Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 25, 19096 UEALTH COUNCI The 'Durham IL District Health Counci] meet toniglit (Wednesde p.m., ln the col boardroom, 1614 Dunda E., suite 218, Wh Anyone.wishing to, ati caîl 433-4262 due to lim seating avaulable. CRArSL A Fail Treasures crafti wiil b. held on Saturn oct. 5, 10 a-lm. te 4 p.m. WetLynde Public Sdi 270 Mihel Blvd., Whii Admission is $1. For n information, oSil Kelly 668-3052. QUILTERS Durham Trillium QujîtÀ Guild will meet on Tuesd oct.' 1 at Rundle Pi Community Centre, Park Rd. S., just north Gîbb Street. Nancy Climie Markham will demonstr Celtic applique and shi her tnk show and tales her recent trip to Scotiai For more iformatic contact Joan Seaton at 9C 623-7892 or Karen Menz at 72843340. BREAS'r CANCER The Oshawa and Distrî Breast Cancer Supp Group will meet c nhursday, Sept. 26, 7:%! p.m., at Klngsview Unit Churcli (corner of Wils< Road and ýAdelaide* Street For more information, ca 725-5349. HNVENTIE Edward Jones Investment wvill hold, for women onli free worksBhops abou investments, in October. Ca] Rhoda at 725-4142. TA! CHI The Taoist Tai Chi Society a non-profit volunte.i organization, offers e regimen te improve healti and reduce stress. Ne,% beginners' classes start Sept, 30 teOoct. 5. Cali 668-6500. MIULTIPLE SCLERWHI The Multiple SclerosiE Society of Durham Region ftandraisng dance on Friday, Oct. 25, at the Annmandale Golf & Country Club, Ajax. TIckets are $10 each and ean be obtained at the MS office at 375 Finley Ave., Ajax, or can be reserved by calling 686-2581. Thers wiil be door pnizes and a raffle for a free couples membershilp to, Annandale, valued at about $900. PUBLIC FORUM A fre. public forum on Bull 19 on %Substitute Decisions heldr Mondt%4 ay ,%t.7 MIS WALB. The AIDS Committee of sale Durhamn will host its firot day, <'walk » as part of the .at natio nal AIDS Walk 001l, Canada fundraising cern- tby. paign, on Sunday, Sept. 29, lore noon, a five-kilometre route at through downtown Osh- awa. To obtain pledge' sheets and for more infor- mation, cail Kerri at 433- eW 0911. Lay, 'ark W['ELI T SMLE 241 The Otter Cneek Co-op will 1of iold a street sale on a of Saturday, Sept. 28,8:30 a.m. te 1:30 p.m., at 835, 850 and are 855 McQuay Blvd., Whitby. 3 Of -Proceeds te Mome & Tots id. Committes. Cal 666-5417 for omore information. D5- RU)FEST ies Nid Fesit 496 will b. held by Durhiam Regional Police at the newly. renovated ,,t lice headquarters, 77 itCentre St. N., Oshawa, on* ort Suziday, Sept. 29, 10 On t 4 p.m. Tere will b . ed jetting zoo,. animais from heBwmanville Zoo, infla- ni table j umping castle t). demonstrations by thý' ill Police tactical squad., canine and diving units tours of headquarters, and ts free hot dogs and drinks. AEROBATHON tAn serobathon, the-Sunr- Llise Fitness Funfeost ewIll be held at -the A.E. Z ig Fit- ness Complex in east Oi- ,awa on Sunda , Nov. 24 to ,r raise funds or Sunris a recreational and social pro-, Sgrains. To obtain pledge V, iorms, eall 666-9503. CNIB Mie Canadian National Institute for the ' Blind, Durhami Rogion Service 4 'Centre, wilI hold an infor- 1mationp day at the offices at r264 King St. E., Bowman- * ville, on Thursday, Sept. 26 10a.miLto 2 p.m. REEGISTE.RED NURSES The Durham- Northumberland chapter of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario will meet on Thursday, Oct. 10, 7 p.m., at Whitby General Hospital, second faoon dining room. Doris Grnipun,L executive director of the Ontario association, will discuss the role of the 7 registered nurse in 'a Clu restructured health care aci system. Ail welcome. Cail wei Kathy Bruce at 905-623-9313 Les or 668-6831- for fur-tier Dor information. 571 HUMANEMOTIONS wa A course on 'Human Ve Emotions and their Rela- gui tien te, Health and Disease' Ca, ÀFL ASH____ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR IC 1% ALTENATVE REAION Lt., lins, shades and fumiture, recently offering custom decorating produots held a grand opening at, ils new such as bed covenngs, draperies, locatlion on Sunray Street. UTWUU1L3CLUB Tie Duriam Outdoors lub offers the folowing tivities: Sept. 27 te 29, a Dekend canoe trip itihe ,slie Forest Reserve near )rset, cail Ron Coulsen at '-0046; Oct. 3, evening 1k in Courtice, call Glen ckery at 668-3059; Oct. 6, ided tour of thé Warsaw. ,Ves (Indian River run derground,' walk to kout point), meet at il 