Page, 4,,WhitPy Free,,Prçýs, )ednýday, Aupust 14, 199q6, Newv long -term Accsscentre dir.ectors appointed A board of diroctors ha. boon appointed for tho now AmCceCntre for tho Region of Durham. Heid i Shempp c OSflRS J Low Financing Aalbe 25 HIOpldS St., WhRWbyLIN 2Cl 4668-2252 686-1853 lo 8 M ne0 - s fi The contre will offor a singlo access point ta the. long-torm cmre sytem ini Durham Region. One telephon. caIl will get clients and their families the. Information and roferral service they require. Appointe.. ta the hourd 0f diroctors Include John Little of Boaverton, Victaria Earlo ofGoodwood, Ronald Kiteon of, Oshawa, Andy Baca of Port Perry, Garry Gannon of Whitby, BarbaraHi£emstra of Oshawa, Eric Hanna of Whitby, Bll Temple of Oshawa, David Sftingor of Whitby, J. Howard Danson of Port Penry, Douglas M. Hird ofWhitby and Richard Ficek of Oshawa. The aoees centre, erpected ta ho Up and runnlng by next Januany,, wlll Idecide which service providors It wants for communitie, in Durham Region, award contracta under an open competitive procees, and serve. as a cloaringhouse of information on other services available through long-term. cure facilitios, volunteer organizations and support services. 7%e centre will help families durlng Urnes of distress tao asfly gain acces ta any ,community-based long-term cars service they require.. s-vstem or testify iii court. (Juil 486-8477. ~fBROOKLI>NW Pebiso epresident'trucks F 1CANCER d n to st lo itm ~jIINFORMATION] o ain-t.f SERVICEo d ctm CALL By Mark ReSor - hon reededt» Montreal r~ ii 1 -800-263-6750 Ili presIient of i'ebbles- tons Multi-Services saw to it personally that donations for Quebec flood victims collected in Ashburn wsre safoly delivered. Donald W Welch left Wednesdaxy afternoon with one of hi. company's trac- tors,- pullinga 4&foot van trailer provided by Road Runners Equipment of Oshawa. "Ho took what was in the Burns (Preshyterian) Church in Ashburn and to pick up more -fôoodsâtuffs,9 cltigand furniture,» says Pebbestone general manager DougDavisn. Wel-ch made- another pC.k-up in St. Hubert so the trailer would, ho «ram-jam- puckod full, " says David- son. Ho dropped off part of hi. load in Chicoutimi "and they loaded me back up adaway I went ta St. Joan," Baye Welch, who returnod at noon Saturday. Mie situation i. stili bad there, ho says. that's right 'full of bathtubs, and cars and trees and roofs'and toilets and refri- gerators, -- really bad. The houses are wxped right out.... «They're wipod right out -the-y don't evon h ave a toothbrush.n Ho says they "needý everything- they've lost their house and their car and their kid's bicycle.» Although the people wore verygratoful for the dona- tion, Welch says ho'. dis- The communit responded guvernimern ecause theY made hum pay a fuel tax. "Hoers You-go, -you donate your timfe,, your fuel and everything and thon they charge you $45 ta got inta tho Province. «We phonod the head guy in the department and h.e said 'No no, that's the way it is.'»7 When ho tok hay ta, Mis- souri ta, help farmers hit by flooding thore, "Ever-y state just waved you' right through and were gKlad you wore doing it,» Welch notes. By Steve Leahy Residents of the flood-. damaged region ýof Quebec's Saguenay-Lac-St.Jean area have been overwhelmed by the gonerosity of Canadians in ternis of -the vol ume of donations they have reoeived. Our community response ha. been equally generous. Congratulations are due ta aIl the volunteers who helped organize the drive and ta, those who sorted and stored' the donations at Ashburn 'a Burns Church. DROP IN AND SAY HI frwin and Alissa Smith would like you ta drop by their place just north of Ashburn sometime before summor'. end. The Smiths have a lovely shaded patio right beside the. old -dairy barn. Before you get, the wmong idea, I should add that there arent any cows inside the barn any more. Instead there is8 a fruit press, large formonting tanks and hundrods of botules of fruit and grape wine. Yos, there i. an honest-to- goodnées commerciailwinery- in our own community. About a yoar ago the. Smiths held the official opening for their Ocala Orchards Farm Winory located west of HIEghway 12 just -north of Townline. Fruit wiflOs, including cherry, pear, strawberry and their spocialty, apple wines, 'have already won