Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1996, p. 27

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Whltby Free Press. Wedneàday, August 21', 1996, Page 27 Volnter ranin fr ospice Durhaým porams f Hospice Durham wiII hold a volunteer training progm at Whitby Fr.. Methodiet Church 1916 Rtossland Rd., E., Whitby, Thursdays, 7 to 10 p.m., begnning Sept. 12. Topics covered are: communication skills, emotional support and faxily dynamies, ' transfer techniques and physical Sc onsiderations , multlculturalism and huril rites grief and bereavement, the unique aspects of AIDS and roi.ï of the volunteer. Hospice Durham la a free community-based volunteer program that provIdes in- MMRYJUST A resldent ofWhitly for 41 years, Mary Caroline Just died ini Huntsville, Ont, on fAug. %, 1996. She was 74. and Mrs. Charles Jones, she >was born in Barrie on Sept.- 119 1921. She was a member of the, United Church Women of St. tMarles *United Churcb, On Oct. 13, 1956, sîhe was married ii t.Andî-ew's fScotland, te, Dr. Robert Just, who survives her. t Mrs. Just la aloo survlved fby sons Bobby (and his wife iPatty) of Toronto, Billy (and hi. wlfe'Elvira) of Whitby, ¶Andrew ofToronte and Allan iof Whitby;- daughter Karen (and ber husband Gary) of Whitby and gadhlrn home support te Individuals and familles &aclng a life- threatening finess.. Volunteers help hospice familles 1by' providing companionship and emotional support and assist wlth non-medical tasks. ' To cover course materlals and expenses, a $20 registration fee is requested for people who-- intend te volunteer with Hospice Durham. For other interested personsa f.. of $40 ls requested. For more *Information about the. Hospice Durhamn programn, or te register for the coure, cali 435-5242. Laura, Kaitlln, AMy, Kevin, Danielle and Andrew. She la also, survived by brother. Frank and Bermie Jones of Gravenhurst. Mrs. Just wau at the W.C. Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Bey. Jeanette Millar onducted the funerai service at St. Markes United Church on Aug. 13,1996. = aiyMonuments *Gaieor Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting. Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After How-s 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointmients gladly arranged We tirw fo yu. no egta charge N . yujussaddtheyeast) Inl Io lnt toae Ia,:o I-Me puIrt ac kNo! valid with any other special. Offer ~xnireut Aman 21etIO~~ M - - - - - - ---- - - - - u Ie woy.ocvdp FL IIN S No! valid Whh any aiher speciai. I 1Offer expires Aug. 31st16.- T~i .r -1ILTr-wmiâ1 i L.-- - L... Make your own Grand Cru win"es. (Not available elsewhere). Premium, European,. Ail labels Caliornian., Italian, \wraps and . Austrlian.corkslncinel l ,Austalia. 4.thIs ecIal Ready in approximately oe. 4 weeks. Batch size equivalent to 30 botties of 750 M ~ Pinot Chardonnay ~ Chablis ~ Riesling ~J Bordeaux - Zinfandel, - Chianti ~ Merlot ~ Cabernet Sauvignon ~ Valpolicella ~ Gewurztraminer Blanc ~ Liebfraumilch ~ Pinot Noir plusmany more!, ALV H CWLERS&SPA47WG WVR IUII&W lai aam ~ Optimum carbonation mini -Triple cold filtering -' ta brer ~ Over 50 recipes or create your own btc Specialty grains & copper ketties r ~ No additives or preservatives ~ 10 minutes brewing time ~ Min batch size 48 litres ~ Ready ini two weeks ~ Kegs available for parties ilwoil We brew for you - no extra charge  , An v i (you just add the yeast) 1 W SL LL 666-B REWHW2] ÀINE KIT 1390 Hopkins St., Unit #6 Whitby 0 '! On~r~~6.