Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, September 25, 1996, Page 23 i sÀpdo irs (Cs)ComnjÀcut,0rb The rapid increase of PC networks in offices,aa factories and retail oullets has led to a demand, rt*k à for ersnnelwit theexprtieCtoadmnistr ,(#C for eoenne wih te eperiseto dmiistr \ The aim of the NCT program is to produoe these installations. The Computer Support computer technicians capable of fulfilling a Specialist will have the technical skills required hardware support role in a vaniety of situations. irae aise have amefiro wh to set up and maintain users on 'stand-alone' Students receioe hands-on experience working corss orSelos tuenswcomfputers or on PC networks. Emphasis is with micmo-computers: 1 countingl'rand usis plaoed on the administration of Noveil & Troubleshooting equipment; installing and "AdminstindBsns Windows NI networks. troubleshooting Noveli & Windows NT Adiitrto MicroComputer Fundamentais software.% " Micro Computer Business Electronic Spreadsheets - Computer Fundlamentais Applications Word Processing. ApiainFnaeti Porm ngWindows Applications Aindction Fundaentas Proramîngdatabase Managementlntodputry ernicSpr *Legal/Medical Office Administration System Support Fundlamentaîs CompunterSricesup *Hotel & Restaurant Operations Network Administration Cetokmunitation BarMangemntThe Unix Operating System Installation & Conflguration' Ba aaeetClient/Server Computing Pre-Employment Readiness *Travel and Tourism Pre-Employment Readiness and Job Search Worso *Dental Chairside Assisting and Job Search Workshop rso .. .... .. ... .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... . ................ ....... TR Oshawa Campus Pickering Campus ________ Oshawa Centre 1450 Kingston Rd. ~ tI J Ii Avrtisin Sales Assistant (Entry level - Whitby) No Expeience necessary. Will train. CAR A MUST *Outgoing aMotivateci e Positive Attitude *Good Communications Skills a Reliable e Flexible *Contract 12 to 15 hours a week to start Forward resume to the Whitby Free Press BYMAIL: P-0- BOX 206, WHITBV, Li N5S1i, OR DROP OFF AT: 900 HOPKINS STREET, WHITBY, OR FAX TO: 905-668-0594. Attention: Sales Assistant Position No phone inquiries please. 4.644 CREATING WEALTH Il I Billion $ Indu-stiy A leadng manufacturer in the replacement wîndow ' door& INDUSRIEL slding Industiy 15 offerlng exclusive WV. 1978DO branch owner opportunities Est 198 éProtected territorles Complete training *Cash flow flnanclng Local and province wlde opportunîties. loin a wlnnlng team wlth over 30 establlshed locations. Contact John Galnham 905-738-1870T HEALTH F000W Magotp seeks hcensee for W itfysre. Generate mlid six figure aesfo yor lnvesffnntl1416e66.5 $20045W0 WEEICLY. Assmble praduots at homeEasl1 No seigi You are paîd diretul guarantéed. 1Nô46 ex 8essr. 15461M EP 0142H3-.- STATE FARMI Insurance agent requires part-Urne- servc representadmv. Offic skill reciuired. SÃ"MdreswTme bBox 1004 1 ,Whtb Free Press, P.O. Box 206,90 Hopkins St. Whitby, Li N 5S1. JEWELS BY PARK LANE. Fashion jewelley bas fuli aid part tdme OPenI for self molivated avItage 0f Uîè -Christmnas Season. Business presentalo Octb 2nd., Osbawa. For detâils cal Lkida, 666-4049 -or Margaret 655-4376. _ _ _ _ _ _-Il----Ma w............ HOMEWORKERS NEEDEDII To assembl our products. Fre auppies. Start iiffeciateX For frea pdetails send S . Q.S.EJr35, ill-1S7 SteeIes Ave. West, North Yorlç Ontario, M2R AIR UNE JOBS! Now hiringi $10-=25per bour. AIl positions, skilled aid un-skilled. Excelent gaAm .Ca (0)429-9229. WELL EÈTABLISHED, smnc*ç-froe crealve homne daycare. Former dayoere exoeeo blingual. Excellent reerns rates and bours. 