Page 8, Whltby Free Press, Weclnesclay, September 25, 1996 Mike at the mike CTV political- commentator Mike Duf included several stories about political lite in Canada in his address to about 300 Durham Region Real Estate Board members and business people at the boards .trade show, chanity casino and dinner held recently in Pickering as a kiokoif event to Ontario Home Week, Sept. 22-29. latiyMak!oor hty rePe Imm Export, trade seminar -Upcoming Trhe Atomic Energy Control Board is inviting comments with respect to the relicensing of the Darlington, and Pickering N uclear Generating Stations. Ontario Hydro has applied for renewal of the operating licences for both facilities whose current licences expire at the end of November and December respectively. The Board has given initial consideration to the applica- tions, and is expected to make a f;nal decision after itsý meeting on November 28., 1996, which is to-be held in Oshawa. In reaching its decision, the Board will take into consideration any comments or concerns expressed by interested parties or the- public. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the staff re 'commenda- tions regarding the relicensing of these two facilities may request copies by telephone at 1-800-668-5284 or at (613) 995-5894. Written comments or requests for appear- ances before the Board with respect to the proposed relicensing may be sent by November 12, 1996, to: Ms. Carmen Ellyson Board Operations Officer' Atomnic Energy Control, Board P.O. Box 1046 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5S9 Fax: (613) 995-5086 *.à Atomic nr Commission de contrôlele * IContrai BoarY' de l'énergie atomique CIanada A seminar on 'Export & Trade in the '90s' will be held at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Keynote speaker will be David Bond, vice-president of' governiment and public affaire and chief economist for the Hongkong Bank of Canada.' The event, starting with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and ending with vendor dis- plays from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., je being held. by the Working together Managieg aDiverse WÇorkplaoeP#heImporance of Working Togethe<er' will be discussed at a meeting in Oshawa Oct. 8. The workshop will be led by -Judith Davidson-Palmer, project leader of EEO Asso- ciates in Toronto. The meeting is being held by Durham Region Equity Network, made up of human resource profes- sionals and those respon- sible for promoting equity Durham Region Manufac- turera' Association and the Mjax-Pickering Board of Trad.e. *Presentations will be made by Tony Gzik, busi- ness development manager for the Export Develoiment Corporation; TimHovey, manager Of management services for the Business Developmnent Bank of Canada; Peter Skorochod, manage r of the logistics onMEETINGSoc o teadn ofKWTSEnrye- and diversity. The workshop will be at the Catholic Education Centre, 650 Roseland Rd., For more information, oeil Cathy Lloyd at 436-5663 or Andrea Williams at 576-. 6707, ext. 158. A ne'w focus The Canadian Association for Production and Inventory Control, Durham Chapter, wil hold a dinner meeting on Tuesday, -Oct. 8, 6 p.m., at Celebritys, 1527 Bayly St., Ministry or Transportation; May Palmer, export mr keting consultant Ontario, International Trade Corporation; Dr. P.J. Simmons, president of Eco- Tec Ltd. Des Newman, pr e- sident ot Cametoid Limî'ted of Whitby; Bruce Prend- son, president of Nelson In- dustrial Fabricating Ltd.'in Pickerin- Bi11Skribe pre- Pickering. Jeffrey Sparling wil discuse "New Fécus on Inventory Performane n Botom-ineResulte." cost ia $20 for members,'$25 for non-memlers, $1 fo students. $1 fo For registration C ali 666- 2071. COUNSEING The Credit CounseHing -Service of Durham Regionl provides helP to those who have flancial probleme. Cail 579-1951.. IPLANV EST TM FINANCIAL CORPORATIONI Serv~ing Durham since 1986. CALL FOR VOUR FREE MEETING. 187 King Street tl-- DEREK DUTKA 7 vwe 1 1