*** Don't forget about your - ~free'batch after PiQ ~ ~ o CONSUMERS l ROMANTIC EVENINGS SWF, 32, single mather,'seeking someone for camping, fishing, romnantic evenings. 1 enjoy danc- ing, aid movies, ail you have ta doils leave a message. AD# 1431 SIMILAR QUAUTIES SWF, 30, Ilke the autdaars, movies, staying home & gaing out, having fun& sparts, Interest- ed ln meeting samearie wth simi- lar qualities. AD# 1396 CALUNG ALL COWBOYSI SWF, 21, cute, 53", weii propor- tloned, blue eyes, short br. hair, * seeking silm ta average build maie, 21-28 for fine dancing, fnendshlp & passible relatIoniship. AD# 1398 LAID BACK SWF, laaking5ta meet someane between 2-2. 1 am i nto music, gaing out & having a gaad time, seeking someone wh o is laid back & openminded. ADN 1400 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWF, 5'l", long blonde hair, blue eyes, seeklng casuai rela- tionship with sorneone, 18-29, who is not jealous. ADN 1429 LONG TERM RELAflONSHIP SWF, 1, br. hair, blue eyes, 5Y3, is fun & spanteneous. ADN 1401 VERY ATTRACTIVE REDHEAD SWF, very attractive, 5S"', red- head, tal, hazel eyes, siim bulid, wîdow, lave the arts, theatre, & have high marais & standards, ar ntelign, hanest & passion- aie, seeing gentleman, wldawer or Weil divarced. ADN 1409 BLONDE FEMALE SWIF, 5'4«, blonde, 125 lbs., enjay dancing, mavies, having fun, seeklng someone who enjoys the same. AD# 1397 Hi, MY NAME ISHILDA SWF, 46, 57, blonde hair, siIm. like cross country skllng, bilng skatIng, veiy active,- love trave- ling. ioolding- for sorneone who Is hanest & sîncere, 40-50, tali, active & knaws what he wants1 life. AD# 1363 rarnantlc, goad sense of humour, enjay bowling, dancinni, movies, s uimigse OVV sM, monog- SEEK INDEPENDENT MALE amous, 30-40, who can appreciate SWF, 19, 5'4', 115 ibs, blonde the above. ADN 1417 heir, green eyes, enjoy rollenbiad-; ing, sports, swimmlng, seeklng ROMANTIC AT HEART ,man wha Is Independent, knows SWF, 45, blonde hair, blue eyes, where ho Is gaing ln Ife & wants fuli-figured, attractive, caring, ta have a gaod ime. AD# 1370- thaughtfui, kind & gentie, enlay camping, aid movies, looking for SEEKING RELATIONSHIP sameone ta treat me like a lady. SWF, 19, seeking any maie, 18- ADN 1365 26, wno enJays moviles & spend- ln gtîme tagether foraretin ship. ADN 1372 "tol GREEN EYES SWF, 21, black hiair, green eyes, 5W4, 110 ibs., seeking caring & handeome persan W ho enjays oing ou! & having fun or staying orne. ADN 1383 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 41, divorced, 5Y3, 120 lbs., enjoy camping. fishlng, .music & goadconversation. Seeking man who knaws haw ta treat a lady, 5'l ", 180 ibe., 42-45. ADN 1427 SPOIL ME SWF, 34, seeklng maie 34-45. i enjay mavies, theatre, waiking, dining, evenings at-the pub. 1 want ta spoil sornebody & I want came- body ta spili me. ADN, 1378 FUN lMMES SWF, 39, blonde hair, green eyes, 5'2», affectionate, rornantlc, attrac- tive, funlaving,'seelng someone special ta share fun f mes with. ADN 1386 TRY ANYTHING ONCE SWF, professianal, Eurapean descent, br. shouider Iength haîr, br. almond eyes, in go shape, would try anything once except skydMvng, wauld like ta mee! new fnends & shaam Inimate limes wlth samneone specil. fADN 1390 .CLASS & STLE SWF, 37, 5'5w. 125 lbs, thick ehaulder'Iength auburn hair, warm ,ultra fqffnlnlne, affeclionate, soeking man with gaod morale, manners & rneane,who enjoys gaod wîne & company wlth a woman who has cis & style. ADN 1389 WARM & COMFORTING SWF, 33, 5'?, br. hair, blue eyes, carlng, warrn Inteligent, loyal, SERIOUS PERSON