Whitb'y Free press, Wednesday, September 25, 1996, Page 9 Bord aproves 'gag order' delays agenda change By Mark Rleesor agendas violates the Free- ThAhne b uoa~ Durliam public school board trustees are investi- gating whether delaying the release of the public portion of their meeting dom of Information Act. They voted Monday night to have staff look at the reqwrements of the act bol-ore changing their agenda procedure. inga sandngcommittee recommendation to make agendas available to trus- tees F'ridaýy but withhold al but a "Zose agenda b#csuJLJumMePress woricsnop on RCoberts Rulee Realreurs as trusie ana u p DIUle I ftlmoOn Mon- dae board did approve the rest of a "trustee com- munication.protocol, which BY Mark Reesor After spending much of the weekend interviwin more than 70 candidates public sehool board iruiee appointed a former Ajax trustee te replace the cur- rent one. Sherrili Willard was eleè- ted te the board in 1994 but stepped' down recently because she and her hué- band are moving te the U.S. That was the same year. Duncan Read decided to wage what turned out te be an unsuccessful campaign for regional council rather than mun again as an Ajax representative on the board. Read, who was on th~e. board from 19b5 te 1994, the asat two years as vice- chair was back at the board table at Monda/s standing committee meet- 'le says he'. «very much concerned» about what's happening te éducation in Onitario, adding that the government is taking somne serious issues that need te be deait with but is hiding behind thei simply as a cash Mr",» Read accuses the Harris government of imposing a new curriculum, province- wide bargamininsd other changes without consulting teachiers and the board. «It's an easy way te focus energy and attention away from their failed agendas and it's a revenue grab -- and ýhat doesn',t sit ri 1ht with me. That's whyrmI back.» Read says he f ears the government intends toe eh- minate school boards and wants te .«explain te the public... that school boards have a very valuable role te, play %Tey've worked for 170- odd years -- there's no rea- son that they shouldn't work (now) if you're willing te sit down and talk." of Order and te, "endeavour, if 'possible, as a courtesy" to inforin the board chair and any trustee or committee chair whose area/school is affected before releasinq "a controversial statement. Oshawa trustees Mike Nicholson and Kathleen Hopper strongly, opposed the measure, as they did at committee, with Nicholson aacalling t1 apg orPe and Hlopper preffict- ing it wiIl be used against trustees who express opininsunpopular -with oth'er trustees. Their arguments fell on deaf ears, -though, as the board voted 10-5 te approve the policy. Committee voted 9-5 on the question; the additional vote in favour was cast by Ajax trustee Duncan Reid, who was a&rpinted to replace Sher- The agenda'portion of the protocol seezned headed for a similar victory_ until Nicholson warned he had been told it may violate the F'reedom of information Act. That prompted Reid to make a motion te postpone considering the policy. OSHAWA 122 AIbért St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave - 619-1473 COBOURGs ae R ac 72 King St.. -372-4744 Jm sR a Sa turday & e venîng FREE appointments avaîlable. Initial Consultation AuthrizedCotracorA Low Fnancng Aailable 325 Hopkins St., Whitby Li N 201 668-2252 686-1853, Dr. Cecutti and Dr. Nathoo wel'eome Dr. Phil Walsh to the practice. Dr. Nathoo and Dr. Walsh are accepting new family practice patients. *f EXTENDED HOURS MIIZ Monday to Friday 8:OOam - 9:OOpm Saturday & Sunday 9:OOam - 5:OOpm '-' u r*u-~ ~ -, - I ~. - - -- I 'I Pfreir a SV49A Monitor Powver without paying the price Confidential Document Shredding *High volume equipment will reduce your shredding cost *Secure locked containers at no extra cost *Bonded.drivers *100% of paper is recycled *Certificate of destruction *Volume discounts available year-end, clean-ouis CAIL NfOVf (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) WASTE SYSTEM ,90 cHEO3s FREE: INEtRNE * 133MHZ Intel Pentium Processor * 16 MB RAM e 256k Pipeine cache * 1.7GB hard drive -,1.44 floppy On-bOar< PCI IDE controller with hog speed serial & parallei ports * Ail Mach 64- 1 MB PCI SVGA video' *33-600bPs voiceulax/gjata modem - 104 keyboard *Wndows 95 pre-1oaded - Microoft Scdtaré Bu-dre. *MOUse & mouse pad o'FM radio tuner' .3 year parts & aUSr wararity Phiri year on-sile sericoe 8x :pedCD ROM Cm Crive lbo AWE2 16-bMtsond card -Amplffod extemal speakers ï 15nch 28 DP SVGA Monitor included *New! Canon Photo Qualiy Printer