Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1996, p. 19

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Septemnber 4, 1996, Page 19 Noý French firstschoo this yer The Durhamn Board cf Education wili nôt open a French flirst language school for students in Dur- hamn this school year. PEER SUPPORT Volunteers are wanted, for the, Peer .,Support Program, a volunteer program that. m atches trained women volunteers with abused women ini the coz"-u*ity. Cal Usa or Shariene at. the South Oshawa Communty Heaith Centre at, 723- 0036. Robert Fletcher, chair of board's -French language consultant committee, has told board trustees that the process to open such a school is vey oplex and could notW îho mpieted in time for Septernber. The board stili plans to opena French first languagoe chool in Durham for the 1997-98 achool year. SEarlier this year, the board said it would such a service only if the cost was no more than the current arrangement ini which the board buys .-French language education for elig- ibie children of- Durhamx francophone ratepayers, at a rate cf $11,OOo per year for each students. Getti ng off to agodstart, For rnany students, going back te echool is* an exciting trne. Seeing old friends, getting new books and meeting t.he now teacher bringe a senseocf anticipated succesa for the new achool year. But for sorne of theso students, the drudgery cof schooi life - homework, assignments, project and tests - wiii turn their amiles te, frowns. The moanng begins and daydreams cf summer fil their minda. As parents, you, con help get the uchool off te a good start and stay on top ail year. Mersr are some simnple Uip.parents can use te make tbf. year the. most sucoessful schooi year. ever for their" chldren. Disc'uasthem with your cbildren and gîve them ownership in'their- development and impiementation'. Most importantly, make them become a habit. Tip #1: Sleep. Children must go te bed at a reasonable time. Most young children need between eight and 10 heurs cf sieep a night. A chiid who ia consistently well- restod wil be' much moe attentive ini ciass and therefore wfil retain more information. Tip f2: Organizer. (3ive your child an organizer or day- timerin which te write down bis or her homework, work scheduie if theyre in bigh school,,mflk.money dates, hockey ýscheduies, etc. Ask te sS your chiid's1 agenda nightly. Many high schéoos provide agendas for their students, and some public achool teacheérs have sirnilar planners1 such, as '.Wndows" or 'Ta ble'- Talk" Organizational silmafl uke up the inost valuable tedl you- oen give your chiid. The earlier they start, ovenl as y0oung, as- grades 1. or 2,'the better organizedý they wil b. foreýver. Tip f3: Homnework. Estabish a "Uimre"te dohoerk Dýevelopinga rotne.froeoi takes the pressure off. everyne- especially the parent. Agood -plan rnay be te comploté 30 minutes of homework beforo dinner and 30 minute. after.dlnner. And it shouid always ho theýsarne 30-minute Urne bock, say 5 te 5:30 -p.m. and .thon 7 te 730;p.m. Evenif your chiid "doesn't.bave 'any hornowork tonr-gu t,àmSanecllent Uneé for them te ait and. read, thei-r'favourlte boolc.,Brealng study Urne Into nil, manageable blocks is easier for the child and asssta lI retaining information.. Implernnng a school plan, is oniy difficuit i 'the" beginning. *OncehI place, your cbiid vwllldo botter hi schooi and feel good about themselves ail year. 1Mdaael Poever is the business studies depariment head at Father Leo J. Ausin Catholic &oendary Schoolt and thse fiwachise owner cf "AJitle-Extrc-Help* Ttéring Service, ïWhk b Eat at Joe's JOE HIRCOCK. principal of John Dryden Publie Sohool, performs a high flp of a burger during a barbecue at the Whitby sohool last week. The Dryden community school program, under Supervisor Roger Splivey.,gave $9,000 -- excess funding from the popular programs -- to the school towards the cost of a recently acquired laminator and the new basketball court and soccer fields. Photo by Maurloe Plfher, Whilby Fr0.Pis 43 staudents -had sunmer I Finding rare species cf fiowers, helping kids and aduits discover nature, assessing the health cf streams and erosion/fiood. protection are just a few cf the duties suxnmer students performed for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority., The 43 students were hired through varieus empîcyment programs ^ such as Environreental Youth Corps (EYC) and Ontario Summer Jobs. Positions include envirenmental day camp counseliors, environmental educaters, aquatic/natural areas asseasment. and erosion/fiooding control monitoring. "It is groat.,being able te apply .our ,education to practical situations," -said Shawn McDermott, a Sault Ste. Maie Coliege student in the aquaticý assesament prograuL. The natural aroas asesent crow documented the. fiera and fauna cof an area .