Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1996, p. 8

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Page 8, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September* 18, 1996 Only a minor review wisig ya ob ndertake By Mike Kowali Whîtby's temporary sign bylaw-will not b. subjected to a fuli-scale review. Earlier media reports to the contrary,, only minor aspects of the bylaw will be ezamined by Town officiais, Mayor Tom Edwards announced Iast week. Staff will review the bylaw as it pertains to two specific areas - seasonal ag±cultural signe and «read-o-raph»"signe which are small cangeable mes- sage boards that attach to larger, permanent signs, Edwards said. The bulk of the contro- versial bylaw, which lias resulted ini more than a dozen charges since the Town began clamping down on illegal mobile signs in July, will remain un- changed; he stressed- Prior to the start of last Monday's council meeting Edwards was critical i~ media reports from the pre- vious week that indicated that the b law willi undergo a thoroug review bY Staff. Accrding to an Aug. 27 press releas, Edwards said the seven-month-old bylaw had generated a,"firl1 widesýpread *response, bot positive and negative,» fromi Whitby merchants. «Tlhe Towin is in receipt of a number of suggestions to impjrove hesituation," Edwrssaid' "Tihie Town wil review these comments and res- pond to -the operations comn- mittee- iniSeptember.»P Ifyou vant to drink, Otat' Syour busines. If you want to stop, tbat% Offlru 11Mohdioe Aaoeiymous at 728-1020. t Following the meeting, Edwards insisted that lis pe release did not state hat the entire bylaw would be reviewed, but that repor- ters had assumed this would be the case.' The staff report that went directly te council and not te operations commit- tee, consisted, of a two-page overview of the bylaw's im- pact since it came into, effect last February and let- ters from merchants upset that they.can no longer use mobile signe te advertse their businesses. Except for a 30-day period te promote a new business oein rreloca- tion or te adrtisoae events held by service clubs and non-profit. organizations, mobile signs are now geerally prohibited. in Fines up of te $5,000 can be imposed on repeat offen- ders. After council had exten- ded the March 31 com- pliance date for removing the signs, most 'of the 250 mobile signe in use as of Feéb. i1 lad been removed by ulthe staff report states. But as of Sept. 9 10. signe had stiil not Leen removed and ail owners/- tenantslad been'issued at least one $75 ticket 'and wil continue te be issued. tickets until ail signs are removed, the report states. Once- the mobile sign issue lias been resolved, staff will be@g enforcing tle bylawwinth respect te signage sudh as «A!'frame sign s maller' aignes locted at stores sud gas s3tations,,for example. Athougl opponents con- tend the -bylaw is in viola- tion of the Ontaiio Munici- pal~~~ ct-sirserected pre- vuste te pasinýg of the b law can be considereda «legal non-conforming use" -- staff rejeet this argu- ment. "The legal opinion recei- ved by the- municipality in- dicates that' in order te obtain this protection of 'legal non-conforminàg' the sign must have been legally erected in the first place, the report states. "Ini order te bie legal, the Seminar on starting a business The marketing and economic development depa;ment of the Town of Whufty will host a seminar on'our Business Start-up, - Making It A Succeas.' The. three-evening seminar workshop series will b. held on Sept 25, Oct. 2 sud 9, from 7 te 9:30 p.m., at the municipal building in Whitby. A registration fee of $50 includes ail thre. seminars and materials. Topics' of information include key .success requiÀ.ements sud how to, evaluate busness concepts; how te turn' a business coneptinte sadahievable plZansd ' buidnd& making it work.0 To register, visit theI marketing department at the municipal building. For more information, cail Lorna, Ravary at 668-5803. sign oer must have been issued a permit prior te the initial installation,» the reortcontinues.in dicate that prior te the adoption of t he tem1prr siigri bylaw, nomobi er7sn permits have been issued. In addition te the mobile sigri crackdown, staff remo- ved eight truckloads of signs from utility poles dur- ing the sprig. Hiowever, the report notes that some companies are again putting up these signes, so this month a crew will b. sient out te repeat. its earlier work. Mesuwhile, staff will b. reviewing *.amendments te the. bylaw as it relates to seasonal agricultur1lsig nýage and read-o-graph% signe. Requests have been recei- ved te sllow temporary signe te promote roadsideý vegetable sud fruit stands, for instance, while inquiries have been'made about the read-o-graph signs. This type of sign is simi-. lar te, a mobile sign. because the letters can b. changed, but it muet b. attached toa ,Alhough eTow aper- manent sigri bylaw permits reado-gaph signa, staff warn that the number and location of permanent signs with read-o-graphs must b. reviewed so, as not te negate the results attained through enforcement of the temporary sign bylaw.' Treasures ELLEN WALTON (léft) and Janice Oliver, co-owners of Janelils Crafts &Treasures, aà their storels reent grand ni MEETIGSbyEN- OSHAWA 122 Albert St. * 721-7506 JAX: 50 Commercial Ave - 619-1473 C01BOURGS 72 KIng St. W. - 372-4744 .Saturiay & evenlng appolntments avallable. James R. Yanch FREE Initial Consultation 1996 ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN OiF THE YEAIR AWARDS Deadline - Oct. 3lst, 1996 Contact this communlty newspaper for details. Senminar &'teaàser' m Te Durham Business and Professionial Women's Club will meet. on Wednesday, Sèpt. 25,6 p.m., at llarmony Creek Golf Club, 1000 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. Elizabeth Strelch, of the Streich Succeas Development company, will discusa 'S.11 Yourself in.-1 Minute.' The discussion will b. a "teaner"' to the three-lour seminar by Streich on Oct. 5. For reservationa or for more Information, cal905- 438-8444. Coat, is $25 for members, $30 for non- members. PuIb.night The Oshawa-Durham Home Buildera Association will hold a pub niît Fr1- day,<ý Sept. 20 at the Ros.- laâparkCountry Club, 500 Mayfair Ave., Oshawa. lue-niglit ($15 te attend) will feature The.. Enter- tainers. For more informa- tioncall Craig at 404-0088. Fairweather ofHuse, n'à. Fairweather store in the Oshawa Centre -will irais.fundla for the Denise Houa.. Ten-per cent of daily net saloo Spt. 2 3 sud 24 will b., given te the womensa shet- ad su'rt sevie. play for, the fit annual ondeavo billed as ¶Fair- weather Oshaa supports W o m n s i s u s Wine & cheese The fWhitby Chamber of Conmrce will Once again hot a member. wine a'nd cheese reception at The Station-Galley on Thursday, sept. 26. An exibition of mixed media painting and glass sculptures by Uzbridge artists Lynne Mdfelvride Evans and Francis Muscat wiil be on view. 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