=.Im.4.. Whitby Free Press,. Wednesday, AuguSt 7, 1996 , Page- 15- maintanspeewees' hold on firstlace The Whltby minor peewee Slect basebail team completed regular season play with a two-game sweep of Ajax. The sweep left Whitby with an unmatched record of 10 wins, a tie and a bass. Pitcher Spencer .Miler aftera shà Dine li a'y held Ajax ti only one- ru n Hass'ita a rht centre. Rysuaso Into the a Un der Ils Wjn 3adatepae e rpé aWib Whitby's under-il rep At a touruament in Ohio oisob l gfls socicer team had tre Sylvia Forbes and Smith whis and natie i 4, an amalAi-o Q-01-- ]plyi the Central Soccer 1ague. Frances DePalma, Lind- sey Giordano and Alicia Jlan scored ia 3-2 win over Pickering, Fr ances and Alicia scored in a 2-1 win over Oshawa; Katie Beattie Scored ina 1-l1tie with Scarboro ugh; M oncia Forbes, SylIvia Forbes, t Deana Smith« Krtisten Cavanaçh-and krin Routly scored in a 5-0 win over West Rouge. The team won the con- solation championship at a tournament in Newmarket. »M.lLrA u M a ; AU 1088 Strongsville, while Sylvia Forbes had two goals and Julian the other in a 3-0 win over another Strongs- ville teain. Whitby also played top- ranked Cincinnati (no score given).' Other members of the team, spqnsored by J. Mul- cahy Enerprise, are Là auren Dickenison, Danielle Smith Rachel Speare, Rachel Taylor, Kirsten .Walker, Melissa' Grahazu, Dianap Parker, Kelly Squires and coach Nigel Beattie. audi'tions The Oshawa Generals hockey club is booking for mndividuals who would like ta perform the national anthem at Generals' home games during the 1996-97 season. On Aug. 14, beginning at 10 a.m., -the club will hold audtons at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. Auditions are open to al acta (solo, aky start, retired irowlin hi. three rwork.- and Jeif solo homie run. trafied 4-3 going ieventh when a. for singers duets, quartets, etc.), regardless of experience, age or triniing. Individuals muet be able to performn in- front of crowds in exces of 3,000 People. Candidates are asked ta supply a current resumé at the time of audition. For more information, cail Generale? business manager Kelly Desjarlais at 433-0900. Curtis Pucirin double wlth the bases Ioaded mmde the score 6-4. Nicholas Bubela got the mv. for a 6-5 final. In game two, WMhy won 11-1 as Miller trlpled and Whitby men's rec. slo-pitch A IIINW L RF RA PeaOck8. 17 5 3W8 163 Lardabon. 15 S320 225 PrwmBat. 14 S 259 197 Do hns10 5 208 162 1oS . 1 7 285 190 GOUM 8,s 12 224 20W Grd GansVs12 7 249-101 Bearut. 9 10 195 180 Te S 10 230 243 47 12 183 2M8 "Ifflvam02 1U homered. Leadoff man Frank Clyke scored two runs, collected two bita and an, RBI. 'Wbitby mxd slo-pitýh- Aug.4-Tiigam. CharS . . asy% <8; Cm.y% GriIIiu» W. RES Asai Me Jnt.nan*--. L <dulauk); BMW cf Caadae.OMd" I.Pdnglasil;, SassYs W. Advmag. L; Bankar du Bandit 18. WMby lnn Ma"e13 W L TP Tub" atc. 12 5 1 25 BapuiS«& . 12 3 0 24 Sass 10',S0O020 en ~ 'GriI. 10 7 0 20 BmcèCm9 9 O 18 Whitty Inn- 7 0 1 15 Pdng.7 9 -0 14 Aao Zw> . 3 14 0O-S RES AsphM le16o e ~fBROOKLIN }g ' lLots' Quebec flood-victims Pebbleatonie Multi-Ser- vices of Whitby -is donating the.use of. a verhicle hi take food, 'cltihïg,7 furniture and toys collected b Ash- burn residents h Qube flood victime. A depo for donations was set'up _at Burns Pre- sberian hurch in Aà sh- burlaLst week and "w. had a eygood' resppnse » notes orgaînizer Pam Pas- mer, owner of the Ashburn General Store. "I was expecting lots and we got lots. 1 knew that people would pull together for this,."» she gays, adding that people--came from il ,over, Durham to ýmak., donatins. In fact voluntpers' had ta store some of *the items:ý outoide because. they rau' out of room in the c furch basement Palmer says. Sports. and art RECENT GRADUATES from the Ashbum Moms and Tots- program were (from -top left) Jesse Deriet, Rachelle Wht-Leslie Usher, -(front) Shawn Scott and Glenn Murray. Phot by Mat* Reesor. WhItb Free Prms By Steve Leahy Starting Aug. 19, Burns Church gets busy ag ain with the start of the Brooklin Optimist Club Suxnmer-&rt and Sports Camp. Please note the telephone number given July 24 in this columu was incorrect. Tosign your child up for the two week- long sessions of Aug. 19-23 and 26-30, phono 655-3786. ~-The program 18 open to 45 studeuts per week iu the Brooklin-Ashburn..Myrtle and surrounding areas. The cost is $60 per week for the first chid in a family and $30 per week for each additioual child. Artisas Emelie Reiart and Leslie' Grima wiil teach childreu -printmakring,. etching and painting while Chris Moxley co-ordinates the co-ed sports, aud games. Application forma are available at Brooklin Bulletin and 'Vldeo Image, 76 Baldwin St., BROORLIN BRANCH UNERUP With August already here - doesn't the aummer go fast - the Brooklin brauch library stili has another full month- of programs on Tuesdays and Weduesdays from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesdays are the. 'Favourites of Mnd Reading Club' hour and include movýies. Wedueadays offer different theme and activity. days for ail kcida ages four aud up. For more informnation, cli 655-3191. Brooklin's brand new park iu the uew subdivision will be cailed Optimist Park since the Optiniists have.formerly adopted it and put moneyý into the park so that a gzebo"could ho bùlt.' 'Aithougli open for limited use, the officiai opening ot the park won't be until Saturday, Sept. 7. Optimists are planning a.- hèck of a party, so kep tlat day open. More detailis to come. Bible school upcoming, There are stili s paces available in the' Brooôklin Commuuilty Vacation Bible School hi b. held Aug. 12 hi 16, 9 a.m., t omon, for students.in Grade 1 and St. Thomas Anglican: Church hosto thisar « school. To register, cîBey. SBROOKLUN PHARMACY..- e5 65 ALDWIN STr. - BROOKLiN LOB 100 905-655-3301 « What -do I do about. food poisoning. The usual treatment rice, noodies, Je-O, for food poisoning and frozen P'opsicles until. dlarrhea is bed rest and better and resume full diet plenty of fluids; preferably -gradually. Avoid milk> clear water or: fiat ginger' produots., For fluid and aie. Because of the risk of 'electrolyte replacement in dehydration, sufferers are severe diarrhea'use advised to drink clear "Gastrolyte".,You may use: fluids such as broth, medications such as. carbonated drinks -and "lmodiumu to slow clear tea (no milk) until diarrhea to reduoe bowel stomach cranips and spasms. Co*nsuIt your diarrhea subside. ýStick to pharm'acist.* * I - I Tiny grads 11,11l' don' t -d' a e for