Page 18, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 25, 1996 .Dart lands in top spot in mite run, Cariey Dart of Ormiston Publie c ool competinic as a member of1 the l3rooklin Cheetah cross country run- ning clbwa ft in the miegirls' ' division of a competition in Barrie recently. Katie flott of Glen Dhu Public School, also a Chee- The Whitby mi'nor atom AA hockey team split a seas 'on opening exhibition game series with Uxbridge. On Sept. 15, Whitby defeated Uxbridge 2-1. Matt Goodwin opened the scoing for WVhitby. Nicholas Cotter added the winner. In the second game in Uxbridg~a Sept. 21, Whitby JOHN POWELL champion enjoys steep challenge By Mark ReSor-*, John Powell loves huIs - the steeper the better. The Whitby cyclist, who recently took top honours at the Pro Senior One Men's ]Road Race (Ontario) championships, attributes his victory te, the kilometre-long hill on the course, which had a 12 te 14 per oent grade. 'Tm a climber so the hill was what made it a day that I could win on... we had te go UP it 10 times; it was 10 laps of a l6-and-a-halfkilometre circuit.» Powell's winning time in the grueling race was four hours and 12 minutes, with an average speed of slightly more than 40 kilometres an hour. "If it comes te, a sprint finish then I don't win," he explains. "But on a hilly or mountainous circuit, that's my area. «It's because of my build -- my strong heart and light body. Ites like having a big motar in a littie car.» Tough races are nothing new for Powell,- who races ail over North, South and Central Ainerica. « I start down south over the wintertime and then work my waiy back up as the summer goes on.» Sponsorships caver his expenses. He credits Bicycles Plus in Oshawa with helping him out by maintaining his bike over the years. His wife T'racey, is a big supporter "andTifyou go weli there s some prize money, but very little - just enough te survive.» Powell caught the competitive riding bug throuýgh the Oshawa Cycling Club and it didn't take long te work bis way Up. He won the national cyclocross championships in 1984 - an, event which involves running while carriyfig your bike -on your back over the third of the course too roua'h te ride - and took up the sport j SER PAGE 20 Novices two. for thre. The Whitby imajor novice AAA hockey team won two af three games in its firet taurnament of the season in the Early Bird Ajax- Pickering tournament on the weekend. Aithough failing to advance to the semi-finals, both Whitby wius were shutouts. In the flrst game against York-Sjmcoe, Philip Mellhone scored the only goal of the game, assisted by Ryan - Kerr and Ian Farquharson. The goaltendling duo of Chad Thibodeau and Kalen Semeniuký shared the shutout with the defence and forwards playing a very disciplined game. SWhitby then lost 2-1 to Richmond Hill with Todd Collins scoring the -only Whitby goal assisted. by Justin Fox and Thibodeau. I the third game, with its back to the wall, Whitby exhibited its finest effort of the tournament with a 2-0 win against Halton Hurricanes. Fox scored the flrst game halfway through the second period assisted by Andrew Farie, and Parie scored the assurance goal late in the third period assisted by Fox. The team coached by John Fox, is now preparing for its season opener Saturday in Lindsay againat Central Ontario. The defence of Farquharson, Jason Cassidy, tah membe r~ was third in the samne dvision (seven- and eight-year-olds). Chantel Smith of West Lynde Public School had a third-place finish in ,4yke (aged nine and 10). GCheetah's tyke boys' and girls' tearn both were first Atoém exhibition Defence prevailgls in win,- loss lost 1-0. Geof Niblit and Justin-Wbite were solid in net for Wildcats. .The strong defence of Daniel Barker, Jordan Fitzgerald, imothy Liske, Joshua MinIer, Kevin Rempel and Mike Ricica cleared the puck well and limnited Uxbridge's scoring opportunities. Other team members Joel Weber, Michael Gorczynsld and - Derrick Rotondi. Forward limes are Collins, Mcflhone and Faric; Kerr, Fox and Mark Mlzzi; Erie Jeffrey, Michael Trudeau and Adam Johnston. Thibodeau and Semeniuk are in net. Peewees winess so far Whitby lost ahl three games in the major peewee AMA division of the recent ,Ajax-Pickering Early Bird teurnameint. . York-Simcoe scored two go ais late in the third period. for a .4-2 over Whitby in the flirst game. Dan VonE scholtz scared bath goals for Whitby. St. 