Irepaserswaredby police Whtby Free Press, Wednesday, September 25, 1996,v page 13 alway and Durham Regional Police officers are warning careless motoriste and trespassers who use railway tracks a,3 short-cuts and playgrounds that they are flot only risking their lives but znay also be flned or jailed. "Under the Railway Safety Ontario law, apprehend and Eedea Act and we can prosecute trespassers and drivers *ho ignore railwaY crossing safety rules," says Detective Sergeant Don Ross of the Canadian Paciflc Police Service, Oshawa detachrnent, as he and Durham Regional Police officers lasit week Prepared to launch a one-day safety awareness campaign aimed primarily at students returning to sehool. Combined units of the OP Police, which has the same authority as other federally regulated police agencies, -And the Durham Regional Policé trgetèd slected public crèssings and known trespass areas in the one-day blitz last Wednesday. "Individuals will be warned and posibly issued fines or summoned to appear ini court," said Ross. «Anyone convjcted under the Railway Safety Act wilJ have a crininal record." AjaxPickering Whtby FoIIow the signs 4 km east of Lakeridge Rd. on Chaik Lake Rd. 3 km west of H"y 12 on Scugog LUne 2 Cali (905) 985-2094 For die relief of the inmaton M .': itching and scaling of: PSORIASIS & ECZEMA Ah NowAvailablat:b EXOREX: * Gels 1 & 2 *PSE.MoistunizingCreamn *Scalp Condition&i ensunng an ail over body treatment 1FOR ALLERGIES REACTINE 18 TABS nft mi !~~ OUALITV FRESH PRODUCEI .7 *Lsd. e rc OMAVLEAMPOLE CHEWABLE APPLESVITAMINX'C U-PICK or WE PICK 120 TABS Now Available SNMALL TEES. 500mg NO LAMEj _ _ _ _ 4 .49-5:3 Dil OTHER FARM PRODUCE AVAILABLE IN SEÀASON Pumpkins & Apple Cider Regular Entertainment: Straw Jump Wagon Aides (on weekends), Creative Playground - Petting Zoo - Play Tractor 1 On ail Special Event Days: Face Painting, Caramel Apples and Castie Jump will be featured. Hot dogs & Coffee will be served by thesé local charities: Sept. 29: Big Sisters - applehead doîls with Gladys Ashton plus horsedrawn wagon rides 14io 2ê Oct. 6: Sunrise Youth G roup - AppleI I '~ Cider Demo with Ray & * Joyce MoCol -~~" ~Hy401~ I2287 Hwy. 2 (Just West of Bowmanville) CROP REPORT - PHONE 623-7252 -APPLES + Family Fun e Mazes - Corn & Straw ,@ Baby lambs - Cider e Pumpkins * Pienie Shelter 10 FALL VARIETIES Wealthy Sept. 14 to Sept. 25 Mclntosh Sept. 14 ta Oct. 6 Sprtan Coprtand Sept. 14 to Oct. 6 CortlandSept. 19 to Oct.6 Empire Sept. 25 to.Oct. 13 Red Delicious Oct. 10 ta Oct. 20 Mutsu Oct. 10 ta Oct. 16 Idared Oct. 10 ta Oct. 24 Golden Russet Oct. 10 ta OcU. 24 LNorthern Spy Oct. 15 ta Oct. 28_ 6 for current ROYALE. FACIAL TISSUE PAPER TOWELS 2'ROLLS PER PKGE. Sony, only6 2 pkges. per customer. BATHROOM TISSUE 8 ROLLS PER PKGE. Sonry, orily 2 pkges.» per customer. pickin2 information r PEPIe DuT PEPSI PEPSI MAX e 7*UP. r1 1Im U - 24x355mi CANS 599e 10m ALLCRUSHES 750m1 12x355m1 CANS, RETURNABLE 9.30 per lOOmI 9.20 per 1lOOmI UN * 2 LITRE ~NON. RETURNABLE CENTURY PLUS Vitamins & Minerais 100 TABS Good for ail ages! LO SND RD. MARYST DUNDAS ST. HWY 401 -M ____________________________ 16 I 'I c,, c.) 1- m PICK OUR OWN RUMMUMUN ;. Ir- 1 1 HWY 401 1 pickinginfonma'tion