Whttby Free press, Wednesday, October 2, 1996 , Page 9 Opposition b roposed tees ai Lynde Soe iSy Mike Kowalskj Afroposed Parking fee at Lyne ores Conservation Arahas been panned by Whitby councillor Joe Drumm. Plans by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) to charge $2 per car next January will backfire, Drumm predicta. Insteid of generating revenue for the cash-strap- ped authority, impositi Of a parking fee wi 16 resulin fewer visitors> toý the popu- lar, south Whitby nature site he warns. ÉJŽ very upset about this, I think it'swrong» said Drumm of CLOs recent decision te install a 'pay and display' parking admission system at Lynde Shores. "We've reached the point where the user . ays for "hswill open the door te, every conservation area and people wiIl have te pay $2 te go' there (other sites) teo." Installation of the $14,000 parking admission system is part of a package of imrovements that CLOCa'smanagement board approved for Lynde Shores lat month. , The authority wilI spend $40,000 te expand the cur- rent 30-space parking lot te 78 spaces and another $14,000 te upgrade the bird feeder trail and entran- ceway signage.. Since CLOCA staff anti- cipate parking fees will generate up te $100,000 annually,DrUmm feels CLOCA is wrong in trying te recover the proposedj>ro. ject's $68,000 cost in one shot.» However, his motion te chop the '$2fée- in hall' failed te win approval at the management board meeting. (Drumnm, fellow regional councillors Gerry Emm and Marcel Brunelle, and pro- vincial appointee- David Archer represent Whitby on the iS-member board.) "I don't disagree with paying, but. te get every- thing ba.ck in one year is too much,» said Drumm. "I think we could have gone te the private sectoý and Ireduced it te 50 ents, ho said. qI think this will detract from visitors.» Chris Conti, CLOCA's directer of resouroe plIan- niýngteld The Free Pres tat the authority intends te hold an information meeting and seek public input on the proposi pro- ject. '"I think if there's a lot of negative feedback we would bring it back te the board,» said Conti. «<But we anticipate there won't be lot of negative commenta te what we're surgesting7h le said. Druimm, however, is not so certain. "I will be talking te people fromn the areas, s we can get some kind of group SCOTT WADDINGTON of the Oshawa Regiment (Roygl Canadian Armoureci MilitarY Museumn gives rides in one of Corps) i 3Oth birthday celebration. The the museum'es Ml 13 armoured birthdaY coincided with the regimenfs personnel carriers at the Ontario 5Oth annual reunion. PhotobY LMW1c ReesrWhItt3y Fro Presa .... .... .... ... ToolS valued at around $7,000 were stoen from a trailer at Brooklin Concrete ovenight Thursday. The construction tools were plaoed ini a locked box on a trailer parked at the rear of the company's yard. Police Bay the culpritUs) broke into the trailer and used boit cutters, to eut through seven locks to get the tools. GLAÀSS 4$ MA<IN $10.0 OF FEAT ED -.N ()Fse 1 N1( T1l Enquire about our new outdoor cremation niches memorializing a life'lived. We are now offering this alternative to conventional cemetery burials. For more information, please contact: QKoVESuDE MUN ICI PAL C E M E T E RY ite go te CLOCA and ask that it be reconsidered,» ho said. «I do> feel very strong aboutý this, it's the begin- ning ôf what could bQ pay as you go for everythîng.to 008~O and expects to get it A back in one year.» According to Oshawa regioal councillor and CLCrA chair Brian Nichol- son, the authority had little choice but te impose a parkingfee. «Basically, we've bad our budget crushed by the pro- vinoe,» said Nicholson of a nearly $700,000 reduction in transfer payments from the Ontario government. «We do get $1.2 million from the taxpayers of Dur- ham Region,» ho said, «but even with that, we've gone through a massive reor- ganization of the authority and laid off haif our staff." Noting that Lynde Shores operates at a $150,000 deficit, Nicholson said CLOCA had «two choices» te consider, besides the unpalatable option of closing the site entirely. "Either wo go te the Region and ask for more money which is highly un- likely, or we come up with a user charge that's reason- able » ho said. "4'e thought $2 r car was more reasonable than $1 per person.» Nicholson conceded that soe people may be doter- rebythe fee,'buthe again strossed that CLOCA -ad few options. .«Th'e reality ere is we can charge a fee anid poten- tially scare someone away or close it down and no one goos there,» ho said. «No one on the authority wanted te do it, but what choice do we haver» Nicholson said that even with the anticipated revenue, the deficit will not ho eliminated. "Unless there's a white knight out there willing te, give us $100,,000 we'll have te look at other alternatives (of funding),e ho added. Brunelle, a member of the board's executive com- mittee1 did not attend last month;s meeting. However Brunelle agreod that tle issue needs to be r-exainined. «I think a $2 charge won't kill anybody, but it could keep soute.people away,» ho s3aid. «Th'ere has been a fairly considerable reaction to it and I think it will be readdressed.» WHITBY RESIDENT CHAIRS LOCAL CGA CHAPTER The'Durham Chapter ot the Certried General Accountants A "ssociation of Ontario is pleased to announce that Ronald E. McKenzie. BA, CGA. has been elected chajýîèr chair. Ron. president of Viron Fi nancial Consulting, received his CGA designation in 1988. Ron was vice-chair on the chapter board in 199N196 and was a member of the education'committee from 1992 to 1995. Other ot'ficers of the 1996/97 board include: Jim French, CGA, first vice-chair, Mary Murphy, CGA, second vice-chair,'and Wilma Austin, CGA, secretary and treasurer. Past chair is Gord Peters. CGA. Members» of the Certitied General Accountants Association of Ontario meet rigorous requirements of professional competence, are bound to a uniform standard of conduct, and are entitled, -under Acts of both the parliament oif Canada and the.Iegislature of the province ofOntario, to the Cettified Genent Aoeontnts oe necaton of Ontarjo We're thie name brand for businessin Canada ,overiies in Proph eyV Alil Seats are FREE - Chldren's'Program Nightly Live via Satellite to hundreds of cities world-wide! Sat., Oct. 5 Sun., Oct. 6 Tues., Oct. 8 Wed., Oct. 9 Fr1., Oct. il Sat., Oct. 12 Sun., Oct. 13 Living Beyond 2000. How to thrive in Iife's toughest times. Countdown To Eterni'ty. Prophecy predicts the comiing of a new world. You can be part of it.' A. World in Turmol.' Over 20 signs of Christ's second coming have been revealcd; there is one Ieft! Angel 911: Revelation's Angelic Conflict. If-God is so good, why do so many innocent people suffer? How Té Find Personal Peace. The real answer to guilt, discouragement and Iow esceem. Alive at End Time: Living to the FuIIest. How to break undesirable habits & transform your past. The New Age Conspiracy: Psychic Phenomenon and the Real Truth About the End Time. [KMATJ z Whtby Keýndawood, SSevnth-ay Adventist Church i'~F1i 300 KenidalWood Rd., Whitby, Ontariîo,, WHEELCHAIR ACCESIL Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, at 7:00 pmn ISRAEL Hear what Wayne Hilsden a resident of Jerusalem has to say about Israel's problems. Sunday, Oct. 6th, 10:30 arn and 6:00 pmn UGANDA Alex Strong having flcd from the Idi Amin regime gives a report of hope in a counhry that is rebuilding. WORLD OUTREAÇH Jim Crai.g teils of our worId vison for the lost. What are we doing in a troubled world? Th pblcisi *ie. portuityfo q eosw e gi Tools stolen --- --- - --- ___j