 25, 7 to, 7:45 p.m.- Àeisration for the Ot. 24 program - 15 on Thursday1 Oct. 10, 7 p.m., at the library (after that date, by callhng 668-6531, egt. 23); registration for the Oct. 25 prograin is Friday, Oct. 11, 7 p.n., at the library (after that, cal 668- 6531, ext. 23). RLALLOWEEN SPECIAL For kids aged eight te 12, a Halloween special, 'Gross Me Out!, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 26, 10:30 te 11:30 a.m., at the Whitby Public LIrary Regist- ration will belhld Satur-, day, Oct. 12, 10:30 a.m., at the library. After that, cal 668-6531, ext. 23. STOCK p To ma ke rom for. I-997 NLw frVv On 1nsoc Cret z e. eori HUS :M NA T TOSA 9:060,FIA :O80,STRA 9:050 - -j 'fi ~ I. I. goa c I c i c I c I c I c I 4. 4 4 L 1 MËÈMMIM" 'b 1,i , 1