Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1996, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 25,1996, Page 25, ~ I S a l i c is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SERVICE._ Raklng Up is bard b o. SERVCE LcOCAT'ION a'ROSSLANvelD A DGarden. onr Crew o do t for youLo atonLOCATION ! fum is e o m pu s fb u e Delay edrIo - mli avallN 2 for .00 Pe9r wek Cal!aRe 130To bY ýday!We asoao-Mujuacy r«fmly70. No parking avaable. offr eraio, SÉl n e d biI akU %)cupeic Grat fn __ __ __ Sdi Services. For a Fie uligWIDk ooltanst COMMRCIA & RSIDETIAL Property Services ~r:sma ALL CREW '~ng. Dundas & Cochrane.2othrs COM ERCAL ESIENTALPROERT SEVICS a CHarold 619-2981AOor eNA AND TIDY PRSON k> 242-358.n68p728 Qewememffle. hre ou wt2oM PROPERTY MAINTENANCE' u om Ueo $95 ce SPRUps . RencwaTlos faadns -e<l*comaae. ,Ilerfit ___________________ a a m t ava ilabe da9 i Oe ______1. __666-3__. CALL CRE TO AY!____ ___ ___ ___ _ bedro m s. Nuc ng t vln loa tins.Dundas 7&0Cochay ne y ONEea Olen -98D6-0480. WHI D R NS SwT h ooma ýaber i. PhM$195024 s , freo 00p caicinoetwy SHW, bdro kwnaue gefiror teplacowaon na . ~ . ~ - .E I P A ~ , Eh d o . a i l ¶ ~ i 4 r N Y b e r o . 6 5 5 - 3 2 0 8 . l i v i n "Advetise cros Onta0o)o A4crss4th8 C(Ctrylular) 18aeenngs& weeends OUSINES$.:UPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro-! grams Information available. For your new or existlng business. Take advantage of the govemment grants and boans. Caîl 1-800-915-3615. TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL. Becomne part of Canada's fastest growing Travel Agency Fran- chise. Operate your business Ful-Time, Part-Time, from your home, office or storefront, Investment $12,500. Cal 1-800-757-8580 CST. CAREER TRAINING -LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem School of Auctioneering. Next cIass November 16-22/96. Con- tact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR... with our great home- study course. Caîl today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Sheffield Schooî, 1069-38 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa, ON KiL 6R2. AN EXCELLENT WAY to save money. Since 1975 stu- dents have been saving money with an Income Tax Preparation Course from U & R TAX SCHOOLS. Study at home in your spare time. For FREE BROCHURE, caîl: 1- 800-665-5144, U & R Tax Schools. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home- study course. Cail today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2601, Otawa,ON,.K1L 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers cor- respondence courses for the Dipoma in Counseîîing Practise beginning this month. For a brochure phone Toîl- fiee 1-800-665-7044.' FLEA MARKETS CRAFT AND FLEA MARKET VENDORS. Come to Ontar: lois Greatest Market. Special Christmas craft rates. The 400 Market - Barrie 705-436-1010 or 705-728-3313. 1 FOR SALE FUNDRAISING PROFITS.- COOKIE AND MUFFIN Dough Pails available by the Original Canadian Muffin Companv. No Adi-imqnrPreat5ft, - E 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Safe, rapid, non-surgical, permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot devel- oped,,doctor approved. Free Information by mail: 406- 961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http://' www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteed. ELECTRIC SCOOTERS (for saleAease) for the physicaliy challenged - payment plans avaitable - some used with new batteries. For free demonstration cati Scooter Jirn- 1-800-850-3012. MUSICAL INTEREST DANCE VIDEOS: Lqam social, country, line-dancing ea ity. Free list of 500 varietieÉ, ail rhythms: Cha-ch Mambo, Ouick-step, Rumba, Merengue, Samb, Canad'A"merica, 2019 Aylwin, Montreal Hl1W 3C4. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 millic, readers and nulti-taented psychics. Free astrochart wit your first reading! Relationships, Future, Career. $2.99 min. 18 + 24 Àours 1-900-451-3783. PERSONALS ISNT IT TIME YOU MET SOMEONE NICE? Lirda Paul5 of Misty River Introductions is Ontarios traditional match. maker. Lindas service has- been featured on televisioi and radio. 613-257-3531. Ladies under 45 receive 3 free introductions. ADOPTION ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS, Canada Wide National Registry and search assistance 1 - 800-871-8477. Information line 1-800-871-8477. E-mail ffcwnr@georgian.net STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE... Go Ontario Factory Direct. Many Sizes and Styles. Example: 30 x 40 now $5,998.00. 35 x 50 now $9,488.00. 40 x 60 now $1 1,444.00. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. BrohurbaIi.95.86~' UI~IvLIvb. oi ree Buidin 30 WX 52L $7988. Dome Quonset Building Brocure ail -905876.731.20'W X 40L $3999. Buildings are complete with Endwaîls HELP ANTEDand Big Doors. Cal Future 1-800-668-8653. HELP ANTEDBEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel'Straitwalî Type - not . PART.TIME/OCCASIONAL MERCHANDISING reps to quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14.233, 50x9O $20,443, ensure that products are well displayed in local stores. 60xl26 $31.314 - other sizes available - misc. clearance. $20/visit. Transportation and access to fax required. Fax Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263-8499. resue to416484801.A-Z PRE-ENG BUILDINGS INC. Farm, storage, commer- CORPORATE SALES REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED for cial industrial. New Types, steeV/wood, quonset, cladding. busy Meaford-based company. Must be creative and For true value, action and answers - Wally (416) 626- energetic, able to work independenîîy and present proper 1794, fax (416)626-5512. FREE brochures. CLIP-SA VE. company image. Cal 519-538-1678. SALES HELP WANTED VACATIONJTRAVEL GULF-FRONT VACATION PARADISE. Panama City $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling Beach, Fiorida. Luxurious 1,2,3 bedroomn suites, indoor chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in heated pool and more. Snowbird activities, extended stay advance. Fast deîivery 1-800-383-3589. discounts. 1-800-874-8823. '*- *It's Affordeble a Its Fast e Ifs Easy * One Bill Does It Ail a Northemn Ontario $76a* Eastemn Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130 -, Central Ontario $134 a Ail Ontario $384 *National Packages Available * Cal this paper for detailsI as. Dn h Is fi WHITBY, CLEAN AND QUIET main floor bachelor apt, centrally Iocated and close lu ail amen"te. Suit"blefor single working perso non smokqr. $490 r r mnfi a irclusive. Availa bleôkber 1. Cal 668-3011 days cr 668-6818 evenings & weekends. NEW ' MODERN,- exôm quiet; clean building.. Ve large bedroom apt (Osbwa)$6s monthly al inclusie. 427-8677. $480 . F1JRNISH.ED, BACHELOR suite. 4 pieoe bathi fridie stove. included. Avaleble 1lstkIast Quiet persan. 731683. BROOICUN. BEAUTIFUL 1.100 sq. ft bameng artmfl on 112 acres, laWge1ibedroomseparata walkout, non-smoker, lst & last - $65. AvailabieNoveber st. WI-ITBY 3 1 BEDROOM APARU4ENT in duplex. Air conditioned close b> sloots, on bus routa. t875 plus utities. lst lest andi refereruces required.Ca 4U05874 elter 5 p.m. 1 & 2 BEDR O N a rt e s. Renovatecl. Pr*ivete deckpamring, walk Io Go. Now renting. FirstlastReasonabl ent + hydro. NORTHWEST WH-ITBY. 2 beckomn basemnent oarmnt Avaieblie October 16. t bug large yard. Apiancs.