ONLY SWF, 43, 5', 100 ibe., br. hair, blue ey os, lIke ta meet maIe, 34-48, divarced persan only please. AD# 1435 BETTY DAVIS EYES SWF, 39, Betty Davis eyes, look- ing for sornebody who is kind romantic, canlng & likes klds. ADN 1402 PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SF, 32, professionai, Asian tee- tures, enjay family, fiends, romance, keeping fit, good food, gaod music, Iravel, sparts. seeking maie friend for passible long tern reiatlanship. ADN 1411 LONG BROWN HAIR SWF, 5V8, 18, long br. hair, br. eyes, enjoy dancing, raves, movies, seeking femaie;* 18-22 ta- hang out with & talk ta. ADN 1350 ATRCIEFEMALE' SWF, laIe 40's, attractive, enjay music, mavies, casual dinners, long drives, nice evenings aI home, sesklng sorneone wîth simi- lar lnterests, muet be. non-emoker. ADN 1327 SEEK HANDSOME MALE' SWF. 18. 5'4l', 105 Ibs., seeking SWM. handsome, athletlc, 18-25 & inlerested ln furthering your edu- catian'. ADN 1313 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 56-,135 lb.., blonde hair, blu eysdown to earth, seelclng hanestmae, who likes ta go ta the cottag suttaFdda ADN 13269Asuhto1Foia 1FRIENDSHIP FIRST SDF, 41, 5'3-, 120 ibs.,- n-oyout- doors,- sports, camping, fi shing, good conversation & dning. out, seeklng maie, 41-45, 6,-180 lb.. & no head garnes. ADN 1328 CASUAL UA11NG SWF; 24. interested in meeting sameone for casual dating & later becomlng senious relationshlp. I enjoy dancing, dinlng, sparts, hik--. ing & cycling. AD# 1329 POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP SWF, 18, 5'8«, long br. haîr, hazel eyes, seeklng maIe, 18-25, who is honest & enjoys gaing aut, mavies, spending time alone, fori friendship & possIle relatiariship. AD# 1353 GOOD TIMES SWF, 40, 5', 107 lbs, madel, have one chiid, absalutely lave the aut- doors, skiing, cycli ng, camping, love ta live Ilite the way Il is, seek maie who is intogaod imes, gaod laaking & a nice guy. ADN 1356 SEEKING RELAT1ONSHIP SWF, 18, 5'2, shoulder length br. hair, hazel eyes, seeking maie 18- 22, who le hones! & enjays mavies & dancing for relatlanship. FREE FOR WOMENW Women may retheve messages l'or free orice per day by call- ing 1-800-763-7138 v b 'a38 Ext. 11, Option 2 BASEB3ALL à HOCKEY SWF, 5'2T. red haîr, enjoy sparts, basebaîl, hiockey, dancing, music; seeking a man who ls willing ta haveago tirne & party. LONG BLONDE HAIR SWF, 18, long blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'50, 120 Ibs., seeking hand-, some SWM, 18-25 who likes ta go! down &dirty. ADN 1344 OLD-FASHIONED VALUES SWF, 48, aId fashioned values, its no fun'ta be alone, seeking maie 40-55, kncliearted, goad cesse of humour, rornanttc & willlng ta begln a relalionshlp.-ADN 1022 BIG BLUE EYES SWF,*23, 5'3", long red hair, big blue eyes, seeking people ta go out with & have a good tîme, enjoy dancing, dlning, the bar scene, autdaars. AD#, f357 WILD AT HEART SWF,,30, wild at heart, attractive, intelligent, 5W4, 1.15 lbs., aubum hair, blue green eyes, seeking a friend & partner for fun & interest- ing qualitytimes. ADN 1305 SINGLE FEMALE SWF, 18, seeking blonde maie, 18-19. Leave message.AD# 1377 NO HEAD GAMES SWF, 46, medium buiid, br. hair, br. eyes, carinq, compassianate, fiendly, autgoing, enjay sports, movies, Ian g waîks, children. Seeking a canlng, kind & cansider- ate maie. Single fathers 0K. ADN 1318 YOUNG AT HEART SWF, 38, 5'l", yaung et heart, gaod sense of humour, enjay music, dancing, cottage lite, -an[- mais. Seeking a long term rela. tianship with someone I can trust. AD# 1316 LOOKCING FOR FRIENDS SWIF, 23, 5'2", br. hair,- blue eyes, 135 Ilb.., seelng maie ta becorne frlends wlth. I enjay music, danc- ing,,mavies,& sparts. ADN 1263 FEMINîNE LADY Feminine SWF, 60, retIred lady, sense of humour, seeking gentle- man who enjoys companianship& outings. ADN 1343 YOUTI-FUL OUTLOOK Young & vibrant SWF, 5*5". long' auburn hair, 120 lb.., yathfl out- look on flfe, seekinq autgoîng,, happy, healthy, financially secure, single hunk. ADN 1270 GOOD71iMES Easygang SWF,19.5'9, long br.