Whitby Free Press, Wedesday, August 7, 1996, Page 5ý Nô> plans to close Whitby 's Consumers * By Miark Rteesor Consumera Distributing will, be closing stores to help. weather- its current financial difficulties but Whitby's outiet won't b. among them. "Asiong as they continue to operateI will ho here,» promises ~i Webster of the Whitby store. As owner/operator of one of only four franchised Con- sumera stores, "their finan- cial. problema really have nothing to do with us... as far as us being in any kind Of financial problems,» ho says. ConsumeraDistributing mIc. filed for court protec- tion from- creditora last week te give it time te work out a survival plan which includes closmng unprofi- table stores, cutting over- head and laying off em&loyees. so the company currently owes about l2«50 millioni, mncluding $86 million to a syndicat. of banks, some. $815 million to about 420 suppliera and.$20 million for operating expenses such as rent aud printiug. 'Mhat in tself has abso- lutely no effect on this store... (which) is not under any kiud of creclit watch or protection and la in good standing with its banka and -shareholders,» says Webster. "We have been serviuýg the. commuuity here i Whitby since 1987... and we have no plana on closing and we will continue te do the. beat we can under any coustrainta placed on us by Consulmerat service our cuatomers as we have. in thepast.» The- Whitby store is dependeut on Consmera for a'catalogue sand m'yen- tory he admits, "but I would ho extremely surpr- îsed if some sort of deal isn't worked outte at lest bring them through the fal season... «November anud Deoem- be r account for about half of the entire business for the year. .. and by operating throughf that, not onl3r are the vendora going to e bleh te clear out the inventory they have for that te, they'realoo going to be abl to pSrbablyensure the t alat sometin aco their other debts.g Suppliera have a big i- centive to me-the chý survive because of its huge sales volume, saya Webater, noting that ConsumeraI sellea more Timez watches. and jewelry, for example, than any other store Mi' Canada. Our Newest Addition... Stbeif B1ears D3ayb.erry'sl (Othier ltems Available: Gifis. Fine Clothing. Antiques, SFe-sh & Dried Flowers, & Other LovelyThings e"26r I Brock St. S. Whitby.* 666-8420 çI6rooklinI llage 'Shoppe fine lady' s clothiers Wine shop. opens WINEMAKERS Steve Fuller and Janet Cox pose with some of the many batches mixed.Up duning the grand opening of the Glass Act Wine Making shop. More than 200 different types of wines -are available; customers simply add the yeast and retum in four weeks to bottle their .wine. Photo by MarkReesor, Whltby Fiee Press Tellis 'distinguîshed' CGA Whitby resident Nelson Tellis, City of Oshawa treasurer, recently reoived the Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario's chapter distlngulshed service award. Each year the association recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional service to an association chapter. Tellis la one of 26 individuala in Ontario reognized this year.-, Telis has been active with the Durham chapter board since 1989, ho bas served as vice-chair and chapter chair. At the provincial level ho served on the member services comrittee., -the chapter comritteand .ts budget- subcommittee, the awards and honours' sub- committee, snd the Conféenpce '89 advisory In addition, te his CGA Outado activitiesi Teilaiý, iuvolved lu the comrnunity, serviug in a number of positions for various c om m u ni ty -bas9e d organizations, iucluding 9th Whltby Scouts. Telliis reoeived bis' CGA designation in 1982. Blockbuster ChidID at store The third annual Kid- print program is being held throughout, Auguat at Blockbïuster Video stores, icludiug the new one in" Whitby Chidren under age- 12 (accorned by parents) are videotaped and a "pasa- portt child saety,»" a writ- ten profile, la also made up for each child. Kidprint is fre. for those who briug their own VHS tape; those purchasing a idprint tp ttestore pay $3 ihProee oig to Chlld Flnd Canada.1 Blockbuster has made more than 10,000 Kidprints of children across Canada. ~~il about local busIness en page 8 cre TATAN &CONSTRUCTION free We Instal l n-Ground & ~yAbove-Ground Pools *Replacement Liners Decks & Fences Ait Your Home Renovation Needs Qver2O Yrs. Experienoe Residential *Commercial _ 90W5-6834017 Blaisdale Montessori Sehooli August 7th & 2Oth 365 Kingston. Rd., Pickering August8th, lSth, 22nd 403 Kingston Rd., Ajax August 2,1 st 545 Kingston Rd., Ajax St accepting applications 90568-505Ajix.905-509-5005 Pickering2 Math Language Computers Parent Groups Concerts Geography Picnids Summer Camps Practical Lite EXTRA'. CURRICULAR Ballet Karate, 7, - -777- M