Page 4,ý Whltby Free Press, Wednesday,,August 7, 1996 OBiTUARIE VeterinanCamMcay beganaial hositlin 1957 Calgary, Alta. In 1950, he graduated froni the Ontario Veterinary College, Winning -the Holstein Friesian Award'for proficiency mn cattle diseases. After graduation, lie worked for the Maple Cattie Breeders Association and in 1956 was resident veterinarian at the. Canada Packers Demonstration Farm at Maple, Ont. In 1957, Dr. MacKCay .Banker Horace Hiscox helped several charities Manager of the. Toronto. Doinon Bank in Whitby for 18 years, Horace James Hiscox died- at Whitby General Hospital on July 26, 1996. He was 90. A son of the. late Arthur and Ada Hiscox, ho was born in Birmingham, England on April 16,1906. Mr. Hiscox, wlio crossed the, Atlantic many times during bis hif. to visit England, came te Canada in the. mid-1920a and entered the- lumber and later the sho. buSiness. In 1926 lie joined the. Dominion Bank'at its iiead office in Toronto and worked in Chathiam, Woodstock and Orilla. He came te Whitby te become a manager of the. Dominion Bank here ini April 1951 , .fter servrng as manager at thi ewmarkLiet branch for thre. years..> Ho retir-ed from thieWhitby branch attii, end'of April, 1969, after a banking career of 43 years. I 1940 Mr. Hiscox enliated in the. Royal Canadian 'Artilezy and M"ved ftvyears 'as paymaster in the. Second Canadian Medium Regiment i Sicily, Italy and northwest Europe.1 -Mr. Hiscox was active in Whitby, as treasurer of the Roay Club, the Chamber of Comerc, the hIdustrial Commission' and several charities, including the. Canadian National Institut. for -the' Blind and the. Community Chest. He was a member of Royal Canadian Légion rancli 112 and auditor of Ail Saints' Anglican ChurchL Foilowing bis retirement from the, bank, Mr. Hiscox HORACE HISCOX worked for 20Oyears as a titi. smarclier for. Coath, Livingstone and Jolinston, of Whitby. Mr. Hiscox was married on June 4, 1945, in Hull,' England, te the formaerJôan Tarran, who survives him.- She was the recipient of the Peter Perry- Award as Whitby'si outstanding citizen Of 1986. He is also survived by sons, David (and bis wife Karen),' Robert (and bis Wife Lynne> and Andrew (and bhis wifge Deborah); and grandcliildren Jason, Steven, Jamie, Adam and Geoff-, many nieces and nepliews and 'Teddy." >On. daugliter, -Alison, brothers Edward and'Ericp and. sister Margaret died before bim. Mir. Hisco was at the. W.C. Town Funeral- Chapel, Whitby. Rev. Dr. Patrick White and Rev. Mark Kingiiam conducted the funeral service at AMl Saints' Anglican Churcii on July 30, 1996, foilowed by interment at Groveside Cemetery, Whitby. Holy Mass For the Faithful Deearted Weclnesclay, -August 14, 19(4 70pm >Resurrection Cernetery, Whitby Celebrant CemeteyIctd 355 TauntonRf'd., cast of Brock S t.(Hjwy #12).- ln even ate: Mau moveil to St. john the EvingeIit, 903 Gffarà Str, 1~tby ac1St. Mary of the People, 570 Marion Ave., Oahawa. For information contact th3e cemetery at (905) 668-8912 decided to go into a small animal practice and opened the MacKray Animal Hospital in Wbitby. Ho retired from active practice i 1986. Dr. MacKay was a former member of tii. Whitby ]Rotary Club, and was named The foumder of the MacKay Animal Clinic on Dundas Street East, Dr. Duncan Campbell (Cam) MacKay died on July 26, 1996. Bonin Oiwen Sound, Ont., lie saied on the. Great Laks from 1937 to 1941. He trained as a Plot i the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War Hl and served from 1942 to 1945 as a navigation instructor ini a Paul Harris Fellow, the higliest honour in Rotary. Ho was a Iongtime member of the choir of St. MarWe United Churcli, Whitby, and the. choir ofthe United Church of Christ at Port Orange, Florida. Cam MacKay was a member of the. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, the. Ontario Veterinary < Medical Association and the Toronto Academy of Veterinarans. %o was tii. first Canadian te, b. named Grand Most Wort. Master of Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity. Cam MaclKay is survved by bis wif., the. former' Beatrice Findlay, whom ho man'aed in 1941; son Çlayton (and bis vif. Mary Lynn); grandchildren David 'and Michael; brother Gordon (and bis wife. Betty), and sister Elizabeth Landers (and lier husband David). One son, David Edmund MacKay, and on. sister, Marion, died before him. .A memorial service was held at St. Mark's United Cliurchi Whitby, on Aug. 1., 1996,, folowed by creniation. fratemity. H e was fthe first Canadian namned Grand Most Worthy Master 0f the fratemnity. Katherie Tur an8k owne8d soefr6 er Owner of a- downtown Whitby business for 69 years, >Katherine Turansky died at Whitby General Hos3pital on July 29, 1996. She was 99. A daugiiter oftlie late Mr. and Mis. Michael Lotocki, she was born in'Czortkow, Poland, on Mardi 7, 1897. Corning te Whitbjy as a Young woman, s3he irt worked at the, Match Manufacturing Company (buckl, factory), but wanted te open a business of her own. In 1924 sh. purchased a store on Brock Street North, acrosa from, the Royal'Hotel,, at a Town ofWhitby tax sale, but had some diflEculty obtaining titi. te the property because sie was a «woma n not accompanied by lier hiiuband." ýTuransky' grocery and variety store was a popular gathering place and well- kkiown te several generations of Whitby residents. Mm, Turansky kept the store open from 8 a.m. te il p.m. seven days a week, and stihi spent a few liours ithe. s9tore escli week wiien ch. was over 90 Years old. Mer son Bernie became a partner ithe. store ini 1945, and operated it in morej recent years. Anotier son, Ralih, handled accountingj and ordering while Bernie Stafford Monuments, 3 S8 RudaS.E Whby 668&3552 AfetAur -4ffl0«'721-88,2 Hmesappanbii.uug1ay '-g. was bebind tliecounter. lu. the early days, Mrs. Turansky liad a gas pump in front of the store before service stations became a common siglit in Whitby. Although the store did not have a sign, everyone in tewn'knew whose store it was, and on Saturday niglits many of -the townmpeole would gather around the jpot- beilied steve in Turansky's Grooezy te discuss the affairs of the day. «Wlien you walk hit the big, stores, nobody sayrs anything, they juat'take'your money," siesad i a 1987 intervew. "We talk tô our customers sud giv e tliem the time of day. Tiiy 11ke that." Mms. Turansky supplied credit -te lier !customers KATHERINE TURANSKY, in a 1987 Free Press photo, )SI shown near the stove that was in her store since she opened in 1924. The'store neyer had. a sign, but was generily known as TuransWYs Grocery. during the lban yearsofthe Depression in the 1930., and people paid wiien they could afford te. Mis. Turansky saw tiat nobodyweniRiu ngry, during those years. During World War 1, Mrs. Turansky would liold s ocial bingos'in lier home adjacent te the. store, te raine funds for the' Red Cross because lier son -Bill was I the Royal Canadian Air Force. Mia.TurakY was an avid Toronto Maple Leafs'fan, and gave' free candies, te thie children of Whitby at lier store. I .1984, -on, the" 6Oti anniversary of the of lier store,, the, Town', of Whitby gave lier *a'plaque recognizing. the oldest business in tewn. hii' December ý1993,' Turansky'sGrocery cl6sed after beinÈ in businessfor 69 years. It was- a victim of the recessi »on sud. -hopping "Any new store that comes, in taXes- some *of our busiess," ch. said in a Free, Pros. interview in 1987. Tma surprised we're stili running." Mrm. Turansky > was married in Whitby ithe summner of 1915 te Joseph Turanshy, wlio died on April 19,1975. She is survived by sonsý Bibi (and bis wif. Dorothy), Ralpi and, Bernie (and bis wife Monica); ,daugiter Helen [,ckwood; 10 grandcbilden and 12 great-grandbidren- Mrs Turansky wasat the W.C. Town FuneralCliapel, WhitbY. Rev. Father Andrew MLcBth'conducted the Mans of Christian -Burial .at-St.ý John thi.e k, Roma Cathéliec Circh on, Aug.1: 1996, followed. by interment*, Lt' oau1 n émrnýv DR. DUNCAN. (Cam) MacKay (right), in a mid-1 950s photo is shown accepting an award recognizing his -four-year presidency of the Omnega- lau' Sigma