1. in Bowmanville averly Road and lghway ), caîl Diane Maxwell at -0633; Oct. 6, Arlene iyon will lead a bicycle ing, caîl 435-05>43. Ir you want, to drink, that's ur biuineu.. If you Want tO v- thats m"r.CaD Alcohco innymoua at 728-1020. outil 1 OUrtor PROSTRATE~CANCER Us, TooP a Prestrate can- cer supotgrpwl melet on Wednesday, Oct.2 7 p.m., at Oshawa Generai Hospital,roôm 1002. Pro-ý strate cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in males over age 50). For more information, caîl 576- 8711, ext. 3441. FIEL» NATURALJM Oshawa Regional Field Naturaiies will meet Monday, Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m., at Beatrice Rublic Library. Guest speer Bruce Duncan and BarryCierntier of the Hamilton Conservation Authority wiil speak about, the. awk migration of Hawk Cliff. Admission is free, interested visitors are welcoïme. Iebi n I te -lit Su po t e Ciey- u dyap r of t 73 h n aeo u sl AssocitiontonParen further dSmatio - on Fr ore Sunday, Sept. 3,29. pm. meeting times and location, iformnation, SaU 1-800.-488- at- the Royal Canadjan oe]ilJudy orJim at436-3617. ý5666-. Legion, .Brandi 43,'471 KIDS CLUB Simcoe St. S.,"Oshawa. The ~ KdsM c l wil start meeing is open to the public ~ Mndy, ep. 3,6to 7 pm. and wiil focus on. an JIGOTHER PROBLEES? a maulRfr alternate vison f or. 'IIL*I*I..IpIygiii.,.ui, Churcli, 403, Rondsland Rd. provncial health cars reforma * ~~~W., Whitby, for boland girls based on maitigbte ve, Momy,'Dd-yaged four to 12.-.For more health. cars- facaitie. for & am antha V 8 0AthoStreet., WN by Foî6~ 6 8 28 0 ~d F I PHO¶M CLUB lhe Whitby Photographie Club will meet at Henry Street Hi hSchool,rom 111, on Monday, Oct. 72 7 p.rn. Bruno Kern of Oshawa will discuss bird photogra- Ph. Ail welcome.,eor more Info-rmnation, caîl 430-0279. cm LDSUPPORT' Recent changes te legisla- tien regadinqr child sup- port, willb. discussed dur- 1ga program *atte McLaug Pub lic Library, 65 Baget St., Oshawa on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7 p.m. Representatives froni the law firm of Kitchen Kit- chen,ý Simeson & IïcFar- lIane will discuss changes. Tickets (ne cost) are avaul- able at the hibrary. WORRIE ABOUT KIDS? on . S itur h- p.mth , formere parking lot Botiormer, IQA store in 7 , ~.. . 7, - en NonîLroflt commun g rou WhIch are srin Whltby or have a substant1râl Whithy membership may placelhoir -- - upcomlng meetings or activIdes on this page et no cost. %fit ffwà ino or n»vmtrd D'Offl wdl be "Md. W ""Ill. DeMne fw eo"F.e."S bu«bon is 0 KUCEM R1E Eucbre will be held at the Whitby Lià mon Branch 112 hall (iiptairs) on Byron Street bouth on Fni- daget. 279 7:30 p.m. Cost là - -,.-Ail welcome. BA&BY ITEM- The Durhamn Region Parents of Multiple Births Association wiil hold a sale of used infantlchildren's clothing, maternity clothes, baby equipment and toys at the Metro FiaitTIrade Centre, Pickering, on Saturday, Sept. 28,9 a.m. te1 p6m por mor information, cail 905-686- 0707. Alzheimer Durham will -hoat their next Oshawa family support group meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1 p.m., at 419 King St. W., suite 205 (Oshawa Centre). U Ailcaegvers are welcome te ~'attend. For more Sinformation, contact Kim at S576-2567. HA M RNE sSUPPORTERS The Glasgow Riangers Supporters Club, Whitby Branch, will meet on ï9unday, Sept 29,lto 5p.m. in tie Begal Rtoom, Centennial Building, 416 SCenreSt. S., Wiitby. Nqew -,members are welcome. For more information, RaU Bill at 404-0809 or Jack at 686- 9611. INVISIBLE DSBLT The InvisibleDisability Support Ne t work, for parents. of cluilden with attention deficit disorder with or without h Fracti- vity (ADD, ADâm. wiIl meet on TuesdayOc.17 p.m., at 947 AdlISt. Oshawa. Speaker will be Barry Joson chief psy- chol tortliDurham Boar of Education. For more information, caîl Karen at 905-404-2970. PUBRNIGRT. The Why Iroquois Soccer Club's under-17.boys' rep team wiil host a British Pub Night on Saturday,, Oct. 19 at the Oshawa Kinsmen Hall, 109 Coîborne .St., Osiawa, featurizg. Jim Renshaw and, ,The -Entertainers. The evening of song, comedy and British fun will. include two shows as .well as a ploughman's dinner (cold cuts, salads, cheese and buns, plus dessert, tea and c.offee).ý Tickets are $20 per person and proceeds go te support the team's European soccer tour next summer-.-For more information, caîl 725. 6452 or 72.1-2418. 0GS MIG