-for authority- records adhad documented. threo, regionally rare plants: Smiall Yiloôw. - 'Ladies îSlipper, MaidenHar ern and Showy Orchis. "Affer wligtbrough the area witheut finding anything significant, discovering a, rare plant' makes; the day seem,,al worthwhiie,",said Jody Van &lIaikf, a Universt - 71f Waterloo studenit.. hCLOCA Ail 43 students aise participated in a «summer safety day t.bat inciudod such tepioe as firet aid, rabies, fire extinguishers and accident prevention. "Al cf the sunmer programa «relate te the conservation authority's theme and focus cf Healthy Watersheds, N says Gord Geiseberger, communit relations officer for CLOCA. "A healthy watershed benefite everyone by giving us cdean drinkring wateri floodlerouion protection and passive' recreation (fishing, Board ho1ds fifh.paren coferencé The Dunhami Board cf 'Educatien will host its fifth annual Parents As Partners Learning For Life conference on Saturday, Nov. -9. Al events will ho held at Sinclair Secondary Sciiooi and* the Education Centrei Whitby. This year's»conference will address net only, needa and initereste cf parents but àaso those cf achool .cominunity council members. -Foirty-fourw*orkaosand 16 'table talks'wll ho offered on a variety' cf topical including- study -and homework skills, teachin*g cbidren anger management' skils, mtivaingstudent. lsearn=ng, and depression-,in DURHAM 'Virtual classroom' offered through coninuons lear ning Many are experioncing the "Virtual Classrom l with computer conferencing through -Durham .Collegeis continuous learning division. Participants work within their own schoduies in their homes or offices and enter discussions with instructers and other classmatos via private conférences or open "chats." Durham College and six other colleges have formed a partnership, '11 Contract South,« that aslows s-tudenits te tako coursesfrom outside their' rogion. Cross-credits have beon pre-approved lui order te offor a wide selection. "You can ioarn, meet ne'w peopleo. and :.ako .new fien lsexperienco tho fascipnin of the virtual, cla srooèm without isavig Your home or office., sys Val GiJharn, program officer, Continueus 'Learning. Durham College. To participato in Computer conféencing, oe must have a '386 IBWNcompaLtible coÃ"mputer with Mlcrosoft Windows 3.1 or groater, or 68030 Mac-- with -.eidit- megabyto RAMI& and'Intîrnt connection, plus at least two- megabytes of free space on a bard dlisk For more information, cail Githam . at 721-200,0, ext. 2828. Durham College'. fil 1996 continueus learning calendar Ioffers M23 certificates, diplemas and more than 700 daytime, ovsning and weekexxd courses for. those intereste in upgrading their job ekills. "Many studonts hold down a-job and cannot afford the cbildren and adolescents. fuibtirno," mays ý"Dbnna Whilo parents taksé Crawford, continueus advantage cf the lerng learnuvg.program irelctor. opportunities, the Dura board wilprovide free child "Nightscwhool -providos an care and scheduled activities> excellent. alternative teý for children aged three te 10. yug'M andudain Lunch-heur supervision ii ,your aekil n ar4g your certiftcme. or- a-,c hosen ho' provided but children ilm. must br*ing theïr owii To 'iseorfrme !ofeenco ýregistration ifr -o.cal721-3052. packages wil ho e"nt 'te sciioîs, durinîg the second ISUE AI wèeekin September. The cost for ,'the ful day package, Durham' College including lunch for adulta , i. Continueus Learing will $10 prperson. tk atiithe Leiure Fi& Rteistration form muatbe a te shw Centre Sept returnod by-mail or through 'te 7. the school courier ser-vice te Protjgram coordfinatorsiffl> the Education- Centre by Ot.-provie counsel and take" 28, ,. registrations. i 'à i

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