Page 20. Whltbiy Free Press, Wednesday, September 4,.1 996 f~..... t l - « t t. 1 Schol]ofe] :Bus~in-es UCENSED OAS HEA11NG ý& air conclionlng ýmechanir. -Save money on Siose maller lobs <y cutbrig out lhe mlddle mà nan Gerry, Ras. 668-03041905). Toil free pager 1-416-551-2024. CAKE9 FOR weddlnQs, blrthdays, showers, Chrisflngs, et. ûnda- lç SaMoonndma :OccasontaCaikes' 11j'lenys. PHOTOGRAPHy. Distinctiv Mgw portait. Studi or In home. cdren, familias. PackagM tom $29 Alec phileraphn. Reste re me Ail extedorwlndews fo! 0: Akm*n snasoase.Fo Build a Better Life NiRM IAMCI An _ _ _ _ _ _ m ents Fie I t OALL A ~~~Peter ai 6.7tuî ~~~~~~~E e m L â k j ODRNWES leyour docks. MnM - wodod" ldln, g - PAIMNNO &PAPERING "LET Rm.e N .a.eig; stais& e,%Wj. uality wo& pid VM- Or,;9uoe 66-7or8 ~- fo senors hursFLOOR , REFIIISHINM W .P'G ,e 168 mnaie. renewers wi doaà prfess oa od -~ I k EARN MP TO $M7OA WEEK - m rieed people b nukelele <neodace, bracelet, oamng)Jo availableoeast tb Coast, tffom0 hm Noaçedence needed.So a seu.-oeichused stamed envelope BIvd. E, Unit #5, ref. 139, = MslsauaOntarlo, L4W2V3. EXPERIENCED DRIVERS WhtM. &M: aem car. Ca DENTAL ASSISTANT, Reoeptionist and DentalHgeit ffqcired lm Uiefor anishw DerWOIce. Send resume to Box 10038 Whitby Free Press, 900 Hpisst ,P.-O. Box 206, OsawLit, S1 CAR ATTENDANTS, full-time required for car rentai oempay. Must have valik drivers licence. Ple sckpoff resumoe at Discount Car & Truc Rentais, 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby. MOttEY-LMEY-MONEY. Extra income or s_ tayahome. Set yor on hours. Bea TUPPERWARE Consultant. CailJilI al: 430-3643 lodg. FULL lIMEIPART ime, flexible schedule. Ea» woc, no exparence, eoen $500 Oweely at home.,guaranteed. Call7days. 1-504-64f-7778 EXT .0142H33. HOMEWORKERS NEEDEDIf To assemble oui products. Free supplies. Start knmecltey For tree details send S.A.S.E.: Q.S.EJM3, 117-1057 Steeles Ave. West, North YrK~ Ontaio. M2R MX. E(1% OHAWAà 0 0 DRIVINO SCHOOL Osua *728-0091 Full/Drivers Education Courses SEPT. 7th Sat. 4 week course SEPT. lOth Tues. & ThîuIs. 4 week course *DDC UpgradingCourse .55 Alive Seniors Course -PRIVA TE LESSONS REGISTERED à APPROVEO 8V THE 0 S A.O. AND OS L NEED BETIER MARKS IN school? Cail Marteine, 668-9792. Qualifled leache since 1970. Tutoning in English, adl subiects, K-8. WHITBY SOHOOL of Music -PinoAçeyboard lessons (priva»u & grop),guiarvioli, vacxS, Mute, Saxog, ciinet and trumpet. ; = k (3-5 year%)and music bocks. 103 Duidîs St.W., Whitby. 666-780. INTERNET YOUR Business. Cal Netink ail (905) 721-1551. * I S P Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Pieoe of Mînd. Penly Ho US e Chd Care Services 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 LOVING MOTHIER, WITH PR& Frst ANd Is villing tb provide claycare in ber homfe. Nulrtious kches and snacks. Lots of crait and playdime. Faligbrook a Dryden. For mnore informatio please oeil 430-7474. LOVING MOTHER availailefor daycare in my home. Nutiou meais. Fenoed yard wth play eqiprnient. Cose lo park Lois of fun activities. Full time and before'aier school available. On St Mak & Robert Thornk>n bus mut. Please cail 430-3059. SAFE, FIJN DAYCARE PROVIDED by motiierof two. Certifled in first aid and C.P.R. Fenced yard crafts & smodes.1 Brck& oslad. Cal! 666-1254. