Page 4, Whitby Fre'e"Preà s, Wedneddà y, SépteMber 25,19è96 y la c De c 't, Photos Mark Reesor Qa n se~ GARNIERS NEW* BUILDING fea- tures (clockwise from above) plenty of natural ight, two gymnasiums, a 1ibrary dominated by a large glass dome, two computer labs and a dlesign and technology room and a decorative tower by the entrance highlighting the cross. FsPrs By Mark Reesor Having a sehool of your own is a "completely different situa- tion" than sharing haif of' Father Leo J. Austin's build- ing, says Garnier principal Normnand Berry. Aside fromn more room -- the extra spaoe has allowed enrol- ment to increase from 235 to 406 with the addition of Grade 7 and 8 classes -- the new French Catholie high school building has aymrfai- ties. armaymrfci- "Mer area lot of special- ized areas,» heý notes. UWe have three science labs, two gym s two computer labs, drama ana1 music rooms, a commnunica- tions room (housing desktop publishing and film editing equpmnent and a email stu- dio).., a family studies room, transportation and woodwork- ing rooms and a specialized design and technology room.» Students and staffare "quit pleased" with the. new building, Berry says, although he admits there are still a few problems to work out. Enrolment goes up