'Louis Junior Blues defeated Whitby 4-1, VonEscholtz scoring the goal and Bryan Sand su- perb in net. Dan Caird had the only Vl in a 5-1 loss te Ottawa In exhibition, Whitby lost 7-5 te Aax-Pickering and 4-3 'te eterborough, and tied Oshawa 7-7. Despite the lasses, Whitby caach Glenn Atkin- son was pleased with the team's perform ances ainst squads that have bn te ether most of the summer. He expects the team will he more competi- tive when the regular sèche- dule begins. This year's team includes returning defensivemen ,Andrew' Gronross, Josh Turcotte, Dami ,Amurawaiye and Andrew mite girls' and boys teams. eachi second and trhe senior boys third. The club will compete in seven meets this fall' lead- inËp the Ontar'ofxal. clbwil host a meet at Trilliurn Trails on Sun- include Matt Anderson, Stephen Foston, Tyler Healy, Andrew Laramy, Andrew Meadows, Shane Morillo and Dean-Seton. The te amn is coached by John Goodwin and assistant coaches Bob Anderson and Pat Pare. Manager is Bob Laramy, tramner Russ Seton. Sponsor is Recycle Flter Corp. Greenen. New on defence are Jeif Pichut and Chris Simpson. Returning forwards are VonEscholtz, Ryan Mat- thews, Chris Elson, Dan DeLuca,. Richard Min and Matt Taylor. New this year are Sean Brackn, Dan Caird and Carl DiC;rlo. Sand shares goaltending duties with 'Jool Whit- marsh. Assisting coach Atkinson are John Sawyer and, Junior Tennent, While manager is Jackie Greenen. Atoms even The Whitby minor atom AAA 'hockey team hada a;i lose and tie in the Aa-Pickering Early Bird teurnament. Whitby thrashecl Pïtts- burgh 8-0 as Michael McKenzie scored three goals. Zachar Greer had two goals, sinles b Steven Seedhouse, Matt Snowden and Jordan Price. Whitby then lost 1-O te Quinte and tied Markham 2-2, goals by Price and R.andy Walten. Other members of the team are Femi Amurawaiye, Aaron Bal- colm, Camerson Cassidy, Jason King, Kyle OIBrien, Kenny Henry,- Mark San~ PerBobby Scott, goalies Alez Renaud and K e CinY, head coachSt Seedhouse, assistants Bob McKenzie and Kevin Scott tramner OYBrienan manager Rau Balcolm. Four more information about the club, caîl Andy Dyment at 655-8787. Slo-pitch titie is defended rhLe Banker & TIhe Iban- dit defeated Tailgate Char- lies in. two straight gamnes to capture the piayoff championshi p of the Whitby Mixel Slo-Pitch League. STailgate Charlies, regu- lar. season champions, lostý 10-9 in the first game of the finals as Banker & Te Bandit tallied three unans- wered runs in the top of the seventh inniffg. Thatforoe a second winner-take-alî match,. and Banker prevailed 13-8 te capture their second straight playoff title -- the same two teams met in last year's finals. Whitby men's rec slo-pitch > Standings W-L-T RF-RA 23-8-O 430-316 23-9-O 477-270 19-13-O 409-300 A DIVISION Don Cherrys Peacock Sports Dodd & Sauter Elower Battery Lard aenstruc 205832 tCO.19-13-O034-301 Bear Aulomolive 16-16-O 361-318 K-Mart 14-17-O 418-387 Village Vipers 6-26-O 286-480 Durham Waxers 0-31-O 142-794 Whitby men's hockey W-L-T INational Trust 3-O-O IService MasI. 2-0-1 Roys Enter. 2-0-O Altersley Tre1-1-1 - Dodd & S. 1-2-O7- 2 Queens 0-1-2-17 1 FI.J PhiliPs1-1141-16 C.K. uto -2-010-152 Brothers 0-3-O 3-11 O Loading scorors G A p Marshall Thompson 5 5 10 Neal arquharson 4 6 10 Don Dasti 4 6 10 Grant Musselman 4 4 8 Jim Mcllroy 4 3 7 ROSS Brownridge 3 4 7 Jrm Smith 3 4 7 Don Mitchell 3 4 7 Enzo Rinaldi 3 4 7 Games Service Master 6 (Steve' Illot 2. Grant Musselman 2, Neal Fanluharson, Sean OYConnor), Atlerlsey Tire 6 (Don Dasti, DaVe SEymour, Harold Huitema, Dave. McCracken. Mike Foster, Mike Mackey); Dodd & Souter 1 (Steve- Sanford). R.J. Philtips 6 (Enzo Rinaldi 2, Michael Trudeau 2, Jim Heard, Scott Mears);, Brothers 2 (Richard Martin 2). National Trust 4 (Wayne Colomb 2, Jim Mcltlroy, Wayne Lilly) Player(s) ai the week Enzo Rinaldi, R.J. Phillips, 2 goals, 2 assists GF-GA 16-8 17-11 5-1 e Installation e Balancing e Valve Stems a Scrap Tires, DeaerforUnroylBFGOd(,Miein FtrtoeGeneî tuI>nlop, Goodar, Hoser- lelý t