$65 manthly inclusiveNO pplease. C a l R o r e t 4 3 6 - 0 9 9 ( , o r 4 -5 6 2 DOWNTOWN WHITIBy. 2 becloom, rnwty renoaiec. Avabe" Novemnber 1. Appances, air and ail utilities Indludci. $725 monthly. First last & refernces requirei. No pets. 623-1013. 806 BROCK ST. NORTH. 1 p=rivat. $52mn t ai gusI 1stlat requl-eci. AvaL-"Ioc"«be 1.- For more information ceil elter 6 p:m., 728-2651. ROSLAND/QARDEN AREA. One be*oom 2ptAvaLable4 immed*kad*. $E&r monihly, MODERN, 1beêoom bacheWo .qmrtnent Indcles utiidtie laulck, obe and rWUki Bsdo«. No i LP« FAX YOUR AD 668-594 PFtUJCitHj DETACIIED 5 beckoom, 2 sk>rey born. Close10 Oshwa Centre and GM. -Apiance incudedi AValabl =.vme 1. $995 Plus utilities. Flrsit ls.668-3640 CENRAL OSHAWA Furnîsed including refrîgerator. Dead bolit ocks. Private cab e, orTV Share ktchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. Parking from $75. 10 $95. Caîl 434-1457.- 576-2287 or 432-7907 FURNISHED ROOM for rent Sh»r bathroom & klthe. Wre Peem.Centrai - Avwkable FURNIS1IED ROOM for rent; $BOAWeek. Share batrom & khen. Worker preferreci. Waldk ta al ameniles. Please aei 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. WANTED: MATURE respoibie femaie k> share a 2 bedoom furnlsheci basemont epertinent Durham student welcome. Non-smoker. $38 per month. For WHITBY QUIET PLACE FOR quiet, mature aduitKIGtchen & andy fiites, parking, cabie, taehn.Nea ail amenite' de ow &GO. $90 weekly. First & lest week. 430-0404. LARGE FURNISHED room clime ta downk>wn Wbitby, cable. frid deci $85 100w eek . C lose Io buses. 666-4279 leeve message. LARGE EXECUTIVE home bedraom & full use of most ofte bouse. Must be working fultâme. Cabl & Bell includeci. $500/mo. Cali Debbie 66"-200., ROOM FOR RENT. QUJIET borne. Share bath aid kitchen. Mature female or male. Non smoker. First/Iast.' Cali 666-9620,lee message. ROOMY FURNISHED becisittina roomns. Centrai Wbtby. Quiel ngpnMb.rkccwvs 90 and $100 weekly. Wrnememnage. CLEAN aQUIET, fumiec roo= palegcb kci ludc. Availal Lknitd kitchen use. S it M .tre wo rkng fmae. mo e e abwed. $95, ffrsulst. MORTGAGES &LOANS lst&2nd r -*ULnes of Credit - BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After Hours- 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding lnc. Need a car - Credit Problerns? Bankrupt - Undischarged? " We have lease take-overs (repossesions) " Leaso tQ own any make ormnodel " Cash for trade " CCa*l now for free quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cal! Jeif (905) 683-6230 1985 PONTAC Parisienne. 9 passengper % on, V8, air, trailer itch, air shks. Gooci running 1982 FIREBIRD, 305, V8, 4 speeci neWntintsior, tires. $1.25Ma 198 CAVAUER. 2 door ahack 4 clinder, aulormatic. In gooci condito. New doors. $1700 oertfied or best offer as is. 433-0775. 1981 MONTE CARLO. AUTO, 267-V8, -po«wewndows,' brakes & steering. Good shape. Must go. $0/b.905-665. 1964 FORD TEMPO 4 door, neecis boan ne wo& Nebtres and raks. oul beuseci for parUor repairable. Call 655-8091. $40o.b.o. 1984 PONTIAC FIERO SE. 4 cylinder, 4 spd., ,pb pi,, dtt sunroof, new Wrmiesnu"nt littie 10oeti. skndî2 432-9186.Y.Akn$1WCa STORAGE eveilleble, kxk)daorouU<g. Sultablefor boats, tralleracars etc. Goaci cation. 89e". Ca OI -3-65 as ia )a Dr it ýqý Is 1- fl ýe PAY TELEPHONE SERV. MEDICAL

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