Page i ý, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 18, 1996 11stuýdents on mnodified calendar at Broughton Scnoois ai;t teflO bguuing of the traditional school year. «W. didn't lose one,» says Broughton principal Jack Smyka, who adds hes flot "suo::d1;oi were trying desperately to make a story out of this (but) thinga couldn't b. botter right now.n SEnrolmpnt is currently: 295 -- 151 studonts on the modifiod calendar 'up from 140 whon thé school £ylaVAUL VeesJK The predicted exodus of students from Brouhtn Public School's modified calendar prograr at the ,~e inn9of September did There were concerne oxposedin the spring thet parents would send their children to the modi- lied program, which bogan Aug. 6, as a free summner camp'and thon transfer themà back -to-their homne opened, and 144 on the traditional year -- but Smyka siays he won't be surprised if the school reaches its capacity of about 450 students as early as neit year. "It may flot go right te, 450 (though) biecause Fd ike te get a cou le more special education las iin here (which) would lower the capacity somewhat.» Thore's alredy five or six childien on a wafting list sold for each one, ho says. their homo ~hna1n rrnArn. A from Brouçchton staff and LU DO lOTit b~ a students. -. rn-x for the modified calondar, ho notes, and registration for both tracks in 1997 will bAs well. "wedo know that there are those on the regular calendar that want to, corne onto the modified calendar and they're mlot inlddon that waiting bast.-" Broughtoe isals chedu- led te pick up 99 students who opted te roemain in one-year reprieve granted by the board The school is planning a barbecue and a 'Cowa- dunga? fundraiser for tho afternoon of Oct. 13 with a priz of $1,000 cash and a 'a or a free balloon ride (value just over $200). The school field will be divided ite a grid of one- metre squares and a ticket local - farmer Ill thon be brought in "and wherever the cow drope its pie, that's the wirmer of the ýprize.n The idea ýwaî- met with «pools of laughter from the interim school council, which is preparing for tho elections of thle school coun- .cil next month, Smyka tiýesare available - -o.--. *Pnivate/Group Piano &Keyboard _*Piano Kids (5 yrs) S*Pnivate/GrouP (3uitar *Violin, Voice,. Saxophone *Early Chlldhood Music (3-5 yrs) *Flute,'Clarinet, Trumpet *Theory Lessons& MusicBok ELEANOR GUMIMER DIRECTOR M.Mus. (McGîii), B.Mus.,FTCL, L, ARCT RMT Floral Design Course- FALLTEM September.24th - October 8th ____ Rgistration Reciuired Programi/Activities Fuil Day Academic Program' from Age 2 1/2 go Age 12 Individualized Lessons & Tutoring in Every Clais Enricbment Programs Two Teachers in Every Ciass French Starting at Age 2 in Computer Educaion Music Progam Art Pragram Physicai Education Program FeldTrips Extended Day Program for Working Parents Whitby Montessori 2nd Annuai ail Shinny & SkiIIs Camp at Wheelies Roluer Rink INSTRUCTOR CERTIFIED LEVEL 3'HOCKEY COACH IREGISTER IN PERSON AT WVHEELIES (901 BURNS ST. E. WHITBY) ýEVERY'SAT. 1 PM TO 4PM OR REGISTER 8V -PHONE AT 666-1272 (ASK FOR MIKE) v You c'à -n entrust your child's care to. Wee Watch. Reliable, sup ervised day care at a home i- y=~ neiîghbourho-od *Safe, comfortable envlronments* Reliable local back Up for Provider's *Stimoulating cfaily programs holidays or illness *Trained, professional Providers * Compete insurance< coverage *Monthly home inspections* Incomfe tax receipts supplied and, we welcome full or part-time care for chîldren from 6 weelks otaâge! For information cati" 'w .. eý 686M a Icn .3995 ced Agency WHITBY FIGURE Saturday, September 28th,, 1996 lOam to noon. fro quois Park Complex KINDERSKATE, 3 and 4 year olds - Tuesday Momings CANSKATE, must be 5 by Dec. 31/96 - Saturday Sessions CANIFIGURE, must have Novice IV - Wednesday/Saturdays ADULT, must be 18 by Dec. 31/96 ~ Monday Evenings ~EE~) OSIIDWI/UJÎfffpy a 'Fun environment while leamning. hockey skills e Great- for children new to the game *Excellent training for existing*hockey players. Don't just sit on a waiting listl Corne and play now! 1 New This Season North Star is going t SilvNIgI 7BBii-g White Mountain & Silver Star Resort in B.C MMMm, during March BreaktB c