* hair, br.eyes, seeking someone Who ilkes f o have a good Urne. If rou want ta hang aut & de stuif, e.ave me amessage. AD#N1369 WATC H1NG THE SUNSET Blonde SWIF, 23,.5", blue eyes, seeking a maie ta b. Moinde with. I enjay dancing, music, movles, lonavis & watching the sunset: ATHLETIC G HANDSOME SWM, 6'2», 188 Ibs., athletic, handsome, new ln town, like ta meet sameone who'ls athletic, attractive, ambitiaus & likes ta travel & have a gaod tîme. AD# 1414 NO COUCH POTATO SWM, 37, 6-3», 220 ibs., good shape, very active, like ta play darts, camping, fIshing, caaking, no dependents, seeking same- one wha likes garage sales. AD# 1428 CONNECT WITH ME SWM, 26, 5,r, Eurapean, slim, dark hair, br. eyes, haping ta meet somnebody ta cannect with, enjoy bar scene, nights ln, long wal ks. laaking ta meet somebody & staft off as frends. AD# 1448 PROFESSIONAIL MALE SWMV, 26, 5V8,1150 ibs., br. hair, br. eyes, fit, attractive, seeking maies wha are fit, attractive, up ta35. ADN 1406 ALL AROUNO NICE GUY SWM, 20, 6V, long auburn hair, br. eyes, seeklng down ta earth waman*, 19-22, spanta- neous, energetic, sociable. 1 amn an ail araund nice guy who likes music & loves ta play hockey. ADN 1373 1 SPORTS a music SBM, 51, 5'7*, medium build, like ta meet sarneone who is interested ln sparts & music. COLLEGE STUDENT SWM, 20, college studont, like la dance & party. seeking sameone ta have fun wth who I can maIeauh & nmakerme laugh. AD# 1lm IRISH MALE SWM, 33, lrlsh, cameer otlented, well balanced lifestyle, 6'. 1901b.., no baggg, no -depen dents, lnterested linsoccer. ADN 1382 SWM, 6', br. hair, blue eyes, 2.18 lb..,loldng for someone to do stutf with & have a goad tîme. I enjoy biking, camping& movies. AD# 1379 SEEK FUN FEMALE SWM, 30, laoklng for a fun female who lîkes lo go swlmming, mavies, dancIngl, walks & galng ou! for dîner.A# 1387 OUTDOORS & MOVIES SWM, 30, 6', 150 Ibe., seeking n/smoking, easygalngfemale, 23-35 who laves the outdoars, mavies & having fun. AD# 1388 OUTOQOR ACTIVITES SWM, 62", 190 lbs., ong br. hair, br. eyes, gaod canversatianaIist, like outdaor activities, watching t.v., like to meet a nice, petite or lail, slim woman. AD# 1392 FUN & OUTGOING SWM, seeking someane wha is fn&ouansg for a possible long DISCRETE RELATiONSHIP. SWM, 35, professional, autgoing type of dguy, seeking special frlend & dicrete relationshlp. SETTLING DOWN SWM, enjay warking aut, out- do ors,.stayln'g home, seeking somneone who is interested in set- tling dawn & fun. AD# 1322 SPORTS 1ENTIIUSIAST SWM, sparts enthusiast, enJay walks on the lake & fine dining. Please give me a calI.AD# 1321 ATIRACIVE MALE SWM, '9», dark hair, dark eyes, attractive, muscular' body, seek- Ing attractive, long legged waman, 25-42 who la Interested in fun Urnes, friendship & passible eratc icmres. AD# 1354 CARING RELATIONSHIP SW:M,46,7,5l, selng s 5m e fem al e,3"0 + for ca 8n rel ao shlp Iv 1enJoy sp rts mve,& having8 fun. Chidren welcome Ser13ce M-- m- ý -0BrIUARY---ý-ý

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