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 willing Io care for yooechild. Lunches, rovkIed. Reasonatge raie. Exceiet neferences. Agas 2 veaiad up. West Lynde area.. DAYCARE Wl My HOMIE PleasonaN>e Maes. Responible mroler with parental training skilis. Nutritiau lunhesand snacks. Mary & Gardon St. area, Whitby. You cap entrust your child's care to Wee Watch.' Reliable, sipen'ised daîcare at a home MiYQi YL/eighibourh-ood. SSe picture ad on page 13 686m3995 a iensed Agency CARIIO MOTHER WIL PROVIDE ahpy nunmn o yo hId. Nutioslnhs& sncks Lots of acivties (walks, critsie).1ThcksSooslan. DAYOARE AVAILA13LEinfy home. AJI ages welcomne.Luc and snacks provlcled. Garden & Mannîng. Calf66-25 GOOD FRENDS NURSERY SCHOOL Spaces avalabl A YOUJNG GRAtINA NEEDS ai i infant aid a teddleç Io malce ten nest compleje. Qualty, rega"l excep formula. Near pa an dc>ewn. Non-smok(er. ' CPR e*xpenence, references. 668-9891, Sandli. stahlnneeè. AJi work M&eaned.657768. PROFESSMOAL rstaio, tuch-ups, and customn regiIN on ail antques, resientWal- Office fiturwe. 905-965-0059. MAICE YOIJR WEDDING DAY sen more memoable vlUi the Glft of Music. Solo performe for ceemy cocktails and recepUon. Varlety'of popular and iraiMna musia. Cail Kathy for a tree consultatio, 416-724-8151.ý FREE ESMAT en bathnoorns & lutchensi hardwood floorin & e r&lkn. ADY eHOME IMPROVEMENTS, 43"-908. CINDY'SALTERATIoIIs- Com see us for ail yom sewng needs. Leathe, zippers, aiso mens taein available. Tues.-Frn. 10-530, Sat. 10-3. 133 BYM,oSt MENARD & SON PLASTERINc3- new & repair.s, succo concrele, parglng - cracked founKiatons nred.mon l experience. Insuredostimates. 905-985-3794.1 UTE SUZY HOMEMAKER TAKE YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE SOAM mcllff rem. limakes. luneup fom $9.95+ paris. Facteiy taned techinicians. For tee bflck-up & delve"ycal HOME CLEANER: exoerienoed. honest, mu"ble wth territie references and lnoredible rates! (Eendust tree house plantsîl) les alJohn et (90W5.0 or cellular phone, (905)"18-9580. "HANDY&MMAWIH A VAN" wuil do household movig & _strage cIeai-WJs aid nemva ,"ea mepam and eectrcaL Cal Daug (905) 434-7874. AWAN'S FASHION cari. customn 2 ENERGETIC care-gimver Ml tn.bdai gowns. bidemakle provicle structuned, stimulangniOtoffer dresses, business siJits, daycare in a 'non-srmolang dresses. No palien needed, environmitExcellent'pLWy = et briqa ctur. Alteatons ais leaming areas - corne see l o amnrn a Thickson/Hwy. 2.6664M93. (905>65-74 DON'T WORRY -BE HPY CREWPROPERTY SERVICES LAOO0K AFTER VOUR PROPERTY 'Ta-OI1Resldential Property.-Maintenance Specý t Aeration, ýSecngSod«dingaid Fali'Cleansg Services. For amie Estimale Ca (905)242-3458 TODAVI LAWN MAINT ENANCE orunlna.