the Smiths several international awards. Ail of these wines are available for sale and for tasting right inside that century old dairy barn that ha. heen. beautifully id 1 17 .1 1 .i 1 i 1 i. .j 1 f t BROOKLIN PHARMACT[ Choosîng the Rîght Phar macy [Pharmacists who just fi Patients who frequent the : prescriptions*and send same pharmacy may feel jpeople on their way are secure in knowing that the Sbecoming a thing of the pharmacist maintains past. The role of the records and computer pharmacist is changing to programs which label EEencompass patient care and dangerous drug inter- j consultation. It is important actons. .When seeking a for patients to be able to pharmacist, patients should 4 -[trust a pharmiacist as well look for one who is willing to J1 as the pharmnacy. This is devofe time to dlscussing especially important when dwag related problemfs and paietsar pesribed health conoes. The Smore -than one drug availability of the pharmna Phrmacists, trained to-tune ics T oe into potentially dangerous the-counter) drugs is also dru combinations; can cail important. So'take time to 4 the physician and double- choose your pharmacy Scheck prescriptions wisely. renovated. Maniy older people tell the Smiths that thoy rememrber enijoying fruit wines 50 years ago but can't find them any more. Irwin maye there may ho one othor commercial fruit winemaker in the province and thero are' a few inh Quebec and in the U.S. -' Inx another surprising innovation, the Smiths have also planted several acre. of their 100-acre furmn with wine. grapes. successfully nursed them through our limate,. (cooler than the. Niagara Region),ta' produce Ocala', firat Chardonnay and Pinot- Noir One of the advantages of a smal winezy i. its fleibility. Whien onough Ocala visitors ask for othor types of -fruit wines, such as nhubarb or, elderberry, small batches can ho made, providing a good supply of tii. fruit can be found. Everyone is welcome ta drop by for a fre wine- tasting or ta spend an afternoon on -tii. patio. I, should caution those who delay their visit: two months after the- winory's grand Dponfing, last August, the entire inventory 0f 15,000 BAT DK Thoy eat haif their weight. 'in a single night, and much oftheïr diet la that menace of the evenin ous mosquidtoes.- rm talkng bts hero. There'. lot, -more ta bats than their reputations. For example, accordinïg -taý CoÇ.ttage Ià fo madizine-.thev uron't blind but do use, sound echoos ta find -thoir preyr in, the" ight.To learn' more about these useful and tatally harmlescreatures, spend an evening at 'the Ennieillen Conservation .Authority . Staff will lead visitors on, a night hike tanlght and ' evoninge. Withi luéc, hikors will get ta 500 somne bat. and learn about 1ýhow * these misunderstood mammals are really one of man's host friendi. The tour stuýrts at 8 pO.m. near ,^the barn area,' at Ennikillen ,Conservation Area- on Winchester Road east of Simcoe Street. oUCU FOTe easBLL oFor somae20 earts a bn h ofd bioys hae bend tosng i mod igsinthund Satrdy morningein he Wootbl MeesTouch Footbà allay LealdgforThew ague .away aookng fres ntheplaerswo foare aorsed lix tii. aeo stfobaluasandroretna Aspofr unand senly rageos fp5ayrs oera. antog rm 25oneta 50, although thore i5.onhad voeran wholay'sg65. i eagu SPte abgns in reffariSeptemerfa nd the5 regictation f..only $45.b Applaionfrormcanthor Returaned hefom Brot Rhestaurntr, teplazariat tne corner of. Lupin Driv an ighýw, Ws ty Sve Lealyscoltunn aPPea';V. e egy ýWeek., liHecanbe reached ati 655-4398' 0,7655-5888 (fax). -7-7- À= ; < 7 -- - - 1. ý - - - 7 -- topr By Sgt. KevIn Slaney Durham REgi!onal Poleo Crimestoppers and Dunham Reglonal Police are soelng the. publices* asistance ln -solvlngý a serlous assault that occurired in Oshawa on June 29. Around 2:15 a.m., the. complainant was walklng south on AlbertStroot near Athol Street whon ho was jumpod and beaten uncnsdou.'by a group of youths. The victim was hospitalized for six day. wlth injuries sustained in the Incident. Robbeiy appeorsta ho a motive in, the attack. The vlctlm saw two 0f the males, one doscrlbed as white and the. othor black. Crimestoppor. wiil pay a cash roward of up to *1,000 for any Information that leads ta an arrost In thi. Incident Calers will nover ho askod ta givo thoir name care 'l