6 Kindergarden rom setuJa~~ much more. walki g dstance of PinleC andCCI &oughton PS. 6-4025. DAYCARE AVAILA lnE M bomr. Ail ages welcome uc ana snacks provided. Garden & anl.Cair 666-8295. The Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club is looking for volunteers who can give 2 hours a week from mid- October to Apnil to work with 6-17 year olds in sports, games, pool, crafts or special event programs at our main clubhouse in Central East ODshawa or at our North Oshawa location. Training provided. An excellent people-oriented experience. Meet grand people! Cal! the vohliiteer 1co-ordinator at 728-5121 Beacon Hill Play School "Safe, comfortable, loving environment "Experienced Staff "Caring for children for 20 yrs " Latest equipment *Busing to public & separate schools (income tax receipt given)' C l i. n ef rrg srto You can dntrust, your chuld's care to Wee Watch. Rellable, .rupervi.ed dai-care ai a 'ouie ini YQL neh/,ilourlhood Sec pictuoe ad on page 20 686-3995 a iensed Agency LOVWIG ERIGUSH & Italai spdQmothe, Widh CPR & Furst A"diswdîl cpýpmkddycare km ber home. M lncbesand snaDks. LMot0f crft aid plai Me: dalIV oulkigs b paid 1ray lo~~~~ 0TI.Fnbrook & Dlyden. For m» orInrmaton please cSg 430-7474. infte,& todcers.Quai y reoal LOVING Dayo re Saksm, excellent lunches gaes ys, ercis omputer pà yâaid plenty 0f c ddl s. lose b park and downbwn. Non-smoke. C.P'R., Expe e mferen os. 6 89891 SAPE AND FUN DAYCARE in my home.. Lots of TIC, fenced vard, ID , crtt.rwak ad lots o(fn free part-timeAiull-me. Breakfast lu-6 nai, ks incuded. Please el 666-9312. MATURE, LOVING mothe prcMdJes youw cbild witbidivduui attention. Home ooksd mais, sbkteig and gmm. Clean, sale, hC8 ..7hks st% iand. HELLO MOM8 AND DADI8. I want b welcom o b lamave chikiren Ini my hom. I offer ailibe basics plsôve, , miles and evefythlngyoumsef w=ou, gie-ffYu werehomeSFg trne aid par Urn. Cali The Mdm Away From Mom, 430-7611. IIOTHER OF 2 LOOKNc3 b provkl-e ydaca n "urn Park aid sbo.CPR., non anmckér fnc yard. Brockuliosad. 666-3661. DACEMM TM(GAREN gym. Seasone indooemon activities for au 2spl avallable. a .ssncs smoke-freei, referenceS & recelpts. 6683-7872. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE avala"ein M home. Walk b St. Matlhws arid Ormiston achool. Fenoed yard, aciMiles-, lso~f attention rmferences ani recelpts Piovkde. Cai 666-9382. LOVIN&§3nMOTE0F 2 boking 1b povIde qualltY daycare in my smnojçefree home.-Nutilusme"s Babies wdorne. Reference. Otte CrSe&ra.Cail668-2097. OOMIE, JOIN9OUR PLAYGROUpI We slng and danmeaWM a diwhle our"ts wodcbdy is nd 1,231s men tyt mn theSe. Garden/Mannig area. 430-7179. U QD REVINQO SSCHOOL osha a*728-0091 Full Dn'vers Educaton Courses OCT. 5th Sat. 4 week course OCT. 8th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course, -* DDC Upgrading Course e 55 Alive Seniors Course PRIVA TE LESSONS. ENGUJSHTlUTORMin mseconda comes ami"ai. Grade 9 bo OAc. Cail 666-1818. WHITBY SCH0OL of MAuslc -Pà lOeiAyboerd lOssons <private & saxphoe 6iîetand tbumpet Klnsrmsýc(3-5 years 'ad usi. bookis. 103 Dwid" St lwhtby. 666-8780. SAVE MONEY AND TIMEI Let MuWtask Enierprises do your bookkeepirog b ficUa statemets, word prooesslng, casskilctatkxms resumes, elà . CalWot a message, 666-5209. RESIJME TYPING- ON TO 600 DPI lase r inter, gremtselecti of Buins C <9e(g)660 YOUR AD! 668.0594 ASIEflRS ;îrM~R~ I 3 Voluntee r-s NEEDED ] a -1 1 i