Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1996, p. 1

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Tjigers on the looseý Town continues i Whtby sign bylaw page 3 enfOrcementMe 3 Spruce closed, Rednien must another former mount comieback. hotel refurbished e8 mseres e1 CLE BROUGHTON Modiied calendar- school opens By Mark Reesor The firtat shooli Dur- harn Région to mun on a modified calendar year ucheduie opened its Idoors to 140 students yeatorday in mhé.-140 stuts wr greeted with' speeches and a ibon, cuttingandgve medallions when they arrn- yod at C.E. Broughtoïn Pub- licè School Tuoaday moring at 8:30 arn. mhe hours, will b. from 8:30 a.m. to, 3:30 pM., with lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm. at the school, which hLas been the subject of much controvorsy in the past year. Another. 130 rogular caiendar -studonts wil bgnattending tho niew «Tho building, which is stili being completed, is «everything that ,I could have droamed, of in a sechool," says. Broughton principal Jack.Smyka. "In my inmgnation I thought it waa fal>ulous -- it's evon botter -than that... I think'that as people go y the sehool and see that ies compiotod and iooking just sensational, they're going to b. enticed by that -- some that were maybe Sit- ting on the fonce iand wait- in Ke architect spoke to, prncipais of several schools tofinout what they liked about their buildings bofore drawing the. plans for Broughton, says Smyka, "and it's very evident that ho did tai k to people because itfs a vory effi- ciently pianned schooi.". Tho 140. modified stu- dents - down from 150 bocause of «monve-outs and other situations," 'says S8myka -- are uaing the haif of the school whih has boon flnished, which- in- -ludes regular claasrooms,' staff room and main office, while construction crews work to, complote the other half. That wing,- which in-1 cludes thoegM. library, art, Science anid kinorgaàrtenj rooms, is scheduied te be compioeted by Aug. 19, says Smya, andwill ho ready for ýuse whon tho regular1 calendar students begini 140 students, more next month Te~; bother dents, says._ Holdeup atWhltby drugstor <Cash and about $600 worth of narcotics were ste- ion in a rbeyFia evenmgatthedownow Guardilr~ Police sa aone maie- entored thoe 220 Dundas St. W. pharmac ehoriyafe 9 p.m., uiÎiedâ a blCk had gun.andg ordored the phar- macist and cierk into a waahroom. Ho thon took tho, phar- macist back mnto tho store rolce ay and domande ah.e gv mseveral types of naroi .Ho aiso took .a waa amount of money frm- the tili' and ,thetwo emloe' b~~k teg- thro n until he'Ieft, ol"y.-- Theywaited a short timé 'and thoýn caledpoi. The bandit fa, descrled as ýwhlte, around ,,fiWe fot six inches, -wearing a black knit skid maak, s unglasses, blue track pants with a red stripe down, the ieg, and a'whito P rostituti<on Charges, late' fiishwnt modified yoar stu- however, Smyka «W. can have gym classes outoide in the meantime -- that doean't present a problim for us at ail -- and art and science, we'll just coniduct those classes in regùlar clasa- rooma."< Students wiil spend the third week of' Auguat at Pickering n Museum ho adds, "so really it's only two weeks that were M- those temporary cassrooms.... «Bythetim wgoetback, the achool should Lo ready for full occupancy.»f An open h ousefore- lar-caiendar students is pianned for Aug. 28 and a welcoming ceremony for 'eve 1got some ,delight- fui plans prepared te bring the studentis together sud to weicome them in," Smyka promises. TAYLOR THOMPSON, escorted by his Sohool. Abc teacher, Amy Larue, was the first students wer student in the door yesterday ait the Another 130 opening of C.E. Broughton Public begin attend! Phiot Dllrhaln has 'real Canada People come from as far away as frap- s-ad Iraqte visit Durham, ..saysKen Cavanagh, president of the Tourism -Association' of Durham Reglon. Many want te aeethe 'roai Canada," ho says, not- ing te are, attracted by the, goodfishig sudothor outdoor activitios or smpi y want cheapeër accommod- tion than that offered closer te, Toronto. Ho Bayé othors are attracted by the Durham uidebook publlshod by -the trlbuted nert year at trade shows, onventions and other events and through Canadian embassies and trado missions.*inter- nationaliy. Aithough mapy tourists commng te Durham are day- trippers, the number stay- Mg orngt is mncreasing, ho notes. Cavsuagh says he's tirod of hoaring rosidents say there's- nothing te 'do lu Durham, -poùhing *te a Scttish famnily who wee planning te stay, two days and ended up staying 12.. Ho',poits 1o- numerous attractions such- as Culie n Gardons in Whitby, shop- pninPort Porry, visiting Parkwood Estate and the many muaeumns i Durham, flshiug on Lako Ontario, stroiiing the watorFont tral,' going te faire aud festivals art exhiitions the Bowmanville'Zoo sud Jungle Cat World i Orono -thc liat goos on, he says. Moroover, ho notes, tour- im doesn't dyup inu the winter, pointing te festivals' lu nPort Perry, and Whitby, and maple yrpfesâtival. "Any e ofteoyoar you can corne te Durham sud, thereWs alwaysa a'buuch.ôf stuffyou can do.", Tourism in 7 Durham is now a -.$300-million busi-, Ton people, inciuding two Dut 140 modified calendar Whitby îresidents, were t back to sohool yesterday. arrosted during' a police tradional year students wilI crackdown on prostitution- in ing the sohool Sept. 3. - downtown Oshawa Juiy 29- Io by M.rk Ree, WhIby Frm.Prou 31 The 10 range i nig from* 20 te 37 and were ail char- wihcmmunicating for After further ivsia tion, police also laidad- >tional, charges, including neas annualiy, ho says, sud -police sautand is oxzpectod to increase teof ro atindrocogni- $500- million a year iu the zance. next,10 years. lIn addition six warrants Cuilen Gardons, which werse ocuteA for failure te, ranked as the <Most popular appear Mu court, cbstructing destination, for tourigts te police4 theft aud communi- Durham Region i a sprvey catin -for the purposes of takon at six touriat infor- prositution. mation centres. laat year, is OPn., of the Whitby Juat. one of the bg attrac- aécused, a 37-year-old Rosa- tions, ho Bays. ]and ]Road woman, --was mee surmvey showod 118 éharged with obstructing people wore intereste<i in jstceobstrucehugpolice, seigtheo Whitby attrac- suad conumuiating for thé tion- on theirtp;2 pa- p v!osà of prostitution ned te ss - ç 5 nother, a à4-year-old wanted te visit the, %wzMt RÉo adwoman-, was manville Zoo aud 24 -Woro lWii muma1 ingobrotepurposos of Pro- SEEPAGJ?19 stitutlon.L -.1

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